Weight Loss
The following articles discuss various aspects of weight loss and fat burning strategies.
Why do we get hangry?
Table of ContentsHangry is not normal hunger.Hypoglycemia makes us hangry.My research suggests our unhealthy food supply is making us hangry.Related: Want to know if you’re insulin resistant? It’s a simple blood test you can ask your doctor to do.Medical science is not even paying attention to hangry.Discovering the Effects of Toxic Processed Seed Oils: The…
Chasing Body Ideals: The Role of Skeletal Proportion
We can’t all exercise our way into that ideal body shape. Some of us can, but many of us are limited by the geometry of our bones.
Fasting for Weight Loss: What Does the Science Say?
Is fasting more effective for weight loss than regular dieting and calorie counting? Dr. Cate reviews the most important studies and wraps with her recommendations based on 20 years of experience.
Insulin Resistance And Metabolic Health Testing Using HOMA-IR
If you struggle to lose weight you may feel like your metabolism is “slowing down.” But what’s really going on is your metabolism is breaking down. This is not normal aging, and it’s fixable. But you have to understand what’s broken if you want to fix it
How Eliminating Vegetable Oil (AKA the Hateful 8 Seed Oil) Helps Weight Loss
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
Dr. Cate on: How seed oils are slowing down your metabolism & ruining your health
Sarah Kleiner interviews Dr. Cate Shanahan to discuss how seed oils are slowing down your metabolism and ruining your health by contributing to rapid aging, insulin resistance, and mental health disorders. Dr. Cate also shares how we can fix what’s broken about our metabolism.
Can’t stay motivated? It might be your metabolism
Your ability to control cravings takes energy. Brain energy. But if you’ve been eating seed oils, they can deprive your brain of energy, hijacking your willpower.
PUFA-Project: Scientific References on Seed Oil Toxicity
Table of ContentsMission:Basic Principles: Refined, High-PUFA Oils Promote Oxiative Stress The Excessive Seed Oil HypothesisHistorically adipose tissue contained a fraction of the PUFA found in adipose tissue today.Reference supporting the notion that excessive PUFA intake causes oxidative stressHow Seed Oils Lead to Obesity and Diabetes:Seed Oils Make You Crave Carbs, SugarHow Genetics Plays a Role: The…
Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating
In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.
Deep Nutrition
In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.
The Hateful Eight: Enemy Fats That Destroy Your Health
Eliminating the eight high-PUFA seed oils that are overabundant in the food supply is the NUMBER ONE best thing you can do to help your immune system beat coronavirus. Here’s why.
Can HDL Over 60 Protect You From Coronavirus?
If you are worried about coronavirus, you should be more worried about low cholesterol according to a new study that shows lower HDL and LDL predicts poor outcomes
Dr. Cate Shanahan’s book: The FatBurn Fix
It’s not you that wants to overeat. It’s not you that doesn’t have the energy to exercise. It’s your metabolism. If you’ve gained and been unable to lose or lost and regained, it’s not lack of willpower. It’s lack of FATBURN.
Can a low-PUFA Diet Really Increase Your IQ?
Learn how your diet may be affecting your IQ. We used to think that our IQ was fixed based on our genetics. But now we know that just as our genes can change during our lives, so can our neurons.
Migraine Headache Diet Treatments that Work: Cut Your PUFA Consumption
Today’s post will review two very interesting articles using very different sounding but actually similar strategies to improve migraine pain, low-fat vegan, versus targeted omega-3/omega-6 rebalancing
Overeating is Bad for Mitochondria: Calories Count, PUFA Calories Count More
We often overlook the fact that simply overeating puts a stress on the system (and PUFA-rich seed oils are the worst). I think we should include a fourth macronutrient: time between meals. The longer you can go without a meal or a snack or a beverage other than water, the healthier your mitochondria will be.
Vegetable Oil and Sugar Block Fat Burn and Mitochondrial Function
In 2017, mainstream medicine has taken giant step towards science backed advice. Meanwhile, sports nutrition still espouses that sugar is the best fuel for athletes, that low carb diets deplete glycogen stores, and that polyunsaturated fats are the healthy kind of fat.
Study Shows 100% Pre-Diabetes Remission With High Protein Diet
The first ever diet trial to 100% resolution of pre-diabetes with diet is neither low fat nor low carb. It’s high protein.
Fat Adapted Athletes Perform Better (video interview)
In this interview, we discuss the science behind real food-based, low-carb diets and sports performance. Additionally, we discuss the Four Pillars (common findings) of all healthy human diets
New Deep Nutrition – Available NOW!
If you’ve followed this website for any length of time, you probably noticed I don’t do a lot of posting. It’s not that I don’t like to help you stay up to date on the latest nutrition news. It’s that I always prefer to put diet information into its larger context to tell the whole…
Study: PUFA-Rich Soy Oil Promotes Obesity and Fatty Liver
American’s are now consuming 1000x more soy oil than we did 100 years ago. Soy oil promotes oxidative stress, which makes it more fattening than it’s caloric content would suggest.
How Many Calories does Real Mayo Have?
Primal Blueprint recently started selling mayonnaise! So I’ve been eating a lot of mayo. And it dawned on me that my heaping teaspoons might be much bigger than the serving size that says 100 calories on the label. So I did a quick experiment to learn how many calories of mayo it takes to make canned tuna yummy.
Foods High in Fat are GOOD for You for These Five Reasons
It seems counterintuitive that we need to eat (natural) fats to burn fat, but we do. You are what you eat, but that’s not the whole story! Many people on a low-fat diet lose their ability to burn fat, though they can still store it very effectively.
For Fast, Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss, Avoid Empty Calories
The best way to lose weight is to avoid empty calories. But even nutrient-dense foods can, for some people, be converted to body fat. Dr Cate shares solutions.
Real Food Summit Controversies and Don’t-Miss Q&A
If you’re listening to Sean’s summit and are full of new questions, don’t miss your chance to quiz DrCate about anything real-food related, live on Sean’ s show Friday the 13th at 12 noon Pacific time. (Since it’s not safe to travel anyway, stay home and call in).
Real Food Summit, Low-Carb Contest Round Two, and More!
Sean Croxton has put together an amazing series of interviews and this summit offers you a chance to ask the experts questions, live! Plus, the Low-Carb Poop Out Contest continues with Round Two: More stories means more winners!
Got Fatigue from Low-Carb Diet?
Are you following a low carb diet and running into troubles? Learn the most common reasons cutting carbs causes fatigue and share your story to win autographed copies of Dr Cate’s books!
Canola Oil: The blob that ate butter, olive oil, coconut oil and peanut oil threatens American cuisine
Canola oil can constitute up to 1/3 of the calories in even a high-end restaurant meal, making your $50 plate a health hazard. Luke and I are on a campaign to get this trans-fat containing “neutral” oil out of restaurants. Take back the tables! Wouldn’t you love it if there were restaurants where people who care about their health could dine with confidence?
Going Low-Carb too Fast May Trigger Thyroid Troubles and Hormone Imbalance
Some folks who’ve taken the Primal leap—particularly those who were previously on a high-carb diet—have been faced with unexpected side effects waving them back to the world of bread, sugary fruits and sweet potato casserole. Dr Cate discusses newly discovered thyronamine compounds that trigger a hibernation sydrome.
How Your Diet Affects Hormones
The epidemic of obesity is also an epidemic of hormone malfunction, including thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone, cortisol, and more.
If you eat a Standard American Diet, not only are your fat-burn enzymes likely to be totally blocked, your hormonal systems fail to communicate properly and the effect is like a kind of accellerated aging.
Your 2012 Weight-Loss Resolution: Become a Better Fat Burner
If you are like most Americans, you’ve made plenty of weight loss resolutions over the years and failed to follow through. It’s probably not that you lack willpower; it’s that you never trained your body to burn fat.
What is the Paleo Diet?
The Paleo diet, also known as the Primal diet or the Ancestral diet, is a low-carb, high-protein diet that’s helping people all over the modernized world rid themselves of excess pounds and prescription medications. If you don’t have friends or relatives following a Paleo diet now, chances are you will very soon.
Giving Thanks to Your Low-Carb Ancestors: A Recipe for Brain Health
A lot of folks keen on losing weight have been convinced that a diet low in fat and protein and high in carbohydrates is the way to go. Seems intuitive, doesn’t it?: Don’t eat fat and you won’t get fat. That’s why, odds are, this year someone at your Thanksgiving table will be giving thanks…
Can Coconut Oil Help With Weight Loss (Part 2)
My latest post on coconut oil can help you determine if you should add coconut to you diet for weight loss, thyroid health, or other metabolism-optimizing purposes.
When Martians Attack Carbo-loading Could Spell Your Doom!
Whether you are a fitness guru, athlete, or recovering couch potato, a ketogenic diet can help you push your body farther and faster.
Anthony Bourdain Calls Fellow Celeb Chef “Dangerous”
In his interview with TV Guide, Bourdain said, “the worst, most dangerous person to America is clearly Paula Deen. She revels in unholy connections with evil corporations and she’s proud of the fact that her food is f—ing bad for you.”
As expected, most of the media response has focused on Paula Deen’s love of butter (as well as sugar and deep-fried foods). But they’re missing Bourdain’s larger point.
How Much Carbohydrate Do You Need to Eat Per Day?
We’ve all grown up equating sugar to energy, but new research suggests our bodies are engineered to run on fat…
Can Coconut Oil Help With Weight Loss?
Coconut oil provides lauric acid, which just may be the key that unblocks certain metabolic pathways often blocked by trans fat or excessive carb consumption
How to Lose Omental Fat – Burning Off Belly Flab, PERMANENTLY
Learn how bad fats promote the buildup of stubborn fat around your intestines, and what you need to do, diet-wise, to start clearing it out.
Weight Loss Basics
Healthy lasting weight loss depends on cutting carbs, switching out good fats for bad, and adding back missing elements. These ten steps provide a framework for you to adapt almost any other diet you already enjoy, from Paleo to Primal to Atkins to Vegetarian.
In Spite of Constant Nagging, American’s Don’t Eat Greens
Little wonder people eat fewer veggies than starches and sweets. Even though we all know they’re great for us, they’re more expensive and making them taste their best requires time and the use of natural fats, which we keep hearing over and over are bad for us.
Lose Belly Flab in Three Weeks!! (It can be done, and here’s why you should)
Big bellies bulge when a person’s diet is particularly bad. Belly flab is an important external sign of metabolic inflammation. According to new research, even thin people with a little bit of belly flab are looking at problems down the road. A study published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that relatively…
Who Should Get Vitamin D Testing?
We all know our skin makes vitamin D during sun exposure, so you’d think that most of us here in Hawaii would have plenty of vitamin D, right? Wrong. A study done on prototypical surfer-dudes in Honolulu, titled: Low Vitamin D Status Despite Abundant Sun Exposure (Binkely, 2007) found that, amazingly, more than half (51…
Beyond Calories – How Food Affects Your Body
If you read Good Calories, Bad Calories, you know carb make you gain weight beyond the calories. Learn about another food with the same effect.
Perfect Health Is No Mystery
The healthiest diets all share four common food categories. And we call these categories the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. In the past, they were part of every successful human culture. This website explores the many benefits of those culinary traditions, and will help you learn to cook the same dishes and enjoy the same, delicious meals that the healthiest people on Earth all do.
Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere
Look for vegetable oils on every label. They promote inflammation starting in the gut and extending into the arteries, nervous system, and everywhere else.
Meat: Is it really bad for your health?
Which is better for you, beef or chicken?
The answer depends on what the animals eat and how healthy they are
The Best Steak In Hawaii (is a weight loss aid)
Buying (and marinating) dry aged steak is the ultimate secret weapon to creating unforgettable steak dinners!