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Walking Running With Plantar Fasciitis
March 21, 2017

Is Walking Safe with Plantar Fasciitis?

When active people get sore feet, the diagnosis is often plantar fasciitis and the prescription is often rest. This post describes how, if you have plantar fasciitis and are an active person, staying active might be more therapeutic than staying entirely off your feet.

Kobe Bryant's Diet Philosphy
February 18, 2017

Vegetable Oil and Sugar Block Fat Burn and Mitochondrial Function

In 2017, mainstream medicine has taken giant step towards science backed advice. Meanwhile, sports nutrition still espouses that sugar is the best fuel for athletes, that low carb diets deplete glycogen stores, and that polyunsaturated fats are the healthy kind of fat.

What Is The Paleo Diet?
December 18, 2011

What is the Paleo Diet?

The Paleo diet, also known as the Primal diet or the Ancestral diet, is a low-carb, high-protein diet that’s helping people all over the modernized world rid themselves of excess pounds and prescription medications. If you don’t have friends or relatives following a Paleo diet now, chances are you will very soon.

December 5, 2009

Can Cancer Go Away Without Treatment?

The USPSTF has recognized that by treating tiny, early stage breast cancers so aggressively, doctors may also have unknowingly subjected hundreds of thousands of American women to unnecessary procedures, leading to needless complications including disfigurement and even death, all the while assuming they were saving people’s lives.

May 18, 2009

Is Coffee Bad For Your Health?

Coffee: Friend or Foe? Coffee is one of the most popular breakfast items on the most popular diet (a Paleo Diet) menu. Indeed, I’ve read reports claiming that coffee has antioxidants that may prevent heart disease and other compounds that may help to prevent certain cancers. At the other end of the argument, many natural health newsletters treat coffee like it’s worse than cocaine–blaming coffee for everything from “burning out” our adrenal glands and harming our kidneys, to mood swings, fatigue, and depression. So is starting your day with coffee really going to make you “Bulletproof”? Moderation is the key. …

April 12, 2009

Breast Cancer: Is Early Detection A Good Thing?

When it comes to breast cancer, not all “cancer” is really cancer, study says. According to the ACS, something like one in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes. That’s scary, not only for women but for the family and friends who love them. But a recent study from the well-respected Cochrane Commission says that there is reason for hope. According this meta-analysis (a meta-analysis is a study of many studies), many growths often presumed to be deadly cancers based on mammogram and biopsy results may not be as life threatening as we once thought. They…

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