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Deep Nutrition Made Simple: START HERE
June 23, 2013

Deep Nutrition Made Simple: START HERE

As a doctor, I’ve discovered that most chronic conditions occur because two thirds of our calories come either toxic seed oils or blood sugar elevating carbohydrates and sweets. These are themain ingredients in junk food. But many products containing these same unhealthy ingredients are disguised as health foods.

Statin Side Effects
June 5, 2013

Statin side effects: Almost universal and often missed.

One of the most distressing things about practicing medicine these days is the blind faith that most people, doctors and patients, have in cholesterol pills like Lipitor, Crestor, Vytorin, and Zocor, just to name a few of the most popular statin drugs available today. This faith comes not from gullibility, but from carefully crafted drug company misdirection. Few realize that statins work differently than other drugs physicians prescribe for long-term use. Most drugs just block a receptor. Statins block a metabolic pathway, and this means they can alter every cell in your body in one way or another. What exactly…

BRCA Testing: Are The Medical Options Sensible?

BRCA testing: Are the medical options sensible?

Angelina Jolie’s medical choice was a brave one, and the decision to share it even braver. However it looks as though, if my sources are accurate, it appears there is little benefit, actually no benefit, to prophylactic mastectomy (prophylactic meaning to prevent ever developing cancer) over screening in terms of mortality. Was Jolie’s choice influenced by culture more than by the science? And will her decision spark of a conversation that moves us in a new direction?

Calcium Rich Foods
May 3, 2013

What are side effects of calcium supplements?

Recent evidence suggests that people taking calcium supplementation are more likely to develop heart attacks, strokes, kidney stones, and painful bone spurs affecting their soft tissues and joints. Learn why this would be and what you should do to keep your bones healthy and strong.

A Superficial Understanding Of The Paleo Diet Can Have You Running Into The Grip Of Powerfully Pro-inflammatory Main-ingredients
March 25, 2013

Are You Pop Paleo or Deep Paleo? Read this to find out.

A superficial understanding of the Paleo diet can have you running into the grip of powerfully pro-inflammatory toxic oils To be, or not to be, labeled Paleo: that is the question. Lately I’ve been given more opportunities to speak about the Paleo diet, which I take as a complement given that a) adapting a Paleo diet is a great alternative to the food pyramid and b) I mention the Paleo diet in my book Deep Nutrition exactly once. Nevertheless, when asked whether or not I’m a Paleo gal, I’ve always struggled to respond with full confidence. Am I Paleo? Turns…

Sports Nutrition Is Going Deep
January 27, 2013

Sports Nutrition is Going Deep

In addition to all their athletic accolades, Los Angeles Lakers may be on course to make sports nutrition history by ditching powder and processed in favor of whole foods.

July 12, 2012

Real Food Summit Controversies and Don’t-Miss Q&A

If you’re listening to Sean’s summit and are full of new questions, don’t miss your chance to quiz DrCate about anything real-food related, live on Sean’ s show Friday the 13th at 12 noon Pacific time. (Since it’s not safe to travel anyway, stay home and call in).

Low Carbing Makes Some People Tired, But The Answer Is Not Always Adding Back Carbs
June 15, 2012

Got Fatigue from Low-Carb Diet?

Are you following a low carb diet and running into troubles? Learn the most common reasons cutting carbs causes fatigue and share your story to win autographed copies of Dr Cate’s books!

What Causes Gluten Intolerance?
June 6, 2012

What Causes Gluten Intolerance?

The cause of gluten intolerance is not gluten. It’s immune system dysfunction. Learn why your immune system starts to go off track, and what you can do to right your immune system’s wrongs.

What Is MRSA? Another Reason We Need Good Bacteria

What is MRSA? Another Reason We Need Good Bacteria

Germs have been strategizing against the effects of antimicrobial agents from a variety of sources (including other microbes) for billions of years. So as far as bacteria are concerned, manmade antibiotics represent just another challenge, the most recent of a long series of biological puzzles to solve. Instead of killing good and bad bacteria (like MRSA) indiscriminately with antimicrobials, it makes more sense to support your immune system and the good bacteria who will fight off the bad guys for you!

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