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Who Teaches Doctors About Cholesterol-lowering Drugs?
December 5, 2023

Who Teaches Doctors About Cholesterol-lowering Drugs?

Did you know that the cut off for “high” cholesterol used to be nearly twice as high as it is today? The number considered low enough has had to shift downward multiple times. Cholesterol-lowering “targets” are lower today than ever before. And lately, heart attacks are increasing.

Are Eggs Healthy Or Not?
December 10, 2016

Are eggs healthy or not?

There’s never been any credible evidence to support the idea that eating eggs is generally unhealthy. In fact, some evidence supports the opposite; that egg-eaters have lower cholesterol than non egg-eaters. I myself was surprised that it had been studied at all, because the results were not widely reported.

American Heart Association Promotes Vegetable Oil
December 3, 2016

Cholesterol Is Good, The American Heart Association is Bad

Are you watching your cholesterol? Then you might be interested to read this story, describing the American Heart Association’s role in creating mass cholesterol-phobia, including evidence that they actively suppressed information that would have changed the course of medical history.

You Can Reverse Heart Disease Naturally
May 11, 2016

Heart Disease Reversal Program

Reverse Atherosclerosis, Prevent Heart Attacks, Clear Your Arteries!

Have you had a heart attack?

Do you have a stent?

Do cholesterol medications make you tired or forgetful?

Heart disease is a MANUFACTURED problem. You CAN reverse it.

Statin Side Effects
June 5, 2013

Statin side effects: Almost universal and often missed.

One of the most distressing things about practicing medicine these days is the blind faith that most people, doctors and patients, have in cholesterol pills like Lipitor, Crestor, Vytorin, and Zocor, just to name a few of the most popular statin drugs available today. This faith comes not from gullibility, but from carefully crafted drug company misdirection. Few realize that statins work differently than other drugs physicians prescribe for long-term use. Most drugs just block a receptor. Statins block a metabolic pathway, and this means they can alter every cell in your body in one way or another. What exactly…

Calcium Rich Foods
May 3, 2013

What are side effects of calcium supplements?

Recent evidence suggests that people taking calcium supplementation are more likely to develop heart attacks, strokes, kidney stones, and painful bone spurs affecting their soft tissues and joints. Learn why this would be and what you should do to keep your bones healthy and strong.

Heart Attack Proof Diet: A Recipe For Heart Disease?
September 4, 2011

Heart Attack Proof Diet: A Recipe for Heart Disease?

CNN keeps airing “The Last Heart Attack,” in which Dr. Sanjay Gupta tells the story of how and why President Bill Clinton was put on a vegan diet by Dr. Dean Ornish, and how Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s #1 selling book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease echos the same dietary advice. As you know, reversing disease is something I care a lot about, but I’m not convinced Dr. Essylstyn’s heart attack proof diet is delivering what he promises. Does this story really have a happy ending? Early in the show Dr. Gupta discusses Clinton’s strict vegan diet and defines its underlying philosophy:…

Can Arterial Disease Be Reversed?
August 6, 2011

Can Arterial Disease be Reversed?

The old model describes arteries as so many mechanical tubes that have no way to protect themselves from the inevitable clogging that comes from the consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat. The other, new model sees arteries as living dynamic tissue that, in the context of a healthy diet, is capable of growth, repair, and rising to the challenge of rigorous exercise.

November 18, 2008

Statins and Heart Failure: A Deadly Mix?

If you have been diagnosed with heart failure, statin drugs, which most cardiologists will prescribe to you if your cholesterol levels are not where they recommend, may need to be stopped.

What Do All The Healthiest Diets Have In Common?
November 16, 2008

What do all the healthiest diets have in common?

French Paradox, Mediterranean Diet, Okinawa Diet…Oh my! How do you chose? You don’t have to choose, you can enjoy them all. All authentic cuisines the world over include foods that belong to these four categories: Meat on the Bone Organ meats Fermented and sprouted foods Fresh, uncooked ingredients While most of my patients are aware of the importance of fresh foods, few people realize that we also need to include foods from the other three pillars. Here’s what you need to know about each: Meat on the Bone Cooking meat bone does two great things. 1) It enables the bone…

June 1, 2008

Cholesterol Pills – What You Haven’t Heard

You know cholesterol pills will lower your cholesterol. But do you know cholesterol pills don’t prevent heart attacks by lowering cholesterol? They work by what the pharmaceutical companies call “a pleitropic effect” meaning they have so many effects we can’t understand or predict them all. Isoprene: A Building Block for Cellular Health Cholesterol pills called statins lower cholesterol by blocking the enzyme that forms a chemical required for the earliest steps of cholesterol manufacture, the making of isoprene units. If you can’t make isoprene units, you can’t make cholesterol. But your body uses isoprene units for a whole bunch of…

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