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Reverse Heart Disease without PIlls

Practical Lipid Management for Low Carb Practitioners

Presentation from Low Carb Vail 2016.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. No to your first question, enjoy your fish and grass fed meat. You may not need fish oil.
    On the lipoprotien, the more exterior pufa would likely oxidize first.
    Sorry for the 9 month delay (disqus is not sending noticies)

  2. Hi Dr. Cate,
    I listened thoroughly to this talk yesterday, taking notes, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for breaking these processes down in such detail.

    And I have a question. I understand how PUFAs can become oxidized through processing and heating. I also understand that, once oxidized, PUFAs are susceptible to further oxidation in the bloodstream, with iron and oxygen as contributing factors.

    My question is: when PUFAs enter the body in a non-oxidized state, are they still susceptible to oxidation once in the bloodstream, in the presence of iron and oxygen? Is it inevitable that all the PUFAs we ingest will become oxidized? I am hoping your answer is no. so that I can continue to enjoy fish and grass-fed meat (cooked of course at moderate temps) and fish oil.

    Hmmmm, I realize I have a second question. I understand that PUFAs travel through the bloodstream packaged in spherical lipoproteins, as do all lipids. When a PUFA packaged in this way becomes oxidized or more oxidized in the bloodstream, does that imply that the lipoprotein shell must become oxidized first? And that the oxidation spreads from the lipoprotein shell into the contents of the lipoprotein, ie, the PUFA? Or does the PUFA within the lipoprotein somehow oxidize without the lipoprotein shell being affected?

    I’m wondering if you’ll see this, and hoping you will. If you do, thank you for your attention!

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