Anxiety and Depression
The following articles include a discussion or mention of anxiety and/or depression.
The Fats Making Us Sugar Addicts
If you want to get off sugar you need to know if your metabolism depends on it as a cellular fuel. Learn 11 common signs of metabolic sugar dependence, and why fixing your metabolism is the first step to controlling a sweet tooth.
Comedy Classes Can Have Serious Social Anxiety Benefits
It’s hard to be terrified when you’re laughing! With some training and practice, the principles of improv can be harnessed to help social anxiety sufferers enjoy lasting recovery
Advantages of Breastfeeding: Formula Contains Aluminum!
Breastfeeding but thinking of quitting? If you worry about aluminum in vaccines, you may be surprised at how much aluminum is found in popular infant formulas.
If Your Doctor Recommends Against Vitamin D, Here’s Why
The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, which has recently tarnished its reputation by refusing to publish articles unfavorable to popular prescription drugs, is barreling forward this week with its anti-natural, anti-health approach to medicine in asserting that vitamin D should not be universally recommended for postmenopausal women with low levels of vitamin D, and stating…
Brain-researchers seem to be misinterpreting their own data
Higher fat diets in pregnancy appears to benefit learning and immune system. Yet in spite of the evidence to the contrary the researchers concluded high-fat diets are harmful.
Is a Nature Deficit Depressing kids?
Worried you child may be depressed? Want to help them? Take them to a beautiful place outside. Nature heals.
One more vital food source down the drain: The health effects of the BP oil spill
When I first saw those helicopter shots of red oil plumes staining the ocean, my only thought was: How could any animal survive in that? As a person who loves animals, this tragedy is too awful to think about. But as a doctor concerned with the prevention of human illness, I can’t help thinking about…
Is Coffee Bad For Your Health?
Coffee: Friend or Foe? Coffee is one of the most popular breakfast items on the most popular diet (a Paleo Diet) menu. Indeed, I’ve read reports claiming that coffee has antioxidants that may prevent heart disease and other compounds that may help to prevent certain cancers. At the other end of the argument, many natural…
Pay for Performance
90 percent of insurance plans pay doctors to prescribe drugs to manage your health according to guidelines. Is that a good idea?
More About Cholesterol Pills
Cholesterol pills can disrupt the function of every cell in your body in different ways, as described in this post, impairing brain, kidney, and heart hearth.