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The American Heart Association (AHA) wants us to believe cholesterol causes heart disease, but that is untrue and the AHA does not deserve our trust, or our donations. If you want to be healthy, you need to know the truth about cholesterol and the AHA’s relationship with Procter & Gamble. My 3-part series on Cholesterol and the American Heart Association (scroll down) shows you what really causes heart attacks and how the AHA has suppressed the truth for over 70 years.

Other articles below highlight the harms of lowering cholesterol with drugs or diet.

Medscape Misleading Doctors About Statin Benefits for Breast Cancer

If you’re a health professional you should know that you can’t implicitly trust medical news outlets. They may be manipulating you!

Who Teaches Doctors About Cholesterol-lowering Drugs?

Did you know that the cut off for “high” cholesterol used to be nearly twice as high as it is today? The number considered low enough has had to shift downward multiple times. Cholesterol-lowering “targets” are lower today than ever before. And lately, heart attacks are increasing.

Video Library on Statin Harms and Controversy

Library of videos on statin harms and how the industry continues to suppress the truth about these cholesterol-lowering pills.

Cholesterol Pills (Statins) are Probably Really Bad for Your Brain

Dr. Cate gives you the peer-reviewed research revealing cholesterol pills are much more dangerous to your brain than doctors have been led to believe.

Cholesterol: What the American Heart Association is Hiding from You (Part 3)

In part 3 of this series exposing the truth about cholesterol I show you the documents the American Heart Association use to trick doctors into believing there is ample evidence linking cholesterol to heart disease.

Cholesterol: What the American Heart Association is Hiding from You (Part 2)

In Part 2 of this series we learn about a large human clinical trial that the American Heart Association leadership buried. This trial disproves the cholesterol theory of heart disease, shows that lower cholesterol correlates with greater death, and offers solid evidence that vegetable oils increase your risk of dying.

Cholesterol: What the American Heart Association is Hiding from You (Part 1)

Part 1 of my 3 article series explains that cholesterol is a nutrient and not the root cause of heart disease. The root cause is a chemical process called oxidation. After all, smoking doesn’t raise cholesterol. It causes oxidation.

PUFA-Project: Scientific References on Seed Oil Toxicity

Table of ContentsMission:Basic PrinciplesThe Excessive Seed Oil HypothesisHistorically adipose tissue contained a fraction of the PUFA found in adipose tissue today.Reference supporting the notion that excessive PUFA intake causes oxidative stressHow Seed Oils Lead to Obesity and Diabetes:Seed Oils Make You Crave Carbs, SugarHow Genetics Plays a Role: The Personal PUFA Threshold Concept.DOCUMENT NAVIGATION BAR…

Deep Nutrition

In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.

Can HDL Over 60 Protect You From Coronavirus?

If you are worried about coronavirus, you should be more worried about low cholesterol according to a new study that shows lower HDL and LDL predicts poor outcomes

Creating Fear of Cholesterol: Watch the Docuseries

The origin of the idea that cholesterol and saturated fat cause heart attacks is bizarre. It involves a US President and a former eel physiologist who put cigarettes in the US military K-rations and got millions of WWII soldiers addicted to tobacco.

Study Shows 100% Pre-Diabetes Remission With High Protein Diet

The first ever diet trial to 100% resolution of pre-diabetes with diet is neither low fat nor low carb. It’s high protein.

Statisticians Can Easily Mislead Doctors About Statin (or any) Drug Safety

Doctors don’t go to medical school to become expert at interpreting statistics. Yet most of the articles that tell us how safe drugs might be rely on complex statistical analyses that go far beyond what I learned in my one credit course on Statistics for Medical Practitioners.

Are eggs healthy or not?

There’s never been any credible evidence to support the idea that eating eggs is generally unhealthy. In fact, some evidence supports the opposite; that egg-eaters have lower cholesterol than non egg-eaters. I myself was surprised that it had been studied at all, because the results were not widely reported.

Cholesterol Is Good, The American Heart Association is Bad

Are you watching your cholesterol? Then you might be interested to read this story, describing the American Heart Association’s role in creating mass cholesterol-phobia, including evidence that they actively suppressed information that would have changed the course of medical history.

Heart Disease Reversal Program

Reverse Atherosclerosis, Prevent Heart Attacks, Clear Your Arteries!

Have you had a heart attack?

Do you have a stent?

Do cholesterol medications make you tired or forgetful?

Heart disease is a MANUFACTURED problem. You CAN reverse it.

High Cholesterol and Breast Cancer: Is there a connection?

Cholesterol is now blamed for breast cancer. Learn what the science quoted in the media actually says.

Deep Nutrition Made Simple: START HERE

As a doctor, I’ve discovered that most chronic conditions occur because two thirds of our calories come either toxic seed oils or blood sugar elevating carbohydrates and sweets. These are themain ingredients in junk food. But many products containing these same unhealthy ingredients are disguised as health foods.

Statin side effects: Almost universal and often missed.

One of the most distressing things about practicing medicine these days is the blind faith that most people, doctors and patients, have in cholesterol pills like Lipitor, Crestor, Vytorin, and Zocor, just to name a few of the most popular statin drugs available today. This faith comes not from gullibility, but from carefully crafted drug…

What is MRSA? Another Reason We Need Good Bacteria

Germs have been strategizing against the effects of antimicrobial agents from a variety of sources (including other microbes) for billions of years. So as far as bacteria are concerned, manmade antibiotics represent just another challenge, the most recent of a long series of biological puzzles to solve. Instead of killing good and bad bacteria (like MRSA) indiscriminately with antimicrobials, it makes more sense to support your immune system and the good bacteria who will fight off the bad guys for you!

Going Low-Carb too Fast May Trigger Thyroid Troubles and Hormone Imbalance

Some folks who’ve taken the Primal leap—particularly those who were previously on a high-carb diet—have been faced with unexpected side effects waving them back to the world of bread, sugary fruits and sweet potato casserole. Dr Cate discusses newly discovered thyronamine compounds that trigger a hibernation sydrome.

Is dairy paleo? Revising history with new persectives on flocks of goats, femur bones and feckless nutritionism

A few decades ago, people of Paleo were universally against dairy. Today, the attitude towards dairy is undergoing a transformation. Still, the official word on dairy is a luke-warm maybe rather than the resounding yes I think it deserves to be. I believe many of us can add dairy into our diet not just for good health, but also to more accurately reproduce a true Paleolithic era diet.

Giving Thanks to Your Low-Carb Ancestors: A Recipe for Brain Health

A lot of folks keen on losing weight have been convinced that a diet low in fat and protein and high in carbohydrates is the way to go. Seems intuitive, doesn’t it?: Don’t eat fat and you won’t get fat. That’s why, odds are, this year someone at your Thanksgiving table will be giving thanks…

What is celiac disease? A recipe for recovery beyond gluten free.

New insights into the cause of guten intolerance can help those suffering from all food allergies recover faster.

Heart Attack Proof Diet: A Recipe for Heart Disease?

CNN keeps airing “The Last Heart Attack,” in which Dr. Sanjay Gupta tells the story of how and why President Bill Clinton was put on a vegan diet by Dr. Dean Ornish, and how Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s #1 selling book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease echos the same dietary advice. As you know, reversing disease is…

Can Arterial Disease be Reversed?

The old model describes arteries as so many mechanical tubes that have no way to protect themselves from the inevitable clogging that comes from the consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat. The other, new model sees arteries as living dynamic tissue that, in the context of a healthy diet, is capable of growth, repair, and rising to the challenge of rigorous exercise.

How to Lose Omental Fat – Burning Off Belly Flab, PERMANENTLY

Learn how bad fats promote the buildup of stubborn fat around your intestines, and what you need to do, diet-wise, to start clearing it out.

If Your Doctor Recommends Against Vitamin D, Here’s Why

The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, which has recently tarnished its reputation by refusing to publish articles unfavorable to popular prescription drugs, is barreling forward this week with its anti-natural, anti-health approach to medicine in asserting that vitamin D should not be universally recommended for postmenopausal women with low levels of vitamin D, and stating…

How starting a low-cholesterol diet leads to weight gain

The advice to cut cholesterol almost always leads to eating more carbs, which increases triglyceride and often LDL levels, which leads to being placed on cholesterol pills, which can cause diabetes.

No more free lunch for doctors

I don’t actually know anyone who sees drug reps anymore. The programming by we are influenced these days is much harder for our patients to see—even reporters seem not to know to write about it. It’s called “Pay for Performance,” or P4P.

Who Should Get Vitamin D Testing?

We all know our skin makes vitamin D during sun exposure, so you’d think that most of us here in Hawaii would have plenty of vitamin D, right? Wrong. A study done on prototypical surfer-dudes in Honolulu, titled: Low Vitamin D Status Despite Abundant Sun Exposure (Binkely, 2007) found that, amazingly, more than half (51…

Statins and Heart Failure: A Deadly Mix?

If you have been diagnosed with heart failure, statin drugs, which most cardiologists will prescribe to you if your cholesterol levels are not where they recommend, may need to be stopped.

Health After Healthcare

Have you lost your job and your insurance? Or is your employer cutting back on your benefits? Protecting your health naturally is better than health insurance. Learn how!

Pay for Performance

90 percent of insurance plans pay doctors to prescribe drugs to manage your health according to guidelines. Is that a good idea?

Does Every Diabetic Really Need A Cholesterol Pill?

An important study was stopped early, for reasons they don’t explain. What has me worried is that the study appears to have stopped just as the death rates rose

Cholesterol Pills For Kids – Stop The Madness!

I went for a job interview and was told that if I failed to get my patients LDL levels down to 100 (with drugs) “someone will sit down and talk with you.”

The Lipid Cycle

If you were told your “bad” cholesterol is high, before you change your diet, it’s useful to know that in reality cholesterol particles are neither “good” nor “bad.”

More About Cholesterol Pills

Cholesterol pills can disrupt the function of every cell in your body in different ways, as described in this post, impairing brain, kidney, and heart hearth.

Cholesterol Pills – What You Haven’t Heard

You know cholesterol pills will lower your cholesterol. But do you know cholesterol pills don’t prevent heart attacks by lowering cholesterol? They work by what the pharmaceutical companies call “a pleitropic effect” meaning they have so many effects we can’t understand or predict them all. Isoprene: A Building Block for Cellular Health Cholesterol pills called…

Why go against the medical grain?

Here’s the story about what led me to first to question and then to condemn the theory that cholesterol causes heart disease.

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