Low Carb Diet
The following articles include a discussion of a low carb diet. In some cases, it is a mention about low carb eating inside a broader topic.
Calorie free sweetener erythritol may clot blood in high risk adults
Is the calorie-free sweetener erythritol safe? The FDA did not evaluate long-term use, and new research suggests it may cause blood clots in people with high blood pressure and other risk factors.
How Eliminating Vegetable Oil (AKA the Hateful 8 Seed Oil) Helps Weight Loss
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating
In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.
Deep Nutrition
In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.
Hidden Metabolic Disorders Allow COVID-19 to Kill “Healthy” People
Table of ContentsGOOD NEWS! Physical copies of Deep Nutrition and The FATBURN Fix sold out from Amazon but ebooks and audiobooks are still available. Deep Nutrition is available from BooksAMillion.com and The FATBURN Fix is available from Barnes and Noble. Food Rules is available in all formats on Amazon.This article coversWhy coronavirus is “like a flu”…
Dr. Cate Shanahan’s book: The FatBurn Fix
It’s not you that wants to overeat. It’s not you that doesn’t have the energy to exercise. It’s your metabolism. If you’ve gained and been unable to lose or lost and regained, it’s not lack of willpower. It’s lack of FATBURN.
Can a low-PUFA Diet Really Increase Your IQ?
Learn how your diet may be affecting your IQ. We used to think that our IQ was fixed based on our genetics. But now we know that just as our genes can change during our lives, so can our neurons.
Overeating is Bad for Mitochondria: Calories Count, PUFA Calories Count More
We often overlook the fact that simply overeating puts a stress on the system (and PUFA-rich seed oils are the worst). I think we should include a fourth macronutrient: time between meals. The longer you can go without a meal or a snack or a beverage other than water, the healthier your mitochondria will be.
Vegetable Oil and Sugar Block Fat Burn and Mitochondrial Function
In 2017, mainstream medicine has taken giant step towards science backed advice. Meanwhile, sports nutrition still espouses that sugar is the best fuel for athletes, that low carb diets deplete glycogen stores, and that polyunsaturated fats are the healthy kind of fat.
Study Shows 100% Pre-Diabetes Remission With High Protein Diet
The first ever diet trial to 100% resolution of pre-diabetes with diet is neither low fat nor low carb. It’s high protein.
Fat Adapted Athletes Perform Better (video interview)
In this interview, we discuss the science behind real food-based, low-carb diets and sports performance. Additionally, we discuss the Four Pillars (common findings) of all healthy human diets
Cholesterol Is Good, The American Heart Association is Bad
Are you watching your cholesterol? Then you might be interested to read this story, describing the American Heart Association’s role in creating mass cholesterol-phobia, including evidence that they actively suppressed information that would have changed the course of medical history.
Paleo Diet Basics Part Two: Points of Contention
Today’s post is designed to air out some of the points of contention about Paleo, to best assure your Paleo plans result in you enjoying the success you are hoping for.
Deep Nutrition Made Simple: START HERE
As a doctor, I’ve discovered that most chronic conditions occur because two thirds of our calories come either toxic seed oils or blood sugar elevating carbohydrates and sweets. These are themain ingredients in junk food. But many products containing these same unhealthy ingredients are disguised as health foods.
For Fast, Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss, Avoid Empty Calories
The best way to lose weight is to avoid empty calories. But even nutrient-dense foods can, for some people, be converted to body fat. Dr Cate shares solutions.
Real Food Summit, Low-Carb Contest Round Two, and More!
Sean Croxton has put together an amazing series of interviews and this summit offers you a chance to ask the experts questions, live! Plus, the Low-Carb Poop Out Contest continues with Round Two: More stories means more winners!
Got Fatigue from Low-Carb Diet?
Are you following a low carb diet and running into troubles? Learn the most common reasons cutting carbs causes fatigue and share your story to win autographed copies of Dr Cate’s books!
Going Low-Carb too Fast May Trigger Thyroid Troubles and Hormone Imbalance
Some folks who’ve taken the Primal leap—particularly those who were previously on a high-carb diet—have been faced with unexpected side effects waving them back to the world of bread, sugary fruits and sweet potato casserole. Dr Cate discusses newly discovered thyronamine compounds that trigger a hibernation sydrome.
Your 2012 Weight-Loss Resolution: Become a Better Fat Burner
If you are like most Americans, you’ve made plenty of weight loss resolutions over the years and failed to follow through. It’s probably not that you lack willpower; it’s that you never trained your body to burn fat.
Giving Thanks to Your Low-Carb Ancestors: A Recipe for Brain Health
A lot of folks keen on losing weight have been convinced that a diet low in fat and protein and high in carbohydrates is the way to go. Seems intuitive, doesn’t it?: Don’t eat fat and you won’t get fat. That’s why, odds are, this year someone at your Thanksgiving table will be giving thanks…
Statin Side Effects Slowing You Down? Why your doctor may not be able to help.
When insurance companies pay doctors based on their prescribing patterns, you may not be told about potential medication side effects. This is particularly true when it comes to side effects of cholesterol medications called statins.
When Martians Attack Carbo-loading Could Spell Your Doom!
Whether you are a fitness guru, athlete, or recovering couch potato, a ketogenic diet can help you push your body farther and faster.
Zucchini No-Pasta low-carb Lasagne
For gardeners — and gardener’s neighbors — coping with the mid summer zucchini run, you may think you’ve got too much zucchini until you’ve tried this delicious no-noodle, low-carb optionally vegetarian lasagne. (Just skip the pepperoni if you’d prefer the vegetarian version.) We ate this low-carb lasagne as a side with baked chicken, actually we…
How Much Carbohydrate Do You Need to Eat Per Day?
We’ve all grown up equating sugar to energy, but new research suggests our bodies are engineered to run on fat…
Weight Loss Basics
Healthy lasting weight loss depends on cutting carbs, switching out good fats for bad, and adding back missing elements. These ten steps provide a framework for you to adapt almost any other diet you already enjoy, from Paleo to Primal to Atkins to Vegetarian.
In Spite of Constant Nagging, American’s Don’t Eat Greens
Little wonder people eat fewer veggies than starches and sweets. Even though we all know they’re great for us, they’re more expensive and making them taste their best requires time and the use of natural fats, which we keep hearing over and over are bad for us.
How starting a low-cholesterol diet leads to weight gain
The advice to cut cholesterol almost always leads to eating more carbs, which increases triglyceride and often LDL levels, which leads to being placed on cholesterol pills, which can cause diabetes.
If diabetes medications make you tired, read this:
If you have diabetes, fatigue may be a sign that your medication dosages may bee too high and you are at risk of dying from fatal arrhythmia. If your medications make you tired, schedule an urgent visit with your doctor and bring the reference I cite at the bottom of the article so they are up to date.
Low Carb Diets Reduce Blood Pressure
A new study suggests Dr. Atkins was right: A high carb diet is not a healthy diet, and cutting carbs trims more than just your waistline. While both low-carb and low-fat diets can help you loose weight, Duke University’s well-designed study makes it pretty clear that if you want to reduce your weight and your pressure, a…