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The following articles include a mention of inflammation.

French Fries are the Least Healthy Fast Food, But Not Tallow Fries

Toxicologist finds same toxins in French Fries cooked in seed oils and cigarettes. This may explain why fries are the most fattening food.

Infant Formula: How and Why to Make Your Own

Infant formula is 98% ultra-processed oil, sugar, and protein powder. Homemade infant formula can help a child thrive in many of the same ways as breast fed babies.

This ‘Handy’ Cough Medication Might Save You $400 to $28,000

Table of ContentsMore people get asthma as adults than ‘grow out’ of asthma they had as kids.Adults can get “cough variant” asthma even if they never had asthma as a kid.What does it mean to “grow out” of asthma?Don’t wait until you wheeze. Ask for a Rescue InhalerVisit your doctor for a prescription every year to…

Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating

In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.

Deep Nutrition

In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.

Can HDL Over 60 Protect You From Coronavirus?

If you are worried about coronavirus, you should be more worried about low cholesterol according to a new study that shows lower HDL and LDL predicts poor outcomes

Dr. Cate Shanahan’s book: The FatBurn Fix

It’s not you that wants to overeat. It’s not you that doesn’t have the energy to exercise. It’s your metabolism. If you’ve gained and been unable to lose or lost and regained, it’s not lack of willpower. It’s lack of FATBURN.

Migraine Headache Diet Treatments that Work: Cut Your PUFA Consumption

Today’s post will review two very interesting articles using very different sounding but actually similar strategies to improve migraine pain, low-fat vegan, versus targeted omega-3/omega-6 rebalancing

Is Walking Safe with Plantar Fasciitis?

When active people get sore feet, the diagnosis is often plantar fasciitis and the prescription is often rest. This post describes how, if you have plantar fasciitis and are an active person, staying active might be more therapeutic than staying entirely off your feet.

Overeating is Bad for Mitochondria: Calories Count, PUFA Calories Count More

We often overlook the fact that simply overeating puts a stress on the system (and PUFA-rich seed oils are the worst). I think we should include a fourth macronutrient: time between meals. The longer you can go without a meal or a snack or a beverage other than water, the healthier your mitochondria will be.

Study: PUFA-Rich Soy Oil Promotes Obesity and Fatty Liver

American’s are now consuming 1000x more soy oil than we did 100 years ago. Soy oil promotes oxidative stress, which makes it more fattening than it’s caloric content would suggest.

Are You Pop Paleo or Deep Paleo? Read this to find out.

Table of ContentsTo be, or not to be, labeled Paleo: that is the question.I’m thrilled to have been invited to be a speaker. And I think it’s time I made one thing clear:Canola oil may be the farthest thing from Paleo ever invented.So are you Deep Paleo? Here’s the test:ADDENDUM A superficial understanding of the…

What Causes Gluten Intolerance?

The cause of gluten intolerance is not gluten. It’s immune system dysfunction. Learn why your immune system starts to go off track, and what you can do to right your immune system’s wrongs.

Advantages of Breastfeeding: Formula Contains Aluminum!

Breastfeeding but thinking of quitting? If you worry about aluminum in vaccines, you may be surprised at how much aluminum is found in popular infant formulas.

Canola Oil: The blob that ate butter, olive oil, coconut oil and peanut oil threatens American cuisine

Canola oil can constitute up to 1/3 of the calories in even a high-end restaurant meal, making your $50 plate a health hazard. Luke and I are on a campaign to get this trans-fat containing “neutral” oil out of restaurants. Take back the tables! Wouldn’t you love it if there were restaurants where people who care about their health could dine with confidence?

What is celiac disease? A recipe for recovery beyond gluten free.

New insights into the cause of guten intolerance can help those suffering from all food allergies recover faster.

Can Arterial Disease be Reversed?

The old model describes arteries as so many mechanical tubes that have no way to protect themselves from the inevitable clogging that comes from the consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat. The other, new model sees arteries as living dynamic tissue that, in the context of a healthy diet, is capable of growth, repair, and rising to the challenge of rigorous exercise.

In Spite of Constant Nagging, American’s Don’t Eat Greens

Little wonder people eat fewer veggies than starches and sweets. Even though we all know they’re great for us, they’re more expensive and making them taste their best requires time and the use of natural fats, which we keep hearing over and over are bad for us.

New Insights Into Alzheimer’s

If you have Alzheimer’s or even a family history of Alzheimer’s, your best bet is to treat your brain to a healthy, inflammation-fighting diet.

New Hope for Alzheimer’s?

According to a leading researcher of Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials, Dr. Paul Aisen (photo), our drugs don’t work because doctor’s like me are not prescribing them early enough. But I think doctors should not promote extended use of drugs without proven benefit.

Tiger Woods’ Concussion: What kind of recovery can he expect?

Tiger Woods recently had a single car accident–a nasty one. Reports say he was out for as long as six minutes when his wife found him. When a doctor hears that a patient has suffered a brain injury severe enough to alter consciousness, they get concerned. Loosing consciousness altogether suggests a significant insult to the…

What do all the healthiest diets have in common?

Table of ContentsMeat on the BoneOrgan MeatsFermented and Sprouted: Truly Live!Fresh: The Benefits of Raw FoodThere are many more benefits of Four Pillar Foods! French Paradox, Mediterranean Diet, Okinawa Diet…Oh my! How do you chose? You don’t have to choose, you can enjoy them all. All authentic cuisines the world over include foods that belong…

The Natural Way To Prevent or Reverse Cancer

We used to think a single cell of cancer was a death sentence. New research shows how a healthy immune system can eradicate cancer cells.

The Lipid Cycle

If you were told your “bad” cholesterol is high, before you change your diet, it’s useful to know that in reality cholesterol particles are neither “good” nor “bad.”

Why Grass-Fed Beef Better for All

Opt for grass-fed beef for its triple advantage – it provides an exceptional taste experience, nurtures your health with nutrient-rich content, and promotes the well-being of the animals by aligning with their natural diets. Let’s cherish every bite, knowing we’re making ethical, healthier choices.

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere

Look for vegetable oils on every label. They promote inflammation starting in the gut and extending into the arteries, nervous system, and everywhere else.

The Best Steak In Hawaii (is a weight loss aid)

Buying (and marinating) dry aged steak is the ultimate secret weapon to creating unforgettable steak dinners!

Salad Dressing: The Silent Killer

If your switch from fries to salads hasn’t helped you, it’s because you are pouring deadly trans fat onto those crispy, vitamin-rich greens.

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