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Himalayan Sea Salt Close Up For Salt Good Or Bad
April 20, 2024

Guilt by Association: Salt Is Not Even A Little Bad For Our Health

You might think salt makes you bloated. It’s actually something else. We hear all the time that salt is bad for us. So my patients who notice swelling or bloating after eating salty junk food naturally assume salt caused their symptoms. But of all the ingredients in junk food, salt is the least likely to cause health problems.  I grew up surrounded by messaging that salt was bad but I was always skeptical. Probably because my dad, a doctor, always snatched up the shaker and doused his food in salt before even tasting it. He’s done that his whole life,…

Controversial School Lunch
January 28, 2022

Dr. Cate Discusses Controversy Over School Lunch on Jesse Watters Primetime

Kids need love—that goes without saying. But kids need good nutrition too, and that very often is left unsaid in the conversations over the USDA’s National school lunch program. Or, only raised as a follow-up after what it costs, who is paying, and its calorie content. Jesse Watters hosts a National news and talk show on FOX, and on Jan 28, 2022 at 7:40 or so EST I’ll be appearing to discuss what exactly is wrong with what we feed our kids, and who can we ask to do better. Interview HERE : 

Valentine Chocolate In A Heart Shaped Box
January 10, 2022

Valentine Chocolate: Saying “I love you” Without Lecithin

Finding the Best (Healthiest) Chocolate for Your Valentine Unless your valentine is in the 10% minority of chocolate refusers, shopping for chocolate is in your February future. If you’re an ingredient reader, you’re going to run into lecithin. Lots of lecithin. Especially soy and sunflower lecithin. Many folks are wary of ingredients like lecithin. This article will discuss what it is, why its added, and what you need to know to find the best tasting and healthiest chocolate for the money. We’ll cover Is Dark Chocolate Healthier than Milk Chocolate? What Makes Expensive Chocolate Better than Cheap? Should I avoid…

Reverse Fatty Liver To Prevent Long Covid
April 3, 2021

Fatty Liver Promotes Long Covid (New Study)

New studies show fatty liver makes COVID not just deadly but also disabling by increasing the chance you’ll develop “long covid.” You can reverse fatty liver to prevent long Covid by avoiding seed oils, cutting soda and juice, and keeping alcohol under 4 drinks per week. Of the above three factors, the most important is avoiding the hateful 8 seed oils! Getting alcohol down to zero would be even better than cutting back to 4 drinks per week, so if you need to reverse fatty liver keep that in mind and pick your poison wisely. If you do not have…

PUFA Project
September 3, 2020

PUFA-Project: Scientific References on Seed Oil Toxicity

Mission: To promote consumer awareness of the evidence that PUFA overconsumption from seed oils that are wrongly promoted as healthy may be the underlying driver of most non-infectious diseases To increase health professionals’ awareness of the role of high-PUFA refined oils (The Hateful Eight) in driving non-infectious disease To support businesses that avoid seed oils and offer consumers healthy fats and oils (click here for products) To support global human nutrition and health by elevating culinary skills that wean us off seed oils Basic Principles PUFA stands for polyunsaturated fatty acid. PUFAs react with oxygen and deteriorate into toxins. Saturated…

Fats And Seed Oil Guide
April 9, 2017

List of Good Fats and Oils versus Bad

This page was created to serve as a resource listing good fats and oils versus bad fats and oils. The goal is to serve as a clearinghouse for discussions around why a given fat or oil is good or bad for human health, and to include recommendations for the healthiest cooking practices.

Kobe Bryant's Diet Philosphy
February 18, 2017

Vegetable Oil and Sugar Block Fat Burn and Mitochondrial Function

In 2017, mainstream medicine has taken giant step towards science backed advice. Meanwhile, sports nutrition still espouses that sugar is the best fuel for athletes, that low carb diets deplete glycogen stores, and that polyunsaturated fats are the healthy kind of fat.

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