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Vaccine Safety

The following articles include a discussion or mention of vaccines or vaccine safety.

Which Covid Vaccine is Best?

Unrelenting brain fog. Disabling body aches for weeks after the fevers have cleared. Recurring daily headaches that make it hard to concentrate. Vertigo and tinnitus that you’ve never had before. If you’re young, healthy, eat well, and—especially important—have been avoiding vegetable oils, COVID is fairly mild. But when it’s not mild, it can hit hard.

What to Know About the Flu and Vaccine in 2020

The company I work for, ABC Fine Wine and Spirits, takes employee health seriously. We also take personal liberties very seriously and have never required employees to get flu shots. I was asked to review the pros and cons of flu shots and present this information to the ABC Family.

Hidden Metabolic Disorders Allow COVID-19 to Kill “Healthy” People

Table of ContentsGOOD NEWS! Physical copies of Deep Nutrition and The FATBURN Fix sold out from Amazon but ebooks and audiobooks are still available. Deep Nutrition is available from and The FATBURN Fix is available from Barnes and Noble. Food Rules is available in all formats on Amazon.This article coversWhy coronavirus is “like a flu”…

Advantages of Breastfeeding: Formula Contains Aluminum!

Breastfeeding but thinking of quitting? If you worry about aluminum in vaccines, you may be surprised at how much aluminum is found in popular infant formulas.

What is celiac disease? A recipe for recovery beyond gluten free.

New insights into the cause of guten intolerance can help those suffering from all food allergies recover faster.

FDA Officially Unconcerned that Crestor Causes Diabetes

Imagine a world where everyone is on powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs. Not just sick people. Everyone. Astra Zeneca has imagined it, and now they’re going to see their dream come true. On December 16, the FDA announced their approval of Astra Zeneca’s cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor for use in people without high cholesterol despite the fact that…

Humans as GMOs? New Vaccine Technology Alters our DNA

I am not a vaccine skeptic. I think that most of our vaccines are safe enough for widespread utilization as long as they don’t do anything stupid during the production process, like contaminate them with squalene or mercury which they often do.

Is the H1N1 flu vaccine safe?

The two big questions I’ve been getting about the flu this year are, Should I get the H1N1 vaccine? and Is the H1N1 flu as scary as people seem to be saying? Let’s start with the second question first. Is the N1H1 flu especially dangerous? The N1H1 swine flu virus is, like any other flu…

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