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August 3, 2011

Discover Urban Homesteading and Win Free Copy of Deep Nutrition

In much of the world, urban homesteading is an intrinsic aspect of daily life. The fact that people living below the poverty line in Africa, Asia, and South America still produce healthier babies than their counterparts in America should tell us something about the value of home-grown food and the farming skills involved in producing it.

Oil Spill
July 18, 2010

One more vital food source down the drain: The health effects of the BP oil spill

When I first saw those helicopter shots of red oil plumes staining the ocean, my only thought was: How could any animal survive in that? As a person who loves animals, this tragedy is too awful to think about. But as a doctor concerned with the prevention of human illness, I can’t help thinking about it. I can’t help but wonder: If the entire Gulf ecosystem is trashed, how will that affect us? It’s impossible to measure, let alone predict, the long-term human health effects that emerge from a major environmental catastrophe like the one we are now witnessing in…

January 29, 2010

Low Carb Diets Reduce Blood Pressure

A new study suggests Dr. Atkins was right: A high carb diet is not a healthy diet, and cutting carbs trims more than just your waistline. While both low-carb and low-fat diets can help you loose weight, Duke University’s well-designed study makes it pretty clear that if you want to reduce your weight and your pressure, a low-carb diet is a better choice. From Today’s Medscape Family Medicine: “January 25, 2010 (Durham, North Carolina) — A new randomized trial comparing a low-carbohydrate diet with a low-fat diet in combination with the weight-loss drug orlistat has found that both strategies produced meaningful weight…

What Do All The Healthiest Diets Have In Common?
November 16, 2008

What do all the healthiest diets have in common?

French Paradox, Mediterranean Diet, Okinawa Diet…Oh my! How do you chose? You don’t have to choose, you can enjoy them all. All authentic cuisines the world over include foods that belong to these four categories: Meat on the Bone Organ meats Fermented and sprouted foods Fresh, uncooked ingredients While most of my patients are aware of the importance of fresh foods, few people realize that we also need to include foods from the other three pillars. Here’s what you need to know about each: Meat on the Bone Cooking meat bone does two great things. 1) It enables the bone…

October 23, 2008

Health After Healthcare

Have you lost your job and your insurance? Or is your employer cutting back on your benefits? Protecting your health naturally is better than health insurance. Learn how!

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere
June 13, 2008

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere

Look for vegetable oils on every label. They promote inflammation starting in the gut and extending into the arteries, nervous system, and everywhere else.

June 2, 2008

More About Cholesterol Pills

Cholesterol pills can disrupt the function of every cell in your body in different ways, as described in this post, impairing brain, kidney, and heart hearth.

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