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You finally found your food tribe...

Dispelling the nutrition science myths, misconceptions, and falsehoods
of the past for doctors, consumers, and pro athletes.

Dr. Cate Shanahan, M.D.


We believe every cell in our bodies is infused with Nature’s incredible intelligence and that a good doctor strives to work with that intelligence rather than against it.


Our mission is to disrupt the myths that have been keeping people sick for decades and to empower them to plug their bodies into the most powerful technology on earth—Nature.


We publish well-researched and meticulously executed information that is easy to obtain and consume, so you can finally learn the truth about the food you and your family eat.


How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health and How We Can Get It Back

“In plain language, Dr. Cate spells out the science that documents the dangers of seed oils, and her sensible advice guides the reader through all the misinformation and conflicting dogmas about how to eat. Dark Calories is an invitation to join the growing community of people invested in creating true health.”
—Andrew Weil, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Spontaneous Healing, Healthy Aging, and more

Dark Calories Book Cover 3D

For Those Seeking Relief

Learn directly from the leading metabolism expert
so you can finally experience lasting health...

Receive free tools! I use these in my own practice and as part of the programs described in Deep Nutrition and The FATBURN Fix.


“I like it. I think it’s good for everybody to eat this way because it prolongs our lives, and generations after us will be healthier because we eat healthy.”

-Dwight Howard

NBA player with the L.A. Lakers

Dwight Howard

As Seen On

Recent Articles

Here are the latest articles that we have published about food, medicine, and well-being.

Why do we get hangry?

Hangry is not normal hunger. Normal hunger is usually brought about by smelling food. It’s also common to feel normal hunger around our normal mealtimes because our digestive system has its own internal clock that keeps excellent track of time. (This is why your dog or cat always seems to know when it’s dinner o’clock.)…

Why My Magnesium Supplement of Choice is Magnesium Oxide

TLDR: I use and recommend Magnesium Oxide because it is more compact and easier to swallow. Also, being physically smaller, we only need to swallow a single pill. Studies claiming it doesn’t get absorbed are suspect. My approach to supplementation is minimal. I do recommend magnesium as well as a few other minerals and vitamins.…

Attention Keto Dieters: Seed Oil is Worse than Sugar

Fellow members of the keto community, keto dieters everywhere, we need to talk. I want to convince you that any amount of seed oils is way worse than small amounts of sugar. Ketones are not the miracle cure for all that ails us. A healthy metabolism is. The only reason we can’t see this is…

Medscape Misleading Doctors About Statin Benefits for Breast Cancer

If you’re a health professional you should know that you can’t implicitly trust medical news outlets. They may be manipulating you!

Low Smoke Point Olive Oil on High Heat–Is It Safe?

Olive Oil has a Low Smoke Point. Can you still cook with it? We’ve all heard a thousand times high smoke point oils like soy and canola are the oils of choice for cooking–especially high-heat cooking. This is a particular concern for professional chefs who typically cook with temperatures far higher than those used by…

Seed oil Toxicity: Trend or Truth?

Since avoiding seed oils has become a trend, the newest trend debunks the idea that we need to avoid them. This post debunks the debunkers.

Dr Cate's Books

Dr. Cate’s bestselling books are your ultimate guides to food and healing. They are a deep dive into Dr. Cate’s unique spin on health and wellness that you won’t find anywhere else.

Kobe Bryant

It helped. I feel great.

"It’s helped. I feel great."

Kobe Bryant
NBA baskeball player
megyn kelly

This has been life changing

"Let me tell you this has been life-changing. I have all of her books, in audible and ebooks! I have gotten rid of all the hateful 8 oils. I have trained my body to eat its own previously toxic body fat. Download that pod it's a game changer!"

Megyn Kelly
Jesse Watters

Life changing

Deep Nutrition changed my life.

Jesse Watters
Fox News Primetime host
Kent Matthes

The go-to for strength and conditioning coaches

Whenever I advise my clients about eating to perform I go straight to what I have learned from Dr. Cate. Her book Deep Nutrition has become the go-to for strength and conditioning coaches across the country.

Kent Matthes
Major League Baseball Agent with WME Sports
Ken D Berry

Dismantles the lie

Dr. Cate dismantles the lie that seed oils are healthy, which may the biggest lie about nutrition and health because it’s so insidious.  

Ken D Berry, MD
Author of Lies My Doctor Told Me
Dr. Drew Pinsky

She knows the chemistry

Dr. Cate alerts us to the harms of seed oils and she’s convincing because she knows the chemistry better than anyone.

Dr. Drew Pinskey, MD
Globally recognized internal medicine and addiction medicine specialist, media personality, LoveLine Host, and New York Times bestselling author
Kelly Starrett

No one is better at communicating nutritional truth

Dr. Cate has had the single greatest impact on how we talk to people about fueling for both performance or durability. While we all are a little unique, the foundational principles of human nutrition are immutable. If you are looking to create a more durable, resilient body, no one is better at communicating nutritional truth than Dr. Cate.

Dr. Kelly Starrett
Physiotherapist coach and New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author
Brian Lenkzes

Highly recommend The Fatburn Fix

Dr. Shanahan has had a significant impact on my practice of medicine. I am known as a Low Carb Doctor, but I never really appreciated the negative effects of processed seed oils on the health of my patients. I highly recommend The Fatburn Fix to my patients and have a loaner copy in my waiting room. It is amazing how quickly blood sugars and overall health improves with cutting seed oils. It is not just about the carbs!

Dr. Brian Lenkzes, MD
CEO of LowCarbMD San Diego, co-host of Low Carb MD Podcast and host of Life's Best Medicine Podcast
Chris Kaman

Respected in the sports world

Dr. Cate reordered my diet when I was with the L.A. Lakers, and the benefits, for me personally, were felt immediately and have served me to this day. I’ve come to take real food so seriously I started a small family farm. I know of no M.D./nutritionist more respected in the sports world than Dr. Cate Shanahan.

Chris Kaman
NBA Player
Mark Sisson

Brought seed oil issue front and center

Cate brought the seed oil issue front and center. Healthy fats matter. So much so that I created an entire product line to swap out bad fats with good.

Mark Sisson
Founding Father of the Primal/Paleo Movement
Dallas Hartwig

Optimal health starts with food

If you want to understand how optimal health starts with food, start with Dr. Cate. Her book Deep Nutrition leaves you with an appreciation of the profound relationship between our genes and the planet, inspiring us to be good shepherds of both.

Dallas Hartwig
Attribution author of The Whole 30
Dwight Howard

Helped me with endurance

Deep Nutrition really helped me with endurance. I started to feel better as a player. I was able to run more, I was able to be more active …and I just decided to keep going with it to this day.

Dwight Howard
NBA Player
Paul Grewal

Silver bullet for me

Dr Cate’s teachings helped me lose 60 pounds like it was nothing. It was like a silver bullet for me.

Paul Grewal, MD 
Dr Grewal Internal Medicine, MD, author of Genius Foods
Joesph Mercola

Radically improve your health…

Dr. Shanahan has provided a solid reference that deserves a place in the library of anyone who is seriously interested in nutrition. Her perspective on the vital role that healthy fat has in our diet is novel and, if implemented, can radically improve your health.

Dr. Joseph Mercola
Author of Fat for Fuel and Founder of
Dave Aspery

Pull up a chair…

I have based my work on the idea that getting the right kinds of healthy fats into your body and avoiding the worst fats is essential to optimal health. I've interviewed dozens of the world's top experts about this, and I know of no one who speaks more eloquently on this topic than Dr Cate. If she’s talking fats, pull up a chair. Take notes.

Dave Asprey
Author of the Bulletproof Diet
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