If you’re being more conscious about the presence of seed oils in the foods you and your family eat, you’re not alone. This has become a big deal over the past few years and I gotta admit I’m partly to blame for this. I wrote about their toxicity in my earlier books, and changed how the Lakers eat. The results were astounding.
In the past 12 years, there has been a significant shift in the way people think about the health effects of vegetable oils, with more vegetable oil-free products appearing on grocery store shelves. Still, most of our foods are soaking in these nasty oils.
I think this is because doctors are scientists at heart. We are conservative thinkers. I’m not talking politically conservative. I mean in the sense that we are loathe to adopt new ideas unless presented with sufficient data. I needed to read entire textbooks and thousands of scientific publications before I was convinced that support for my entire nutrition education rested on nothing but a house of cards.
This article is continued below...(scroll down)
> Tears of joy
I'm crying tears of joy and appreciation for all you've done for me and my health! Without Deep Nutrition and Fatburn Fix, I would literally still be in the vicious cycle I'd been fighting all my life! In a nutshell - I am no longer a compulsive overeating addict suffering under the crushing 'thumb' of all food and alcohol.
Penni Wicks
It helped. I feel great.
"It’s helped. I feel great."
Kobe Bryant
NBA baskeball player
This has been life changing
"Let me tell you this has been life-changing. I have all of her books, in audible and ebooks! I have gotten rid of all the hateful 8 oils. I have trained my body to eat its own previously toxic body fat. Download that pod it's a game changer!"
I would like to thank you for literally saving my life. Back in February, I had to be hospitalized while on vacation in Phoenix with an A1C of 11% and had to start taking 2 types of insulin and 2 other meds. I read the Fatburn Fix in April, and followed the program to a tee, and I’m down by 15 pounds, 6.8 A1C, and only one once weekly diabetes medicine. Prior to reading the book, it was almost impossible for me to lose weight as a diabetic.
Leontyne Tompkins
I feel free
For the last month, I have really been reading all labels on everything. I have completely remove those 8 oils you talk about. I must tell you, I feel great! I have more energy and I am now 197 lbs (have always been around 205 to 210lbs). I eat potatoes with real butter, grass fed steak, pasta with the right toppings. I eat everything! I seem to crave less sugar. I love it!
Robert Kirkendall
I feel so much better
I had terrible aches and pains everywhere in my body, my hands, shoulders and knees. I feel so much better and the way I feel is motivating me every day! Thank you
Mike Deb Wootan Burcin
Better than ever
I am an anesthesiologist in Orlando and a huge fan of both of your books! I have been incorporating your principles for the last 10 months and feel that my health is better than ever.
Marnie Robinson, MD
My allergies disappeared
The biggest difference for me (and a surprising one) is that my allergies have almost completely disappeared! This is a big deal for me, because I’ve had allergies most of my life and they have often affected what I do which is a teaching music in [a public school district]. In general, I feel much better and have more consistent energy throughout the day.
Erica Turrell
Heart Palpitations have Stopped
I’ve lost 20+ pounds (also fasting 16-24 hours daily) and haven’t had palpitations except for one occasion — I had a mini bag of Fritos for the first time in July. And, I feel better now on a daily basis than I ever did all through college.
Mike Wright
Deep Nutrition and Fatburn Fix reader
I’ve lost over 50 pounds
I’ve lost over 50 pounds. I’m 56 years old. Cutting processed food and unhealthy fats from my diet was one of the first things I did on my health recovery journey...I went cold turkey off the bad oils. Emptied my pantry into the trash and just started eating real food
Mitzi Wilkinson Champion
Knowledge I didn’t know I needed
Your Fatburn Fix book is amazing, my friend. Thank you! I’m an Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and I know my stuff. This is the extra layer of knowledge I didn’t know I needed. Well done!
Jennifer Dillman
Fatburn Fix reader
Lost a solid 20 lbs and my bloodwork is great
I have lost a solid 20 lbs and my bloodwork (after 3 months of eating your way) was even better! I was metabolically healthy (per your book) before I read your book, but barely. Lowering my weight, sealed the deal! I have been talking about you and your book to anyone who will listen...Thank you for all you’ve done and what you continue to do! You are changing lives for the better!
Missy Cramer
FatBurn Fix reader
Lost 20 lbs I could never shed
I love your Fatburn Fix! Has helped me so so much! I have had the dreaded weight all my life - 20 or so pounds I could never shed. I have lost that now. I only eat 2 meals a day lunch and dinner with a glass of milk or cappuccino around 4 to hold me over. No snacking and not bad oils. It has been the key to unlocking my fatburn. I work out in the am and believe I am burning fat for energy not from food!
My waist is four inches smaller. I feel great and many of the minor aches and pains that I had (knees and lower back) are gone. Also, my muscle tone is amazing, even though I have not increased my workout routine.
Richard Janelle
Completed Dr Cate's online course
The go-to for strength and conditioning coaches
Whenever I advise my clients about eating to perform I go straight to what I have learned from Dr. Cate. Her book Deep Nutrition has become the go-to for strength and conditioning coaches across the country.
Kent Matthes
Major League Baseball Agent with WME Sports
Dismantles the lie
Dr. Cate dismantles the lie that seed oils are healthy, which may the biggest lie about nutrition and health because it’s so insidious.
Ken D Berry, MD
Author of Lies My Doctor Told Me
She knows the chemistry
Dr. Cate alerts us to the harms of seed oils and she’s convincing because she knows the chemistry better than anyone.
Dr. Drew Pinskey, MD
Globally recognized internal medicine and addiction medicine specialist, media personality, LoveLine Host, and New York Times bestselling author
No one is better at communicating nutritional truth
Dr. Cate has had the single greatest impact on how we talk to people about fueling for both performance or durability. While we all are a little unique, the foundational principles of human nutrition are immutable. If you are looking to create a more durable, resilient body, no one is better at communicating nutritional truth than Dr. Cate.
Dr. Kelly Starrett
Physiotherapist coach and New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author
Highly recommend The Fatburn Fix
Dr. Shanahan has had a significant impact on my practice of medicine. I am known as a Low Carb Doctor, but I never really appreciated the negative effects of processed seed oils on the health of my patients. I highly recommend The Fatburn Fix to my patients and have a loaner copy in my waiting room. It is amazing how quickly blood sugars and overall health improves with cutting seed oils. It is not just about the carbs!
Dr. Brian Lenkzes, MD
CEO of LowCarbMD San Diego, co-host of Low Carb MD Podcast and host of Life's Best Medicine Podcast
Respected in the sports world
Dr. Cate reordered my diet when I was with the L.A. Lakers, and the benefits, for me personally, were felt immediately and have served me to this day. I’ve come to take real food so seriously I started a small family farm. I know of no M.D./nutritionist more respected in the sports world than Dr. Cate Shanahan.
Chris Kaman
NBA Player
Brought seed oil issue front and center
Cate brought the seed oil issue front and center. Healthy fats matter. So much so that I created an entire product line to swap out bad fats with good.
Mark Sisson
Founding Father of the Primal/Paleo Movement
Optimal health starts with food
If you want to understand how optimal health starts with food, start with Dr. Cate. Her book Deep Nutrition leaves you with an appreciation of the profound relationship between our genes and the planet, inspiring us to be good shepherds of both.
Dallas Hartwig
Attribution author of The Whole 30
Helped me with endurance
Deep Nutrition really helped me with endurance. I started to feel better as a player. I was able to run more, I was able to be more active …and I just decided to keep going with it to this day.
Dwight Howard
NBA Player
Silver bullet for me
Dr Cate’s teachings helped me lose 60 pounds like it was nothing. It was like a silver bullet for me.
Paul Grewal, MD
Dr Grewal Internal Medicine, MD, author of Genius Foods
Radically improve your health…
Dr. Shanahan has provided a solid reference that deserves a place in the library of anyone who is seriously interested in nutrition. Her perspective on the vital role that healthy fat has in our diet is novel and, if implemented, can radically improve your health.
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Author of Fat for Fuel and Founder of Mercola.com
Pull up a chair…
I have based my work on the idea that getting the right kinds of healthy fats into your body and avoiding the worst fats is essential to optimal health. I've interviewed dozens of the world's top experts about this, and I know of no one who speaks more eloquently on this topic than Dr Cate. If she’s talking fats, pull up a chair. Take notes.
Dave Asprey
Author of the Bulletproof Diet
The key to unlocking my fatburn
I love your Fatburn Fix! Has helped me so so much! I have had the dreaded weight all my life - 20 or so pounds I could never shed. I have lost that now. I only eat 2 meals a day lunch and dinner with a glass of milk or cappuccino around 4 to hold me over. No snacking and not bad oils. It has been the key to unlocking my fatburn.
Lauren Smith
Saved my life
I would like to thank you for literally saving my life. Back in February, I had to be hospitalized while on vacation in Phoenix with an A1C of 11% and had to start taking 2 types of insulin and 2 other meds. I read the Fatburn Fix in April, and followed the program to a tee, and I’m down by 15 pounds, 6.8 A1C, and only one once weekly diabetes medicine.
Leontyne Tompkins
> Tears of joy
I'm crying tears of joy and appreciation for all you've done for me and my health! Without Deep Nutrition and Fatburn Fix, I would literally still be in the vicious cycle I'd been fighting all my life! In a nutshell - I am no longer a compulsive overeating addict suffering under the crushing 'thumb' of all food and alcohol.
Doctors have been told for decades that vegetable oil is good for you, so it’s understandable that they would find the notion that maybe they’re not so great to be an extraordinary claim.
I’m happy to say that the number of people steering clear of seed oils is growing larger every year since the first publication of Deep Nutrition in 2009. It’s now become a small army. But the anti-seed-oil movement also seems to have spawned an army of armchair quarterbacks who are creating a bit of a problem. Although they get the gist of the message and are giving better diet advice than most doctors (like this guy), getting the gist is not enough. In order to convince trained physicians and dietitians to abandon long-held beliefs, you have to have more than a little knowledge. Ultimately, they’re sending the message that maybe this whole seed oil movement isn’t ready for prime time.
The devil’s in the details and a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So let me help clear things up a bit by discussing four of the claims buzzing around the web that health professionals are likely to run into. Together, they discourage further interest in looking into the health effects of these oils, effectively waiving off most otherwise interested professionals. I’ll also give you the necessary details that put these claims in a different light.
What they Hear: Linoleic acid is the reason for seed oil toxicity.
Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid found in high concentrations in seven of the eight members of the Hateful Eight.
The disconnect:
Linoleic acid is not the problem with seed oils. The problem is the oxidation reactions that occur during manufacturing of these oils, and that continue to occur after they leave the factory. They also occur in the bottle after you open it, in the food as you’re cooking with it, and in your body, after you eat it.
What they hear: Seed oils are bad because they contain hexane.
Hexane is a known carcinogen used in the processing of vegetable oils. Even though it is present in trace amounts in non-organically labeled vegetable oil products, it’s a major reason that vegetable oils should be avoided at all costs.
The disconnect:
Hexane is bad but it’s not the major problem.
No doubt hexane is not good for you. No one would question that. But according to the doctor I mentioned earlier, we inhale quite a lot more hexane when we fill up our cars with gas than what we eat when we eat foods cooked in canola. I have no reason to doubt that claim. But that’s not the reason to avoid vegetable oils at all costs. The reason is it’s a fireworks display of lipid oxidation products. You can learn more about one such byproduct here: “Formation of modified fatty acids and oxyphytosterols during the refining of low erucic acid rapeseed oil.”
What they hear: Seed oils are inflammatory because of an omega-6 to -3 ratio imbalance.
The idea here is that many seed oils are high in omega-6 linoleic acid, and that is an “inflammatory” compound.
The disconnect.
Seed oils promote inflammation due to oxidative stress, not because of their linoleic acid content.
Although its true that linoleic acid can be metabolized into an inflammatory eicosanoid that can promote things like blood clotting and tissue swelling, linoleic acid cannot. It takes several biochemical steps to be converted into that inflammatory eicosanoid, and each of the several necessary steps only happens under certain circumstances. Cells are tiny control freaks, and they tightly regulate each of those several necessary steps.
A diet rich in pro-oxidative seed oils undermines the cell’s ability to regulate these and every other process.
One reason why vegetable oils are worse than sugar.
What they hear: Human trials fail to prove seed oil toxicity.
There is an apparent absence of studies showing that these oils are toxic. Indeed, there are numerous studies seemingly showing the opposite. Mazola bottles claim their corn oil is “heart-healthy.” If these oils are so toxic, where is the hard data?
The disconnect:
Medical science has been operating without any understanding of oxidation for so long that it rarely even enters the research process. When it does, it’s with a superficial understanding of the necessary information. Therefore, oxidation, rather than being a central focus of nutrition research, is at best an afterthought.
Researchers are people. They’ve heard the same mantra that we’ve all heard for the past 70 years, that animal fats are bad and vegetable oils are healthy. This means they go into nutrition research with a foregone conclusion.
With that in mind, you might wonder why do research at all?
Here’s where we need to understand the connection between politics and food. This is a whole other discussion that deserves its own article. I’ll provide links to some excellent lectures on the topic, below.
It boils down to feeding the masses from the bottom of the food chain where calories are easier to produce for an ever-growing population. In the battle for funding dollars, the winners tend to be those researchers whose messages align with that goal. This goes back to Ancel Keys and the diet-heart hypothesis and continues with the Adventist physicians who distort their research.
When you’re talking nutrition, you’re talking biochemistry. The subject of biochemistry does not readily lend itself to sound bites. But if you want one, I’ve got one for you. Get seed oils out of your life, now.
Not convinced?
The Scientific Support for Seed Oil Toxicity
All of the claims I make about seed oil toxicity are supported by science. Dark Calories contains over 500 scientific citations including human trials. You’ll find fascinating interviews with experts inside the edible oil industry who work to mitigate their toxicity. And you’ll meet doctors who are using vegetable oil avoidance as a key component to helping their patients recover from serious diseases.
With over two decades of clinical experience and expertise in genetic and biochemical research, Dr. Cate can help you to reverse metabolic disease and reshape your body.
I started the experimental data of seed oil three years ago, and got terrible results. The data of immune system, skin diseases, respiratory diseases and reproductive system may be related to genocide.
Hi Dr Cate,
Is vegetable glycerin derived from flaxseed and sunflower dangerous? I use herbal tinctures that contain vegetable glycerin. I haven’t been able to find an answer to this question, but now I’m concerned about continuing with the tinctures.
Thank You,
Whilst you are completely clear on your stance the public (certainly in the UK) are receiving completely mixed messages on the topic.
Zoe is a very popular podcast there, Prof Tim Spector one of the top 100 cited scientists in the world, their take is so different to yours.
Would value your comments on this transcript from last week’s edition.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, we would like to feature seed oils as a topic on our blog this week.
As we currently feature your – and their work – on our free health resource this matters…
I’ve listened to most of your books and seed oil toxicity seems like a reasonable hypothesis, but have there been clinical trials to definitively show the negative impact on humans? If not, aren’t you doing exactly what Ancel Keys did and pushing forward a hypothesis without solid human clinical evidence to back it up? Other respected doctors, like Dr. Attia, claim there has been no clinical evidence to show seed oils are as bad as you claim. So, I’m not sure which doctor to listen to at this point. I’ve also looked on your website for specific clinic trials that have been referenced but can’t seem to find them. Could you please help clear up specifically which clinic trials on humans have shown the negative impact of seed oils?
Here is one human trial. Ancel Keys covered up this data and it was lost to science until the author of the article I discuss on that post discovered where it had been hidden and analyzed the data. The same author also published a second study. Malcolm Gladwell called the first one the biggest and best study ever done to address the question of saturated fat and health. This was in an episode of his Revisionist History podcast called The Basement Files. It’s worth a listen!
The toxicology evidence I highlight is also undisputed.
But even if such studies didn’t exist, the comparison to Keys is inaccurate. I didn’t actively cover up important facts. Keys covered up his industry funding. He lied about how much data he had showing a link between saturaed fat and heart attacks. He covered up the connection between smoking and heart disease. And he covered up his own scientific research whenever it showed he was wrong.
Hi there. fellow doc here. enjoying your new book and find most of your ideas very compelling. I am a bit confused near the end of chapter 7 in your refutation of the idea that people with hi PUFA are more healthy. Your initial premise is that low energy and insulin resistance is based largely on difficult to “burn”/essentially inaccessible PUFA fat stores. Then in chpt 7, you indicate that “fried food eaters” have lower PUFA because they eat deep fried oxidized PUFA (that apparently is not incorporated into cells– leaving them with relatively more saturated fat in their fat stores). Instead of PUFA, they get a load of toxins reducing their own innate antioxidants which in turn causes a host of problems. Does this mean that they have “burnable” saturated fat ? but a big oxidized stress problem? If you eat a lot of packaged food that is not fried, only then do you end up with both problems..? (hi PUFA fat and oxidized stress) — and don’t most “fried food eaters” also eat the a lot of the non-fried PUFA? What happens to oxidized fat in digestion? I found cell wall chain oxidation of PUFA/inflammatory response very interesting. What ultimately happens to those oxidized fats in the cell wall? and those that become oxidized in fat stores (presumably that too happens)?
So this is one of the rather more difficult to communicate topics in science and I apologize I didn’t do the best job. I’m still struggling to express it quickly and easily. So right now this Q and A is hopefully going to help.
Your Q Does this mean that they have “burnable” saturated fat ? but a big oxidized stress problem?
My A: It sounds like you’ve understood it correctly. However, remember we’re talking about an unhealthy population with almost zero people who are insulin sensitive and who have both normal antioxidant capacity and fatty acid profile [whatever that actually may be.] Those who are eating the most fried food have worse than our already bad average antioxidant capacity while at the same time their fatty acid profile is slightly skewed towards more saturated than the average population’s which is still presumably abnormally high compared to historical average.
The only way it would be okay is if it says unrefined. Cold pressed and unrefined are not the same.
Even so, unrefined canola would not be a good cooking oil.
The disconnect is seed oils claim to be healthy because lower cholesterol.
If the premise ”cholesterol is bad” falls, they never even had a claim to be ”heart-healthy” – false logic, false marketing.
They never should have been allowed to equal low cholesterol (but erucic acid and PUFAs etc) as ”heart-healthy”… but now not even that is a true assumption.
In your book Dark Calories, figure 1-1, sesame oil is listed as a PUFA. On page 316 sesame oil is listed under good fats. Please clarify. I haven’t read the entire book yet. I may have missed something.
I think you might have a typo in this sentence in the third section. It contradicts itself as written.
“Although its true that linoleic acid can be metabolized into an inflammatory eicosanoid that can promote things like blood clotting and tissue swelling, linoleic acid cannot.”
Linoleic acid is not inflammatory. Only after linoleic acid is metabolized into an eicosanoid can it promote things like blood clotting and tissue swelling. Importantly, the body does not metabolize linoleic acid this way in proportion to how much is in our diet. Multiple biochemical steps are involved in the conversion, and each of the several necessary steps only happens under certain circumstances. Cells are tiny control freaks, and they tightly regulate each of those several necessary steps.
Sounds as though you fundamentally disagree with the “Avoid excess Omega 6 vs. 3” essence of Dr. Chris Knobbe’s book, “The Ancestral Diet Revolution”.
Is this correct?
If so, that would also imply you also disagree with the book of Dr. Phillip Ovadia, M.D. Ovadia is one of my own doc’s, while Knobbe is a personal friend, not one of my own per se docs.
I’m a 70 year old healthcoach. I’ve been a Certified Financial Planner for almost 40 years, and I’ve also turned into a health coach to clients, friends, and family since I got T2D in 2015. It freaked me out sufficiently that I jumped online, found and studied the heck out of Drs. Jason Fung, (the now late) Sarah Hallberg, Peter Attia, Robert Lustig, etc., and fixed the diabetes and got off of metformin within six months.
Now, although I’m still working and running my financial planning practice in downtown Fort Worth, and helping people with health coaching anytime I can, I’m also attempting to survive Stage 4 melanoma that was diagnosed with a semi-emergency left brain surgery on 11.30.21. That 2″ left brain tumor was removed, and my three left lung tumors are now reduced, in half, size-wise by a year of immunotherapy (Yervoy and Opdivo). And one of those three lung tumors is actually gone now. Unfortunately, the five radiation treatments following the initial brain surgery fried my left brain with five serious marble sized areas of RN (radiation necrosis). So, my second brain surgery was to reduce those. Four of the five RN areas were surgically removed and one was left as it had two brain blood vessels running through it. My second left brain tumor, thank God, only 2mm in size first appeared in January of this year. And, it was 3mm then. So, perhaps it really is shrinking.
So, amazingly, with my two good neurosurgeons and and two oncologists (one of whom is a per se melanomist), I’m still here for now, right at 2.5 years, and with the two most annually deadly cancer problems available. Number one cancer fatality globally is lung cancer (mostly due to smoking), and number two is brain tumors. I’ve got number one, and number two and have amazing survived with both for over two years! Thank God.
Anyway, you can likely now see why I’m as interested in your area of work as I am, with both my health coaching work, and my own pretty darn serious efforts at continued survival. I’m 70 years old, a financial planner, a cattle rancher, a health coach, and a serious survival from S4 cancer worker. I live on a ranch 40 miles northwest of downtown Fort Worth, where my financial planning practice is (two hours of driving to and from work), with Kamee, my wife, Virginia, my 94 year old Mom, and Cate, our 19 year old only child who just finished her first year in college at SMU in Dallas. Cate actually took a nutrition course and successfully completed it in high school.
Anyway, I hope you can now see why I’m seriously trying to figure out why you’re seriously suggesting that the modern extreme imbalance of the current dietary Omega 6 vs. Omega 3 imbalance is not the principal problem with most plant/seed oils. My understanding is that the Omega relationship should ideally be between 1 to 1 and maybe 2 to 1. But, it is currently, at least in the U.S., closer to 20 to 1. I understand this to be a radical nutrition based problem that creates a major, major problem with our metabolic health.
Hi Guy! Thanks for your interest in this vitally important topic .
Dr. Ovadia is a great doctor. I’m an admirer. Just this week we recorded a podcast on his platform and it was a great conversation that included my reasoning for focusing on oxidation over the ratio. I hope you can listen to it when it’s released around June 11.
I’ve discussed the ratio versus oxidation issues with Dr. Knobbe, too, at some length. And he seemed to agree.
If we’re going up against huge moneyed interests trying to shut down the warnings it’s important to have science on our side. And there’s an overwhelming amount of science showing how these oils promote oxidative stress, which is the root cause of health problems. So much so that I had to write a 500 page book to cover it.
I am not a doctor or a scientist, but I have been researching these topics for about 30 years in order to sift out the truth about nutrition, i.e., what is and isn’t healthy to eat and why.
I went through a phase of O6 to O3 ratio being THE most single important factor. Seed oils were of course out (good thing). Grassfed or wild products were good, the more natural the diet of the critter the better the food derived from them, whether it was beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, or wild game.
The problem with that approach is that if you go first and foremost by the O6/O3 ratio, you have to eliminate what are obviously healthy chioces. Like raw nuts, sprouted pumpkin seeds, avocados (and avocado oil), coconut (and ev coconut oil), and olives (and evo oil). Macadamia nuts and oil are about the only permissible chioce, by ratio. Something was missing here, so I dared to not eliminate those thing from my diet and kept researching.
Enter oxidation. It explains the above paradox perfectly. Nuts in their narural state have compounds to prevent oxidation (go figure). Cold pressed oils (as opposed to heat processed), ditto. It oxidation that’s key. It also explains why Bonk probably had a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of O6/O3. Nuts are seasonal, and hard to find before other critters do in the wild, and Bonk wasn’t cold pressing olives, avocados, or coconuts for the fat inside (they weren’t even around back then). There is evidence for nut consumption by Bonk and his friends though. Just saying…
Regarding your cancer, I wondered if you or other readers had looked into Fenbendazole / FBZ (Merck’s Panacur / Safe-guard) and the Joe Tippens Protocol. Reportedly not approved by FDA for human use (yet) though; conversely, Mebendazole (Vermox) is as a dewormer but per Tippins in the following, possibly less effective as an off-label cancer treatment.
I cook with olive oil, but I eat hot ten-grain cereal almost every morning into which I throw a variety of nuts and dried berries. I always use organic berries, but safflower oil is always used. I can’t find an organic brand that does not coat their dried berries in safflower oil. Do you know of a brand that doesn’t?
I also dislike that fact that most of the seeds, nuts and dried berries are, more often than not, coated in some sort of oil to preserve them. There must be a message in there somewhere. That’s one of the reasons I lean towards in-season fresh berries (well rinsed) rather than the “shelf-stable” dried options.
On a different point, apparently, we should avoid high-temperature cooking with olive oil and instead use avocado or coconut. They apparently both withstand the temperatures of cooking better than olive oil. Olive oil is best consumed at room temp on salads and such. I read it on the internet, so it must be true. 🙂
A friend of mine gets dried cranberries and dried cherries without seed oils on etsy. You might try there. Probably should not cook with olive oil. Use ghee, butter, lard or tallow . Been on this diet for years since Dr Cate was my primary physician in CA. She told me to stop eating grains too. No more oatmeal or grain breakfast cereals. Fresh eggs every morning now unless i am doing a periodic fast. Also limit fruit in general. But I do like dried dates and the sugar/oil free ones my friend sends me.
Another fascinating article by Dr cate. Some thoughts on it.
Shame on doctors, nutritionists, and scientists for accepting dogma instead of being skeptical. Science as I was taught and executed should be skeptical and free of preconceived notions.
The huge roadblock , in addition to the bias above, is economic and political. Think of the revenue that would be lost by ADM, Carrillo, and the like. They will fight this tooth and nail and use all their political influence.
Center For Science in the Public Interest, CSPI, lobbies for changes in the food industry. Among their achievements are: product labels now include trans fats, they now include added sugar, Happy Meals had to include healthier options, and we now know the calories/nutritional facts of fast food. I’m not sure whether they have a position on seed oils.
Note: Please do not share personal information with a medical question in our comment section. Comments containing this content will be deleted due to HIPAA regulations.
Your claims are not supported by science.
You clearly have not read my work.
I started the experimental data of seed oil three years ago, and got terrible results. The data of immune system, skin diseases, respiratory diseases and reproductive system may be related to genocide.
Hi Dr Cate,
Is vegetable glycerin derived from flaxseed and sunflower dangerous? I use herbal tinctures that contain vegetable glycerin. I haven’t been able to find an answer to this question, but now I’m concerned about continuing with the tinctures.
Thank You,
Glycerine is not toxic and unlikely to be heavily contaminated with toxins. In other words, it’s different from the Hateful eight.
Whilst you are completely clear on your stance the public (certainly in the UK) are receiving completely mixed messages on the topic.
Zoe is a very popular podcast there, Prof Tim Spector one of the top 100 cited scientists in the world, their take is so different to yours.
Would value your comments on this transcript from last week’s edition.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, we would like to feature seed oils as a topic on our blog this week.
As we currently feature your – and their work – on our free health resource this matters…
I’ve listened to most of your books and seed oil toxicity seems like a reasonable hypothesis, but have there been clinical trials to definitively show the negative impact on humans? If not, aren’t you doing exactly what Ancel Keys did and pushing forward a hypothesis without solid human clinical evidence to back it up? Other respected doctors, like Dr. Attia, claim there has been no clinical evidence to show seed oils are as bad as you claim. So, I’m not sure which doctor to listen to at this point. I’ve also looked on your website for specific clinic trials that have been referenced but can’t seem to find them. Could you please help clear up specifically which clinic trials on humans have shown the negative impact of seed oils?
Here is one human trial. Ancel Keys covered up this data and it was lost to science until the author of the article I discuss on that post discovered where it had been hidden and analyzed the data. The same author also published a second study. Malcolm Gladwell called the first one the biggest and best study ever done to address the question of saturated fat and health. This was in an episode of his Revisionist History podcast called The Basement Files. It’s worth a listen!
The toxicology evidence I highlight is also undisputed.
But even if such studies didn’t exist, the comparison to Keys is inaccurate. I didn’t actively cover up important facts. Keys covered up his industry funding. He lied about how much data he had showing a link between saturaed fat and heart attacks. He covered up the connection between smoking and heart disease. And he covered up his own scientific research whenever it showed he was wrong.
You realize of course that the PUFA used in the MN heart study used high trans fat PUFA now outlawed.
Well aware. Both arms would be affected by this.
Hi there. fellow doc here. enjoying your new book and find most of your ideas very compelling. I am a bit confused near the end of chapter 7 in your refutation of the idea that people with hi PUFA are more healthy. Your initial premise is that low energy and insulin resistance is based largely on difficult to “burn”/essentially inaccessible PUFA fat stores. Then in chpt 7, you indicate that “fried food eaters” have lower PUFA because they eat deep fried oxidized PUFA (that apparently is not incorporated into cells– leaving them with relatively more saturated fat in their fat stores). Instead of PUFA, they get a load of toxins reducing their own innate antioxidants which in turn causes a host of problems. Does this mean that they have “burnable” saturated fat ? but a big oxidized stress problem? If you eat a lot of packaged food that is not fried, only then do you end up with both problems..? (hi PUFA fat and oxidized stress) — and don’t most “fried food eaters” also eat the a lot of the non-fried PUFA? What happens to oxidized fat in digestion? I found cell wall chain oxidation of PUFA/inflammatory response very interesting. What ultimately happens to those oxidized fats in the cell wall? and those that become oxidized in fat stores (presumably that too happens)?
So this is one of the rather more difficult to communicate topics in science and I apologize I didn’t do the best job. I’m still struggling to express it quickly and easily. So right now this Q and A is hopefully going to help.
Your Q Does this mean that they have “burnable” saturated fat ? but a big oxidized stress problem?
My A: It sounds like you’ve understood it correctly. However, remember we’re talking about an unhealthy population with almost zero people who are insulin sensitive and who have both normal antioxidant capacity and fatty acid profile [whatever that actually may be.] Those who are eating the most fried food have worse than our already bad average antioxidant capacity while at the same time their fatty acid profile is slightly skewed towards more saturated than the average population’s which is still presumably abnormally high compared to historical average.
Does that help?
What are your thoughts on Black Cumin Oil. The website that I was referred to was https://shop.activationproducts.com/collections/nourish/Perfect-Press. They tout many health benefits but I’m still skeptical.
It’s just a way to make money. ?
Hi Dr Cate, I just bought Dark Calories and cannot wait to read it. I wanted to ask whether cold pressed rapeseed oil is ok? Thanks Michelle
The only way it would be okay is if it says unrefined. Cold pressed and unrefined are not the same.
Even so, unrefined canola would not be a good cooking oil.
The disconnect is seed oils claim to be healthy because lower cholesterol.
If the premise ”cholesterol is bad” falls, they never even had a claim to be ”heart-healthy” – false logic, false marketing.
They never should have been allowed to equal low cholesterol (but erucic acid and PUFAs etc) as ”heart-healthy”… but now not even that is a true assumption.
In your book Dark Calories, figure 1-1, sesame oil is listed as a PUFA. On page 316 sesame oil is listed under good fats. Please clarify. I haven’t read the entire book yet. I may have missed something.
PUFAs per say are not harmful. The hateful 8 are different from sesame oil for reasons that hopefully will become clear as you keep reading 🙂
I think you might have a typo in this sentence in the third section. It contradicts itself as written.
“Although its true that linoleic acid can be metabolized into an inflammatory eicosanoid that can promote things like blood clotting and tissue swelling, linoleic acid cannot.”
Edited to clarify. Thanks!
If you edited it, it must have got unedited again because at the moment it says exactly what ralph quoted. I was confused by it too.
Goodness. Here’s what it should say:
Linoleic acid is not inflammatory. Only after linoleic acid is metabolized into an eicosanoid can it promote things like blood clotting and tissue swelling. Importantly, the body does not metabolize linoleic acid this way in proportion to how much is in our diet. Multiple biochemical steps are involved in the conversion, and each of the several necessary steps only happens under certain circumstances. Cells are tiny control freaks, and they tightly regulate each of those several necessary steps.
Dr. Cate,
Sounds as though you fundamentally disagree with the “Avoid excess Omega 6 vs. 3” essence of Dr. Chris Knobbe’s book, “The Ancestral Diet Revolution”.
Is this correct?
If so, that would also imply you also disagree with the book of Dr. Phillip Ovadia, M.D. Ovadia is one of my own doc’s, while Knobbe is a personal friend, not one of my own per se docs.
I’m a 70 year old healthcoach. I’ve been a Certified Financial Planner for almost 40 years, and I’ve also turned into a health coach to clients, friends, and family since I got T2D in 2015. It freaked me out sufficiently that I jumped online, found and studied the heck out of Drs. Jason Fung, (the now late) Sarah Hallberg, Peter Attia, Robert Lustig, etc., and fixed the diabetes and got off of metformin within six months.
Now, although I’m still working and running my financial planning practice in downtown Fort Worth, and helping people with health coaching anytime I can, I’m also attempting to survive Stage 4 melanoma that was diagnosed with a semi-emergency left brain surgery on 11.30.21. That 2″ left brain tumor was removed, and my three left lung tumors are now reduced, in half, size-wise by a year of immunotherapy (Yervoy and Opdivo). And one of those three lung tumors is actually gone now. Unfortunately, the five radiation treatments following the initial brain surgery fried my left brain with five serious marble sized areas of RN (radiation necrosis). So, my second brain surgery was to reduce those. Four of the five RN areas were surgically removed and one was left as it had two brain blood vessels running through it. My second left brain tumor, thank God, only 2mm in size first appeared in January of this year. And, it was 3mm then. So, perhaps it really is shrinking.
So, amazingly, with my two good neurosurgeons and and two oncologists (one of whom is a per se melanomist), I’m still here for now, right at 2.5 years, and with the two most annually deadly cancer problems available. Number one cancer fatality globally is lung cancer (mostly due to smoking), and number two is brain tumors. I’ve got number one, and number two and have amazing survived with both for over two years! Thank God.
Anyway, you can likely now see why I’m as interested in your area of work as I am, with both my health coaching work, and my own pretty darn serious efforts at continued survival. I’m 70 years old, a financial planner, a cattle rancher, a health coach, and a serious survival from S4 cancer worker. I live on a ranch 40 miles northwest of downtown Fort Worth, where my financial planning practice is (two hours of driving to and from work), with Kamee, my wife, Virginia, my 94 year old Mom, and Cate, our 19 year old only child who just finished her first year in college at SMU in Dallas. Cate actually took a nutrition course and successfully completed it in high school.
Anyway, I hope you can now see why I’m seriously trying to figure out why you’re seriously suggesting that the modern extreme imbalance of the current dietary Omega 6 vs. Omega 3 imbalance is not the principal problem with most plant/seed oils. My understanding is that the Omega relationship should ideally be between 1 to 1 and maybe 2 to 1. But, it is currently, at least in the U.S., closer to 20 to 1. I understand this to be a radical nutrition based problem that creates a major, major problem with our metabolic health.
Are we in disagreement? What’s going on here?
Thank you very much for a serious response.
Hi Guy! Thanks for your interest in this vitally important topic .
Dr. Ovadia is a great doctor. I’m an admirer. Just this week we recorded a podcast on his platform and it was a great conversation that included my reasoning for focusing on oxidation over the ratio. I hope you can listen to it when it’s released around June 11.
I’ve discussed the ratio versus oxidation issues with Dr. Knobbe, too, at some length. And he seemed to agree.
If we’re going up against huge moneyed interests trying to shut down the warnings it’s important to have science on our side. And there’s an overwhelming amount of science showing how these oils promote oxidative stress, which is the root cause of health problems. So much so that I had to write a 500 page book to cover it.
I also discuss vegetable oils and cancer.
I am not a doctor or a scientist, but I have been researching these topics for about 30 years in order to sift out the truth about nutrition, i.e., what is and isn’t healthy to eat and why.
I went through a phase of O6 to O3 ratio being THE most single important factor. Seed oils were of course out (good thing). Grassfed or wild products were good, the more natural the diet of the critter the better the food derived from them, whether it was beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, or wild game.
The problem with that approach is that if you go first and foremost by the O6/O3 ratio, you have to eliminate what are obviously healthy chioces. Like raw nuts, sprouted pumpkin seeds, avocados (and avocado oil), coconut (and ev coconut oil), and olives (and evo oil). Macadamia nuts and oil are about the only permissible chioce, by ratio. Something was missing here, so I dared to not eliminate those thing from my diet and kept researching.
Enter oxidation. It explains the above paradox perfectly. Nuts in their narural state have compounds to prevent oxidation (go figure). Cold pressed oils (as opposed to heat processed), ditto. It oxidation that’s key. It also explains why Bonk probably had a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of O6/O3. Nuts are seasonal, and hard to find before other critters do in the wild, and Bonk wasn’t cold pressing olives, avocados, or coconuts for the fat inside (they weren’t even around back then). There is evidence for nut consumption by Bonk and his friends though. Just saying…
Regarding your cancer, I wondered if you or other readers had looked into Fenbendazole / FBZ (Merck’s Panacur / Safe-guard) and the Joe Tippens Protocol. Reportedly not approved by FDA for human use (yet) though; conversely, Mebendazole (Vermox) is as a dewormer but per Tippins in the following, possibly less effective as an off-label cancer treatment.
I have zero background in the subject and am not medically qualified.
I cook with olive oil, but I eat hot ten-grain cereal almost every morning into which I throw a variety of nuts and dried berries. I always use organic berries, but safflower oil is always used. I can’t find an organic brand that does not coat their dried berries in safflower oil. Do you know of a brand that doesn’t?
Have you considered switching to frozen fruits instead of dry fruits?
I also dislike that fact that most of the seeds, nuts and dried berries are, more often than not, coated in some sort of oil to preserve them. There must be a message in there somewhere. That’s one of the reasons I lean towards in-season fresh berries (well rinsed) rather than the “shelf-stable” dried options.
On a different point, apparently, we should avoid high-temperature cooking with olive oil and instead use avocado or coconut. They apparently both withstand the temperatures of cooking better than olive oil. Olive oil is best consumed at room temp on salads and such. I read it on the internet, so it must be true. 🙂
A friend of mine gets dried cranberries and dried cherries without seed oils on etsy. You might try there. Probably should not cook with olive oil. Use ghee, butter, lard or tallow . Been on this diet for years since Dr Cate was my primary physician in CA. She told me to stop eating grains too. No more oatmeal or grain breakfast cereals. Fresh eggs every morning now unless i am doing a periodic fast. Also limit fruit in general. But I do like dried dates and the sugar/oil free ones my friend sends me.
Another fascinating article by Dr cate. Some thoughts on it.
Shame on doctors, nutritionists, and scientists for accepting dogma instead of being skeptical. Science as I was taught and executed should be skeptical and free of preconceived notions.
The huge roadblock , in addition to the bias above, is economic and political. Think of the revenue that would be lost by ADM, Carrillo, and the like. They will fight this tooth and nail and use all their political influence.
We need an ally in congress.
Center For Science in the Public Interest, CSPI, lobbies for changes in the food industry. Among their achievements are: product labels now include trans fats, they now include added sugar, Happy Meals had to include healthier options, and we now know the calories/nutritional facts of fast food. I’m not sure whether they have a position on seed oils.