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What’s Dr. Cate Been Doing All This Time?

Fear not, we’ll be back in action shortly bringing you more of our (we try anyway) high-quality content. Here’s a few things that have happened in the past little while.

  1. Moved to CT and got a job working for Western CT Health Network as a primary provider. Turns out lots of folks want to be able to see a doctor who can talk to them about nutrition. Met a lot of wonderful patients who are very knowledgable about diet and very, very nice.
  2. Started working on the next book. After 3 completely different proposals, each about 30 pages, we finally decided on the original proposal that Luke and I put together in 2015, a weight loss book! Who knew those were so popular.
  3. Found a house. Wow houses here are expensive. Fuel costs here are actually ten times what they were in Colorado. Taxes here are insane.
  4. Answered a lot of questions from Luke about why we moved to Connecticut.
  5. Met a lot of wonderful people who live in Connecticut.
  6. Worked some more on the next book.
  7. Out of the clear blue, got a call from the HR director of a pretty giant family owned company in Florida, ABC Fine Wines and Spirits, who was interested in consulting with me in some capacity.
  8. Worked some more on the next book.
  9. Got along great with all the folks at ABC and they actually created a position for me as their Director of Metabolic Health, and I will be starting in May! I am thrilled for the opportunity. It means my goals are in alignment with my employer, rather than at odds, as has been the case for the last 20 or so years of working in the hospital-based system. I am honored to be offered the chance to help this forward-thinking company and look forward to sharing more news in the coming months. I’ll be working remotely but will fly to FL from time to time–oh darn!
  10. Worked some more on the next book.
  11. The reason I’m writing this update today is to let you know about a summit I’m participating in, with Joyce Rockwood, C.C.H., Executive Producer of Plant-Based Champions! Stay tuned for details, including the answer to: Why would a plant-based health practitioner want folks to hear from Dr. Cate?
Click Image to Learn More About this FREE Event (opens in new tab)

I would also like to extend my thanks to you for being a part of the community. I look forward to your thoughts and comments about this event!

With over two decades of clinical experience and expertise in genetic and biochemical research, Dr. Cate can help you to reverse metabolic disease and reshape your body.

Please note: Please do not share personal medical information in a comment on our posts. It will be deleted due to HIPAA regulations.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Hi, Cate … Well, I see you have been very busy ! I sent you an email on Wed., and was wondering if all was ok because I had not heard from you…. but I guess I know the answer !
    This is the email text:
    “Cate…I pulled your book out to show a client a piece about oils.
    I just wanted to tell you that your DEEP NUTRITION is a key component of my fitness / nutrition library.
    I don’t know if you recall our phone conversation of about a year ago about the safflower oil “diet sensation” that was rage at the time.
    I also will be eternally grateful to you for turning me on to Gerhardt Spiteller”s work.
    I miss seeing posts from you on our low carb / high fat group email…
    Anyway, I was thinking about you, and hope all is going well. “

    Cate … You were in CT. (my old home state … Torrington and Harwinton) when we spoke last year. I wonder if you have met another of our low-carb network members, Charlie Cavo. Years ago, Charlie changed his whole practice over to nutrition, and now runs a thriving low-carb practice in New Britain. called POUNDS TRANSFORMATION.
    Anyway, Cate, I’m happy that things are going so well with you, and would enjoy hearing from you …

  2. This was actually the second edition. The first came out in 2009. Maybe a 3rd but am working on a different book right now, the FatBurn Fix, about how to burn fat for weight loss and it’s many many other benefits.

  3. HI Susan, yes indeed feel free to post questions especially if of a general interest nature 🙂 and thank you for being understanding !!

  4. Hey Dr. Cate! As one of your Connecticut patients, I’m really going to miss you! I hope that I can use this site to keep up with you and maybe ask a question or two. Good luck with your new position. After we chatted about it at my last visit I could plainly see why you took an opportunity like that. With best wishes, Susan P.

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