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Pregnancy Diet

The following articles discuss Pregnancy Diet.

Birth Month and Autism Risk

An astute reader of Deep Nutrition points out the connection between holiday season indulgences in high carb and vegetable oil rich foods and increased risk of autism.

How to be Beautiful: Care About Your Kids

This week I got a letter from a newlywed couple telling me how happy they were to learn the specific dietary changes they can make to better ensure the health of their future baby. Most people who read Deep Nutrition, I’m happy to say, wind up liking it. But every once in a while we get a hate mail or a negative review on Amazon explaining in explicit detail exactly why we should pack our bags and return to whatever corner of Hell we came from.

Consider the Male Chin

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

Why Vegans and Primal-Paleo Dietary Types Should All Just Get Along

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors (we get an average of 1 credit hour of nutrition training) advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

The China Study: Does Avoiding Animal Protein in Pregnancy Help or Harm?

The China Study advises a vegan diet but author T. Colin Campbell also admits it cuts a woman’s hormone levels so low that it stunts growth, delays puberty, and leads to early menopause. Dr Cate advises caution for anyone on a vegan diet.

Brain-researchers seem to be misinterpreting their own data

Higher fat diets in pregnancy appears to benefit learning and immune system. Yet in spite of the evidence to the contrary the researchers concluded high-fat diets are harmful.

One more vital food source down the drain: The health effects of the BP oil spill

When I first saw those helicopter shots of red oil plumes staining the ocean, my only thought was: How could any animal survive in that? As a person who loves animals, this tragedy is too awful to think about. But as a doctor concerned with the prevention of human illness, I can’t help thinking about…

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