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Calcium Rich Foods
May 3, 2013

What are side effects of calcium supplements?

Recent evidence suggests that people taking calcium supplementation are more likely to develop heart attacks, strokes, kidney stones, and painful bone spurs affecting their soft tissues and joints. Learn why this would be and what you should do to keep your bones healthy and strong.
A Superficial Understanding Of The Paleo Diet Can Have You Running Into The Grip Of Powerfully Pro-inflammatory Main-ingredients
March 25, 2013

Are You Pop Paleo or Deep Paleo? Read this to find out.

A superficial understanding of the Paleo diet can have you running into the grip of powerfully pro-inflammatory toxic oils To be, or not to be, labeled Paleo: that is the question. Lately I've been given more opportunities to speak about the Paleo diet, which I take as a complement given that a) adapting a Paleo diet is a great alternative to the food pyramid and b) I mention the Paleo diet in my book Deep Nutrition exactly once. Nevertheless, when asked whether or not I'm a Paleo gal, I've always struggled to respond with full confidence. Am I Paleo? Turns…

What Causes Gluten Intolerance?
June 6, 2012

What Causes Gluten Intolerance?

The cause of gluten intolerance is not gluten. It's immune system dysfunction. Learn why your immune system starts to go off track, and what you can do to right your immune system's wrongs.
What Is MRSA? Another Reason We Need Good Bacteria

What is MRSA? Another Reason We Need Good Bacteria

Germs have been strategizing against the effects of antimicrobial agents from a variety of sources (including other microbes) for billions of years. So as far as bacteria are concerned, manmade antibiotics represent just another challenge, the most recent of a long series of biological puzzles to solve. Instead of killing good and bad bacteria (like MRSA) indiscriminately with antimicrobials, it makes more sense to support your immune system and the good bacteria who will fight off the bad guys for you!
Canola Oil
March 29, 2012

Canola Oil: The blob that ate butter, olive oil, coconut oil and peanut oil threatens American cuisine

Canola oil can constitute up to 1/3 of the calories in even a high-end restaurant meal, making your $50 plate a health hazard. Luke and I are on a campaign to get this trans-fat containing "neutral" oil out of restaurants. Take back the tables! Wouldn't you love it if there were restaurants where people who care about their health could dine with confidence?
Reverse T3 Hibernation Effect
February 26, 2012

Going Low-Carb too Fast May Trigger Thyroid Troubles and Hormone Imbalance

Some folks who’ve taken the Primal leap—particularly those who were previously on a high-carb diet—have been faced with unexpected side effects waving them back to the world of bread, sugary fruits and sweet potato casserole. Dr Cate discusses newly discovered thyronamine compounds that trigger a hibernation sydrome.
Reverse T3 Hibernation Effect
February 20, 2012

How Your Diet Affects Hormones

The epidemic of obesity is also an epidemic of hormone malfunction, including thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone, cortisol, and more. If you eat a Standard American Diet, not only are your fat-burn enzymes likely to be totally blocked, your hormonal systems fail to communicate properly and the effect is like a kind of accellerated aging.
What Is The Paleo Diet?
December 18, 2011

What is the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo diet, also known as the Primal diet or the Ancestral diet, is a low-carb, high-protein diet that’s helping people all over the modernized world rid themselves of excess pounds and prescription medications. If you don’t have friends or relatives following a Paleo diet now, chances are you will very soon.
Heart Attack Proof Diet: A Recipe For Heart Disease?
September 4, 2011

Heart Attack Proof Diet: A Recipe for Heart Disease?

CNN keeps airing “The Last Heart Attack,” in which Dr. Sanjay Gupta tells the story of how and why President Bill Clinton was put on a vegan diet by Dr. Dean Ornish, and how Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's #1 selling book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease echos the same dietary advice. As you know, reversing disease is something I care a lot about, but I'm not convinced Dr. Essylstyn's heart attack proof diet is delivering what he promises. Does this story really have a happy ending? Early in the show Dr. Gupta discusses Clinton’s strict vegan diet and defines its underlying philosophy:…

Paula Dean And Anthony Bourdain
August 19, 2011

Anthony Bourdain Calls Fellow Celeb Chef “Dangerous”

In his interview with TV Guide, Bourdain said, “the worst, most dangerous person to America is clearly Paula Deen. She revels in unholy connections with evil corporations and she's proud of the fact that her food is f---ing bad for you.” As expected, most of the media response has focused on Paula Deen’s love of butter (as well as sugar and deep-fried foods). But they’re missing Bourdain’s larger point.
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