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Home Made Ranch Dressing (Seed-Oil Free)

Make Mayo Fast and Foolproof in 2 Minutes Flat

One of the great things about working for ABC Fine Wines and Spirits in Orlando is that the company is so committed to the health of their employees. After all, they hired a metabolic health specialist (namely, me) to be available for all their employees at the touch of a few buttons. What could make healthcare easier than that?

Well, actually, I did have one idea that would really help me help every last one of my patients get even more healthy food into their lives. Providing ‘healthcare’ is one thing. But my real passion is helping people get healthy so they don’t need to be chronic healthcare consumers. And if you’ve listened to me on any podcast, or read anything I’ve written, you know what stands in the way of people being healthy. It’s public enemy number one: The Hateful 8 seed oils. Over the years, I’ve put together a lot of resources myself, most of them here on this website, but I could only go so far.

What I really wanted was access to an expert who could help them make the same foods they know and love but without any of the Hateful 8 toxic seed oils. In other words, everything I really need as a partner in the effort to make folks healthier can be found in the mind of a chef!

One of the big reasons I really needed to team up with a chef is because of MAYO!

Mayo is a key ingredient in so many foods that make life delicious. Everything from casseroles, to fast easy lunch (can of tuna plus mayo plus capers, yum), to deviled eggs and yes, Ranch dressing!

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Kobe Bryant

It helped. I feel great.

"It’s helped. I feel great."

Kobe Bryant
NBA baskeball player
megyn kelly

This has been life changing

"Let me tell you this has been life-changing. I have all of her books, in audible and ebooks! I have gotten rid of all the hateful 8 oils. I have trained my body to eat its own previously toxic body fat. Download that pod it's a game changer!"

Megyn Kelly
Jesse Watters

Life changing

Deep Nutrition changed my life.

Jesse Watters
Fox News Primetime host

Saved my life

I would like to thank you for literally saving my life. Back in February, I had to be hospitalized while on vacation in Phoenix with an A1C of 11% and had to start taking 2 types of insulin and 2 other meds. I read the Fatburn Fix in April, and followed the program to a tee, and I’m down by 15 pounds, 6.8 A1C, and only one once weekly diabetes medicine. Prior to reading the book, it was almost impossible for me to lose weight as a diabetic. 

Leontyne Tompkins

I feel free

For the last month, I have really been reading all labels on everything. I have completely remove those 8 oils you talk about. I must tell you, I feel great! I have more energy and I am now 197 lbs (have always been around 205 to 210lbs). I eat potatoes with real butter, grass fed steak, pasta with the right toppings. I eat everything! I seem to crave less sugar. I love it! 

Robert Kirkendall

I feel so much better

I had terrible aches and pains everywhere in my body, my hands, shoulders and knees. I feel so much better and the way I feel is motivating me every day! Thank you

Mike Deb Wootan Burcin

Better than ever

I am an anesthesiologist in Orlando and a huge fan of both of your books! I have been incorporating your principles for the last 10 months and feel that my health is better than ever.

Marnie Robinson, MD

My allergies disappeared

The biggest difference for me (and a surprising one) is that my allergies have almost completely disappeared! This is a big deal for me, because I’ve had allergies most of my life and they have often affected what I do which is a teaching music in [a public school district].  In general, I feel much better and have more consistent energy throughout the day.

Erica Turrell

Heart Palpitations have Stopped

I’ve lost 20+ pounds (also fasting 16-24 hours daily) and haven’t had palpitations except for one occasion — I had a mini bag of Fritos for the first time in July. And, I feel better now on a daily basis than I ever did all through college.

Mike Wright
Deep Nutrition and Fatburn Fix reader
Mitzi Wilkinson Champion

I’ve lost over 50 pounds

I’ve lost over 50 pounds. I’m 56 years old. Cutting processed food and unhealthy fats from my diet was one of the first things I did on my health recovery journey...I went cold turkey off the bad oils. Emptied my pantry into the trash and just started eating real food

Mitzi Wilkinson Champion

Knowledge I didn’t know I needed

Your Fatburn Fix book is amazing, my friend. Thank you! I’m an Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and I know my stuff. This is the extra layer of knowledge I didn’t know I needed. Well done!

Jennifer Dillman
Fatburn Fix reader

Lost a solid 20 lbs and my bloodwork is great

I have lost a solid 20 lbs and my bloodwork (after 3 months of eating your way) was even better! I was metabolically healthy (per your book) before I read your book, but barely. Lowering my weight, sealed the deal! I have been talking about you and your book to anyone who will listen...Thank you for all you’ve done and what you continue to do! You are changing lives for the better!

Missy Cramer
FatBurn Fix reader

Lost 20 lbs I could never shed

I love your Fatburn Fix!  Has helped me so so much!  I have had the dreaded weight all my life - 20 or so pounds I could never shed.  I have lost that now. I only eat 2 meals a day lunch and dinner with a glass of milk or cappuccino around 4 to hold me over. No snacking and not bad oils.  It has been the key to unlocking my fatburn.  I work out in the am and believe I am burning fat for energy not from food!

Lauren Smith

I feel great

My waist is four inches smaller. I feel great and many of the minor aches and pains that I had (knees and lower back) are gone. Also, my muscle tone is amazing, even though I have not increased my workout routine.

Richard Janelle
Completed Dr Cate's online course
Kent Matthes

The go-to for strength and conditioning coaches

Whenever I advise my clients about eating to perform I go straight to what I have learned from Dr. Cate. Her book Deep Nutrition has become the go-to for strength and conditioning coaches across the country.

Kent Matthes
Major League Baseball Agent with WME Sports
Ken D Berry

Dismantles the lie

Dr. Cate dismantles the lie that seed oils are healthy, which may the biggest lie about nutrition and health because it’s so insidious.  

Ken D Berry, MD
Author of Lies My Doctor Told Me
Dr. Drew Pinsky

She knows the chemistry

Dr. Cate alerts us to the harms of seed oils and she’s convincing because she knows the chemistry better than anyone.

Dr. Drew Pinskey, MD
Globally recognized internal medicine and addiction medicine specialist, media personality, LoveLine Host, and New York Times bestselling author
Kelly Starrett

No one is better at communicating nutritional truth

Dr. Cate has had the single greatest impact on how we talk to people about fueling for both performance or durability. While we all are a little unique, the foundational principles of human nutrition are immutable. If you are looking to create a more durable, resilient body, no one is better at communicating nutritional truth than Dr. Cate.

Dr. Kelly Starrett
Physiotherapist coach and New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author
Brian Lenkzes

Highly recommend The Fatburn Fix

Dr. Shanahan has had a significant impact on my practice of medicine. I am known as a Low Carb Doctor, but I never really appreciated the negative effects of processed seed oils on the health of my patients. I highly recommend The Fatburn Fix to my patients and have a loaner copy in my waiting room. It is amazing how quickly blood sugars and overall health improves with cutting seed oils. It is not just about the carbs!

Dr. Brian Lenkzes, MD
CEO of LowCarbMD San Diego, co-host of Low Carb MD Podcast and host of Life's Best Medicine Podcast
Chris Kaman

Respected in the sports world

Dr. Cate reordered my diet when I was with the L.A. Lakers, and the benefits, for me personally, were felt immediately and have served me to this day. I’ve come to take real food so seriously I started a small family farm. I know of no M.D./nutritionist more respected in the sports world than Dr. Cate Shanahan.

Chris Kaman
NBA Player
Mark Sisson

Brought seed oil issue front and center

Cate brought the seed oil issue front and center. Healthy fats matter. So much so that I created an entire product line to swap out bad fats with good.

Mark Sisson
Founding Father of the Primal/Paleo Movement
Dallas Hartwig

Optimal health starts with food

If you want to understand how optimal health starts with food, start with Dr. Cate. Her book Deep Nutrition leaves you with an appreciation of the profound relationship between our genes and the planet, inspiring us to be good shepherds of both.

Dallas Hartwig
Attribution author of The Whole 30
Dwight Howard

Helped me with endurance

Deep Nutrition really helped me with endurance. I started to feel better as a player. I was able to run more, I was able to be more active …and I just decided to keep going with it to this day.

Dwight Howard
NBA Player
Paul Grewal

Silver bullet for me

Dr Cate’s teachings helped me lose 60 pounds like it was nothing. It was like a silver bullet for me.

Paul Grewal, MD 
Dr Grewal Internal Medicine, MD, author of Genius Foods
Joesph Mercola

Radically improve your health…

Dr. Shanahan has provided a solid reference that deserves a place in the library of anyone who is seriously interested in nutrition. Her perspective on the vital role that healthy fat has in our diet is novel and, if implemented, can radically improve your health.

Dr. Joseph Mercola
Author of Fat for Fuel and Founder of
Dave Aspery

Pull up a chair…

I have based my work on the idea that getting the right kinds of healthy fats into your body and avoiding the worst fats is essential to optimal health. I've interviewed dozens of the world's top experts about this, and I know of no one who speaks more eloquently on this topic than Dr Cate. If she’s talking fats, pull up a chair. Take notes.

Dave Asprey
Author of the Bulletproof Diet

The key to unlocking my fatburn

I love your Fatburn Fix!  Has helped me so so much!  I have had the dreaded weight all my life - 20 or so pounds I could never shed.  I have lost that now. I only eat 2 meals a day lunch and dinner with a glass of milk or cappuccino around 4 to hold me over. No snacking and not bad oils.  It has been the key to unlocking my fatburn.  

Lauren Smith

Saved my life

I would like to thank you for literally saving my life. Back in February, I had to be hospitalized while on vacation in Phoenix with an A1C of 11% and had to start taking 2 types of insulin and 2 other meds. I read the Fatburn Fix in April, and followed the program to a tee, and I’m down by 15 pounds, 6.8 A1C, and only one once weekly diabetes medicine. 

Leontyne Tompkins

> Tears of joy

 I'm crying tears of joy and appreciation for all you've done for me and my health! Without Deep Nutrition and Fatburn Fix, I would literally still be in the vicious cycle I'd been fighting all my life! In a nutshell - I am no longer a compulsive overeating addict suffering under the crushing 'thumb' of all food and alcohol.     

Penni Wicks


Unknown to most unsuspecting mayo lovers, the mayo in the store is a metabolism-breaking fat bomb, greased up with highly toxic seed oils.

And sadly this is true even if the mayo you buy says it’s made with olive oil; turn it around and read the ingredients to find out. Dollars to donuts (donuts fried in lard) you’ll see one or more of the Hateful 8 seed oils on the list along with olive oil, and usually before the olive oil, which means there’s more of the seed oil than the olive oil. But mayo is a key ingredient in so many delicious dressings, sauces, casseroles, desserts and….I could go on and on. I’ve been recommending folks buy mayo made with avocado oil instead. But mayo made with avocado oil costs 3 times as much for less than half the amount you normally get from a jar of mayo. So if you want to save tons of money and upgrade the nutritional profile of your dressings, sauces and easy salads, you can make your own mayo, in less than 2 minutes flat!

Chef Macy comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Not only does she make and oversee the creation of restaurant-quality meals at our store support center in Orlando, but she’s also available for teaching. We love our Ranch dressing, deviled eggs, tuna salads, egg salads down here in Florida and Macy told me she’s never made so much mayo in her life. Here she’s showing us how to whip up her famous seed-oil free, delicious, no-fail mayo in under two minutes. Check out the video on my YouTube Channel here.

While you’re there, if you’re a fan of Ranch dressing, watch Chef Macy’s video on how to make your own delicious, super healthy, probiotic powered ranch from scratch.

With over two decades of clinical experience and expertise in genetic and biochemical research, Dr. Cate can help you to reverse metabolic disease and reshape your body.

Please note: Please do not share personal medical information in a comment on our posts. It will be deleted due to HIPAA regulations.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Hi Dr. Cate,

    On you list of good and bad fats you have unrefined palm oil as a good fat and vegetable shortening as a bad fat. Which list would non-hydrogenated palm shortening fall under?

  2. I understand the “bad” fats are hard for the body to eliminate. Is there anything I can eat (or supplement or do) to help my body clear these out from the body?

  3. Hello,

    I’ve not found any comments on Shirataki. I’ve found the Miracle Noodle products to be good substitutes for pasta and rice with nutrition labels showing virtually no calories or net carbs and an ingredient list that only shows water, konjac flour and citric acid.

    Do you have experience with these products?



  4. Hi Dr Cate

    I’ve been following you for several years now via podcast interviews. I bought Deep Nutrition (Kindle) a few months back which I thoroughly enjoyed (love the science). I’ve tried to purchase the Kindle version of The Fatburn Fix from Amazon which Amazon says is not currently available. I don’t understand why a Kindle version of a book would not be available. It’s not like they run out of copies.

    Thank you for your work. Fran Roberts (Brisbane, Australia)

  5. Dr. Cate,

    What nutritional advice would you give to a parent of a 4yr-old girl, who has had three open heart surgeries, and who may have had three possible complex partial seizures this year.

    Thank you.

  6. Hi, Dr. Cate

    I want to ask about birth spacing and breastfeeding through pregnancy? I didn’t see this question in the Q&A.

    My first baby was born last year at 35 weeks by emergency c-section(dangerous per-eclampsia). He was 2 lbs 9 ounces. So much smaller then he should have been at that age. He is very alert, active and super adorable, we get comments all the time on how cute he is. I avoided the bad oils and ate low sugar during the pregnancy, though I wasn’t as strict before getting pregnant. And I was under a lot of stress with family dynamics during the pregnancy. I live on a farm with my husband and our 15 month old(17lbs). So we raise our own meat and dairy and grow a garden. Our 15 month old is mostly breastfeeding and eating some solids.

    Is 30 months from birth to birth enough space between siblings?

    And should I wean him before I get pregnant again?

    Hannah(27yrs) Rural Saskatchewan

  7. I’m curious if Dr. Cate could weigh in on traditional rapeseed oils from China, specifically the roasted, non-GMO type? This makes a case that it is very different from Canola oil, as well as also being low in erucic acid.

  8. Dr cate I have read your amazing book Deep nutrition and it changed my life and my family’s, but there is question I did not find its answer directly in the book. You have said that unless you have kidney or heart problems you don’t have to worry about the salt. But what about those who have high blood pressure ( hypertension) and they take medication? Do they have to avoid or decrease salt?

  9. Since discovering it, I have used Melissa Joulwan’s recipe (Well Fed Weeknights) which is even faster – all ingredients go in together and stick blender is applied for a few seconds. Spares olive oil from turning bitter from over-blending. Her use of mustard powder and garlic, things I’ve always added, probably aids emulsification.

Note: Please do not share personal information with a medical question in our comment section. Comments containing this content will be deleted due to HIPAA regulations.

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