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Why Kobe Bryant Drinks Bone Broth
January 20, 2017

Dr. Cate on: Why Kobe Bryant Drinks Bone Broth

Abel James from Fat-Burning Man Podcast invites Dr. Cate Shanahan to the show where she shares how Gwyneth Paltrow and Kobe Bryant, big-time celebs hopping on the broth train. Dr. Cate also shares how we helped Dwight Howard conquer sugar addiction.

Fat Adapted Athletes Perform Better
January 6, 2017

Dr. Cate on: Fat Adapted Athletes Perform Better

Mike Mutzel from High-Intensity Health interviews Dr. Cate Shanahan to discuss the science behind real food-based, low-carb diets and sports performance. Additionally, Dr. Cate discusses the Four Pillars (common findings) of all healthy human diets.

Practical Lipid Management For LCHF Patients
June 10, 2016

Dr. Cate on: Practical Lipid Management for LCHF Patients

The Low Carb Down Under invites Dr. Cate Shanahan where she shares the dramatic declines in the health of her patient’s bone structure, immune-system function, and behavioral development in subsequent generations of patients in the same family. We also attribute these changes to the two most potent toxins in the food supply: Vegetable oils and sugars.

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