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The following articles include a discussion of cancer the disease.

PUFA-Project: Scientific References on Seed Oil Toxicity

Table of ContentsMission:Basic Principles: Refined, High-PUFA Oils Promote Oxiative Stress The Excessive Seed Oil HypothesisHistorically adipose tissue contained a fraction of the PUFA found in adipose tissue today.Reference supporting the notion that excessive PUFA intake causes oxidative stressHow Seed Oils Lead to Obesity and Diabetes:Seed Oils Make You Crave Carbs, SugarHow Genetics Plays a Role: The…

Natural Cure for Breast Pain

If you’ve had bothersome breast pain that’s been diagnosed as nothing serious and are now wanting to know what to do about it, this article is for you. This article will address what you can do to alleviate the two most common causes of benign breast pain: Cyclic breast pain occurring around your period. Cyclic pain…

Heart Disease Reversal Program

Reverse Atherosclerosis, Prevent Heart Attacks, Clear Your Arteries!

Have you had a heart attack?

Do you have a stent?

Do cholesterol medications make you tired or forgetful?

Heart disease is a MANUFACTURED problem. You CAN reverse it.

Book Review: Primal Prescription

If you or someone you know has been hospitalized this year you might have noticed that essential information is often poorly communicated and the cost of care can be shocking. How to cope?

High Cholesterol and Breast Cancer: Is there a connection?

Cholesterol is now blamed for breast cancer. Learn what the science quoted in the media actually says.

Statin side effects: Almost universal and often missed.

One of the most distressing things about practicing medicine these days is the blind faith that most people, doctors and patients, have in cholesterol pills like Lipitor, Crestor, Vytorin, and Zocor, just to name a few of the most popular statin drugs available today. This faith comes not from gullibility, but from carefully crafted drug…

BRCA testing: Are the medical options sensible?

Angelina Jolie’s medical choice was a brave one, and the decision to share it even braver. However it looks as though, if my sources are accurate, it appears there is little benefit, actually no benefit, to prophylactic mastectomy (prophylactic meaning to prevent ever developing cancer) over screening in terms of mortality. Was Jolie’s choice influenced by culture more than by the science? And will her decision spark of a conversation that moves us in a new direction?

What is MRSA? Another Reason We Need Good Bacteria

Germs have been strategizing against the effects of antimicrobial agents from a variety of sources (including other microbes) for billions of years. So as far as bacteria are concerned, manmade antibiotics represent just another challenge, the most recent of a long series of biological puzzles to solve. Instead of killing good and bad bacteria (like MRSA) indiscriminately with antimicrobials, it makes more sense to support your immune system and the good bacteria who will fight off the bad guys for you!

Your 2012 Weight-Loss Resolution: Become a Better Fat Burner

If you are like most Americans, you’ve made plenty of weight loss resolutions over the years and failed to follow through. It’s probably not that you lack willpower; it’s that you never trained your body to burn fat.

What is the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo diet, also known as the Primal diet or the Ancestral diet, is a low-carb, high-protein diet that’s helping people all over the modernized world rid themselves of excess pounds and prescription medications. If you don’t have friends or relatives following a Paleo diet now, chances are you will very soon.

Consider the Male Chin

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

Why Vegans and Primal-Paleo Dietary Types Should All Just Get Along

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors (we get an average of 1 credit hour of nutrition training) advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

What is celiac disease? A recipe for recovery beyond gluten free.

New insights into the cause of guten intolerance can help those suffering from all food allergies recover faster.

The China Study: Does Avoiding Animal Protein in Pregnancy Help or Harm?

The China Study advises a vegan diet but author T. Colin Campbell also admits it cuts a woman’s hormone levels so low that it stunts growth, delays puberty, and leads to early menopause. Dr Cate advises caution for anyone on a vegan diet.

Nashua Telegraph Reviews Food Rules

Taking the most rudimentary tenets of eating and flipping them over like organic flapjacks, Dr. Catherine Shanahan, of Bedford, illustrates the correlations between “eating mindfully” and establishing an uncomplicated diet – especially as we lumber through the dog days of summer.

If Your Doctor Recommends Against Vitamin D, Here’s Why

The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, which has recently tarnished its reputation by refusing to publish articles unfavorable to popular prescription drugs, is barreling forward this week with its anti-natural, anti-health approach to medicine in asserting that vitamin D should not be universally recommended for postmenopausal women with low levels of vitamin D, and stating…

Lose Belly Flab in Three Weeks!! (It can be done, and here’s why you should)

Big bellies bulge when a person’s diet is particularly bad. Belly flab is an important external sign of metabolic inflammation. According to new research, even thin people with a little bit of belly flab are looking at problems down the road. A study published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that relatively…

How starting a low-cholesterol diet leads to weight gain

The advice to cut cholesterol almost always leads to eating more carbs, which increases triglyceride and often LDL levels, which leads to being placed on cholesterol pills, which can cause diabetes.

Papillary Thyroid Cancer: More Common Than You Think

If you’re wondering if cancer can go away by itself, you may be very interested to learn that some cancers seem to do that MOST of the time.

FDA Officially Unconcerned that Crestor Causes Diabetes

Imagine a world where everyone is on powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs. Not just sick people. Everyone. Astra Zeneca has imagined it, and now they’re going to see their dream come true. On December 16, the FDA announced their approval of Astra Zeneca’s cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor for use in people without high cholesterol despite the fact that…

Can Cancer Go Away Without Treatment?

The USPSTF has recognized that by treating tiny, early stage breast cancers so aggressively, doctors may also have unknowingly subjected hundreds of thousands of American women to unnecessary procedures, leading to needless complications including disfigurement and even death, all the while assuming they were saving people’s lives.

Who Should Get Vitamin D Testing?

We all know our skin makes vitamin D during sun exposure, so you’d think that most of us here in Hawaii would have plenty of vitamin D, right? Wrong. A study done on prototypical surfer-dudes in Honolulu, titled: Low Vitamin D Status Despite Abundant Sun Exposure (Binkely, 2007) found that, amazingly, more than half (51…

Join Dr. Cate at Borders, Saturday August 8th at 2pm

Discussion and book signing of Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food

Thermograms versus Mammograms: Which test is best?

Thermograms detect infrared rays to show patterns of body temperature. What most people I know who have gotten a thermogram don’t seem to have been told is that thermograms only detect surface bloodflow, so any cancer growth deeper than a few millimeters may not be detected unless it also happens to be large enough to…

Breast Cancer: Is Early Detection A Good Thing?

When it comes to breast cancer, not all “cancer” is really cancer, study says. According to the ACS, something like one in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes. That’s scary, not only for women but for the family and friends who love them. But a recent study from the well-respected…

The Natural Way To Prevent or Reverse Cancer

We used to think a single cell of cancer was a death sentence. New research shows how a healthy immune system can eradicate cancer cells.

Perfect Health Is No Mystery

The healthiest diets all share four common food categories. And we call these categories the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. In the past, they were part of every successful human culture. This website explores the many benefits of those culinary traditions, and will help you learn to cook the same dishes and enjoy the same, delicious meals that the healthiest people on Earth all do.

More About Cholesterol Pills

Cholesterol pills can disrupt the function of every cell in your body in different ways, as described in this post, impairing brain, kidney, and heart hearth.

Why go against the medical grain?

Here’s the story about what led me to first to question and then to condemn the theory that cholesterol causes heart disease.

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