Medscape Misleading Doctors About Statin Benefits for Breast Cancer
If you’re a health professional you should know that you can’t implicitly trust medical news outlets. They may be manipulating you!
Articles about specific foods.
If you’re a health professional you should know that you can’t implicitly trust medical news outlets. They may be manipulating you!
Olive Oil has a Low Smoke Point. Can you still cook with it? We’ve all heard a thousand times high smoke point oils like soy and canola are the oils of choice for cooking–especially high-heat cooking. This is a particular concern for professional chefs who typically cook with temperatures far higher than those used by a home cook. If the oils aren’t smoking that must mean, the thinking goes, that they are chemically stable. No smoke, no free radicals, no toxins. No problems. But I want you to set aside, for a moment, everything you’ve been told about smoke point…
Since avoiding seed oils has become a trend, the newest trend debunks the idea that we need to avoid them. This post debunks the debunkers.
You might think salt makes you bloated. It’s actually something else. We hear all the time that salt is bad for us. So my patients who notice swelling or bloating after eating salty junk food naturally assume salt caused their symptoms. But of all the ingredients in junk food, salt is the least likely to cause health problems. I grew up surrounded by messaging that salt was bad but I was always skeptical. Probably because my dad, a doctor, always snatched up the shaker and doused his food in salt before even tasting it. He’s done that his whole life,…
Did you know that the cut off for “high” cholesterol used to be nearly twice as high as it is today? The number considered low enough has had to shift downward multiple times. Cholesterol-lowering “targets” are lower today than ever before. And lately, heart attacks are increasing.
Breeding low fat animals has altered muscle metabolism, and contributed to flavorless meat for reasons that go way beyond the lack of fat.
Synthetic meat producers claim nutritional, ethical, and environmental benefits. The media often repeats the claims. Are they misleading us?
Do you feel weird after drinking flavored sparkling water on an empty stomach? Find out about the new leeway the natural flavor industry has to add drug-like compounds to our drinks. I’ll focus on a natural flavor called linalool.
People with lactose intolerance can actually enjoy many delicious types of dairy products. Find out what dairy products are naturally lactose free, what has the most lactose, and what strategies people are using to become more lactose tolerant.
Library of videos on statin harms and how the industry continues to suppress the truth about these cholesterol-lowering pills.
Find out why seed oils make sunburned skin more inflamed and how avoiding them protects your collagen and keeps you looking young
Toxicologist finds same toxins in French Fries cooked in seed oils and cigarettes. This may explain why fries are the most fattening food.
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
All the answers to your health questions about how seed oils are harmful to your health. And which vegetable oils and fats are good and which are bad.
Dr. Cate gives you the peer-reviewed research revealing cholesterol pills are much more dangerous to your brain than doctors have been led to believe.
Four of my best videos that explain how vegetable seed oils are the root cause behind conditions currently blamed on genetics and bad luck.
Kids need love—that goes without saying. But kids need good nutrition too, and that very often is left unsaid in the conversations over the USDA’s National school lunch program. Or, only raised as a follow-up after what it costs, who is paying, and its calorie content. Jesse Watters hosts a National news and talk show on FOX, and on Jan 28, 2022 at 7:40 or so EST I’ll be appearing to discuss what exactly is wrong with what we feed our kids, and who can we ask to do better. Interview HERE :
Soy lecithin is unavoidable in all but a few chocolates. How important is it to avoid? What are the best brands of chocolate?