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Children's Health

The following articles include a mention of children’s health, healthy child, healthy baby or infant.

Infant Formula: How and Why to Make Your Own

Infant formula is 98% ultra-processed oil, sugar, and protein powder. Homemade infant formula can help a child thrive in many of the same ways as breast fed babies.

This ‘Handy’ Cough Medication Might Save You $400 to $28,000

Table of ContentsMore people get asthma as adults than ‘grow out’ of asthma they had as kids.Adults can get “cough variant” asthma even if they never had asthma as a kid.What does it mean to “grow out” of asthma?Don’t wait until you wheeze. Ask for a Rescue InhalerVisit your doctor for a prescription every year to…

Are Toxins Affecting Sexual Organ Size?

Shanna Swain, author of Countdown, makes some shocking claims about human genitalia and the future of the human race. She focuses on persistent environmental toxins, but there’s a more powerful factor that reproductive endocrinologists like Swain know little to nothing about.

Birth Month and Autism Risk

An astute reader of Deep Nutrition points out the connection between holiday season indulgences in high carb and vegetable oil rich foods and increased risk of autism.

Advantages of Breastfeeding: Formula Contains Aluminum!

Breastfeeding but thinking of quitting? If you worry about aluminum in vaccines, you may be surprised at how much aluminum is found in popular infant formulas.

The Miracle Moment: How to help an autistic child step into the world

Twenty years ago diabetes was assumed to be a genetic disorder. Now we understand that diabetes is a consequence of unhealthy diet and other lifestyle factors. Just as those of us physicians in the low-carb community currently use diet to prevent and even reverse diabetes and its complications, I believe we will soon see similar progress in treating and preventing autism.

How to be Beautiful: Care About Your Kids

This week I got a letter from a newlywed couple telling me how happy they were to learn the specific dietary changes they can make to better ensure the health of their future baby. Most people who read Deep Nutrition, I’m happy to say, wind up liking it. But every once in a while we get a hate mail or a negative review on Amazon explaining in explicit detail exactly why we should pack our bags and return to whatever corner of Hell we came from.

Kate Middleton Versus Pippa: Who is the more beautiful sister?

The headlines claim that Pippa might be even more beautiful than Kate. But based on her relative lack of dynamic symmetry, I have to predict that she is the less healthy of the two (all things in their diet being equal).

What is celiac disease? A recipe for recovery beyond gluten free.

New insights into the cause of guten intolerance can help those suffering from all food allergies recover faster.

The China Study: Does Avoiding Animal Protein in Pregnancy Help or Harm?

The China Study advises a vegan diet but author T. Colin Campbell also admits it cuts a woman’s hormone levels so low that it stunts growth, delays puberty, and leads to early menopause. Dr Cate advises caution for anyone on a vegan diet.

Brain-researchers seem to be misinterpreting their own data

Higher fat diets in pregnancy appears to benefit learning and immune system. Yet in spite of the evidence to the contrary the researchers concluded high-fat diets are harmful.

Is a Nature Deficit Depressing kids?

Worried you child may be depressed? Want to help them? Take them to a beautiful place outside. Nature heals.

Early Puberty: What does it mean for tomorrow’s women?

Abnormal sexual development from unclear cause, environmental changes suspected. According to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics, 1 in 10 girls in second and third grade, of Caucasian descent, showed stage 2 breast development (small mounds of tissue under the nipple area), which is considered the first sign of sexual maturation. This is…

Raw Milk-Why Mess With Udder Perfection?

If you’re lucky enough to live in a state where raw milk is available in stores and you don’t buy it, you are passing up a huge opportunity to improve your health immediately.

One more vital food source down the drain: The health effects of the BP oil spill

When I first saw those helicopter shots of red oil plumes staining the ocean, my only thought was: How could any animal survive in that? As a person who loves animals, this tragedy is too awful to think about. But as a doctor concerned with the prevention of human illness, I can’t help thinking about…

Humans as GMOs? New Vaccine Technology Alters our DNA

I am not a vaccine skeptic. I think that most of our vaccines are safe enough for widespread utilization as long as they don’t do anything stupid during the production process, like contaminate them with squalene or mercury which they often do.

Celebrity Album: Second Sibling Syndrome

Birth order and spacing may affect our looks more than we realize. Quite often, the most photogenic member of the family is the oldest, as seen in the celebrity sibling pairs shown here. While not a universal rule, this principle bears investigation.

Health After Healthcare

Have you lost your job and your insurance? Or is your employer cutting back on your benefits? Protecting your health naturally is better than health insurance. Learn how!

Perfect Health Is No Mystery

The healthiest diets all share four common food categories. And we call these categories the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. In the past, they were part of every successful human culture. This website explores the many benefits of those culinary traditions, and will help you learn to cook the same dishes and enjoy the same, delicious meals that the healthiest people on Earth all do.

Cholesterol Pills For Kids – Stop The Madness!

I went for a job interview and was told that if I failed to get my patients LDL levels down to 100 (with drugs) “someone will sit down and talk with you.”

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