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Creating Fear Of Cholesterol: Watch The Docuseries
January 4, 2019

Creating Fear of Cholesterol: Watch the Docuseries

The origin of the idea that cholesterol and saturated fat cause heart attacks is bizarre. It involves a US President and a former eel physiologist who put cigarettes in the US military K-rations and got millions of WWII soldiers addicted to tobacco.

What’s Dr. Cate Been Doing All This Time?
February 25, 2018

What’s Dr. Cate Been Doing All This Time?

If you’ve been wondering what’s up with Dr Cate, here’s a brief summary of what’s going on and where you can go to listen to Dr Cate discuss how low-carb, keto, Paleo and foodies can help their vegetarian and vegan friends optimize their health without changing teams.

Dr Cate Shanahan's List Of Good Fats And Bad Including The Hateful Eight
April 9, 2017

List of Good Fats and Oils versus Bad

This page was created to serve as a resource listing good fats and oils versus bad fats and oils. The goal is to serve as a clearinghouse for discussions around why a given fat or oil is good or bad for human health, and to include recommendations for the healthiest cooking practices.

Diet Increases IQ
April 2, 2017

Can a low-PUFA Diet Really Increase Your IQ?

Learn how your diet may be affecting your IQ. We used to think that our IQ was fixed based on our genetics. But now we know that just as our genes can change during our lives, so can our neurons.

Navigating Food Choices
March 22, 2017

Dr. Cate on: Navigating Food Choices

Dr. David Perlmutter invites Dr. Cate Shanahan on Empowering Neurologist again to answer this crucial question more fundamental to our health than “What should I eat today?” It’s something we grapple with daily, and how we answer that question can set the tone for how we feel for days, weeks, or months.

Walking Running With Plantar Fasciitis
March 21, 2017

Is Walking Safe with Plantar Fasciitis?

When active people get sore feet, the diagnosis is often plantar fasciitis and the prescription is often rest. This post describes how, if you have plantar fasciitis and are an active person, staying active might be more therapeutic than staying entirely off your feet.

Paternal Diet And Sperm Health
February 21, 2017

Birth Month and Autism Risk

An astute reader of Deep Nutrition points out the connection between holiday season indulgences in high carb and vegetable oil rich foods and increased risk of autism.

Kobe Bryant's Diet Philosphy
February 18, 2017

Vegetable Oil and Sugar Block Fat Burn and Mitochondrial Function

In 2017, mainstream medicine has taken giant step towards science backed advice. Meanwhile, sports nutrition still espouses that sugar is the best fuel for athletes, that low carb diets deplete glycogen stores, and that polyunsaturated fats are the healthy kind of fat.

Why Kobe Bryant Drinks Bone Broth
January 20, 2017

Dr. Cate on: Why Kobe Bryant Drinks Bone Broth

Abel James from Fat-Burning Man Podcast invites Dr. Cate Shanahan to the show where she shares how Gwyneth Paltrow and Kobe Bryant, big-time celebs hopping on the broth train. Dr. Cate also shares how we helped Dwight Howard conquer sugar addiction.

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