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Are Products With Soy Lecithin Safe To Eat? (Like Chocolate & Ice Cream)
February 23, 2020

Are Products with Soy Lecithin Safe to Eat? (Like Chocolate & Ice Cream)

Page Content: What is Lecithin and why is it in so many foods? Is soy lecithin bad (high PUFA)? What about Sunflower? Everything that applies to SOY lecithin also applies to SUNFLOWER lecithin How much soy lecithin is there in chocolate, ice cream and other products? Should I avoid chocolate or other foods that contain soy lecithin? What about other problems with soy like GMOs and phytoestrogens? If you’ve been reading labels lately, you might have noticed soy lecithin showing up on the ingredients list. If you haven’t, take a look the next time you buy prepared foods like chocolate,…

Creating Fear Of Cholesterol: Watch The Docuseries
January 4, 2019

Creating Fear of Cholesterol: Watch the Docuseries

The origin of the idea that cholesterol and saturated fat cause heart attacks is bizarre. It involves a US President and a former eel physiologist who put cigarettes in the US military K-rations and got millions of WWII soldiers addicted to tobacco.

Diet Increases IQ
April 2, 2017

Can a low-PUFA Diet Really Increase Your IQ?

Learn how your diet may be affecting your IQ. We used to think that our IQ was fixed based on our genetics. But now we know that just as our genes can change during our lives, so can our neurons.

Walking Running With Plantar Fasciitis
March 21, 2017

Is Walking Safe with Plantar Fasciitis?

When active people get sore feet, the diagnosis is often plantar fasciitis and the prescription is often rest. This post describes how, if you have plantar fasciitis and are an active person, staying active might be more therapeutic than staying entirely off your feet.

Paternal Diet And Sperm Health
February 21, 2017

Birth Month and Autism Risk

An astute reader of Deep Nutrition points out the connection between holiday season indulgences in high carb and vegetable oil rich foods and increased risk of autism.

Are Eggs Healthy Or Not?
December 10, 2016

Are eggs healthy or not?

There’s never been any credible evidence to support the idea that eating eggs is generally unhealthy. In fact, some evidence supports the opposite; that egg-eaters have lower cholesterol than non egg-eaters. I myself was surprised that it had been studied at all, because the results were not widely reported.

American Heart Association Promotes Vegetable Oil
December 3, 2016

Cholesterol Is Good, The American Heart Association is Bad

Are you watching your cholesterol? Then you might be interested to read this story, describing the American Heart Association’s role in creating mass cholesterol-phobia, including evidence that they actively suppressed information that would have changed the course of medical history.

November 9, 2016

Natural Cure for Breast Pain

If you’ve had bothersome breast pain that’s been diagnosed as nothing serious and are now wanting to know what to do about it, this article is for you. This article will address what you can do to alleviate the two most common causes of benign breast pain: Cyclic breast pain occurring around your period. Cyclic pain due to the natural response of the milk-making glands to hormone changes that signal you didn’t conceive and so its now time to reabsorb all that specialized cellular machinery. It’s a complex process and sometimes it hurts. Fortunately, the pain usually goes away after a week or…

You Can Reverse Heart Disease Naturally
May 11, 2016

Heart Disease Reversal Program

Reverse Atherosclerosis, Prevent Heart Attacks, Clear Your Arteries!

Have you had a heart attack?

Do you have a stent?

Do cholesterol medications make you tired or forgetful?

Heart disease is a MANUFACTURED problem. You CAN reverse it.

Confounding The Truth About Seed Oils
November 29, 2015

Confounding the truth about seed oils

If you are someone with heart disease, or are at risk for heart disease or simply want to make the right nutritional choices, this article will help you understand how statisticians have misled us into being afraid of natural saturated fats, and fats in general.

We All Know Mayo Is A High Calorie Food, So How Many Calories Are In A Serving?
July 19, 2015

How Many Calories does Real Mayo Have?

Primal Blueprint recently started selling mayonnaise! So I’ve been eating a lot of mayo. And it dawned on me that my heaping teaspoons might be much bigger than the serving size that says 100 calories on the label. So I did a quick experiment to learn how many calories of mayo it takes to make canned tuna yummy.

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