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How to Make Beef Bone Broth!

Beef stock is harder to make than chicken stock, but when you reduce it down and pour over steak, the flavor is to die for!

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Hi Dr. Cate,

    I’m in the middle of reading deep nutrition right now and actually purchased some bone broth recently from Kettle and Fire until I am able to plan out how to correctly make my own. My question for you is how do you find the best way to store it. In the video it looks like there may be upwards of a couple quarts of stock there but I would like to be able to store it so its useable on an everyday basis for drinking. What is your suggestion. Thank you!

  2. Hi Dr. Cate,

    I’m in the middle of reading deep nutrition right now and actually purchased some bone broth recently from Kettle and Fire until I am able to plan out how to correctly make my own. My question for you is how do you find the best way to store it. In the video it looks like there may be upwards of a couple quarts of stock there but I would like to be able to store it so its useable on an everyday basis for drinking. What is your suggestion. Thank you!

    1. We freeze stock in a variety of container sizes. The beneficial molecules in stock are very hardy and tolerant of freezing and even thawing and refreezing.

      Happy broth making!!

    2. Hi Trevor! Thought I might be able to help you out with a suggestion here. Whenever I make bone broth, I divide it up into 6 to 8 oz mason jars and store them in individual servings in the freezer. I’ll move 1 or 2 jars to the fridge everyday, so it is defrosted for drinking or cooking the next day. It does take up a bit of room in the freezer, but I go through it so quickly that it’s worth it. I will also save some in silicon ice cube trays for when I only need a small amount for a recipe. Hope this helps!

  3. I am very interested in making my own bone broth, but have read about lead contamination that comes from the bones in animals. What are your thoughts? I’m sincerely trying learn, before I incorporate this into my diet.

    Thank you!

    1. Great question. I get it so often I addressed it in the FAQ section of the book. Bottom line is there does not seem to be a legitimate concern about bone broth containing more lead than many other foods. The study that started this hype compared it to tap water, which is not a particularly good control.

    2. HI Kelsey!
      Great question. I answered this in Deep Nutrition. Here’s the excerpt

      I heard bone broth might contain a lot of lead. Is that true?
      An article in the journal Medical Hypothesis entitled “The Risk Of Lead Contamination In Bone Broth Diets” made headlines when it came out in 2013, triggering a flurry of emails to my inbox. The article shows that bone stock made according to a standard recipe and not concentrated further contained just over ten times the concentration of lead as tap water used as a control (9.5 micrograms of lead per Killogram of liquid stock versus 0.89 per Killogramkillogram of water). So yes, bone stock contains a good deal more lead than tap water. But keep in mind, many foods contain lead. So for the number to be more meaningful, I think we need to compare it to something other than water. Lead levels are not reported for most foods, but I was able to find the following data (all units in microgramKillogram or killograms): kale 5=–200.3; hake fish 7; performance protein drinks 15, urban-raised chicken eggs 30-80; infant cereal formula less than 20 (threshold of detection) -180; canned sardines 60-270; mussels 150. So it appears that bone stock’s lead level of 9.5 is relatively low.

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