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fat adapted athletes perform better

Fat Adapted Athletes Perform Better w/ Mike Mutzel

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Please explain how athletes perform better, when every study measuring performance shows significant reductions?

    Also, if athletes perform better on this diet, it must be coincidence that the Lakers plummeted down the rankings after you were appointed?

    1. not really how logic works buddy. The lakers haven’t had good players for the past few years.

      1. I doubt it
        since performance for high intensity sports usually tanks after a low carb diet, and the good “doctor” has the bright idea that fat adapted athletes will perform better.. it seems pretty clear it’s not just coincidence

        I would take anther look at biochem textbooks, and resarch reviews, before you think high fat is the way forward

        1. you don’t even know how to apply critical thinking to a situation, but you’re asking me to pick up text books or research reviews?

          All the textbooks and research in the world isn’t going to help me, you, or anybody – if the person reading them can’t apply critical thinking and ask the right questions.

          You may be right that carbs are better for performance athletes to burn… maybe… but your original argument, which was the comment i was replying to – shows a complete lack of understanding critical thinking as to make any further arguments you make untrustworthy without sources and real details/real arguments.

  2. I loved reading Deep Nutrition. One question I have is related to dairy. I get that we should choose raw, grass fed dairy, but so many other diets (Paleo, Bulletproof, Whole30) exclude all dairy except for Ghee. Are they wrong? Why is your human diet different in this way? Thanks!

    1. HI Chris! Glad you enjoyed our book! Dairy is much maligned and misunderstood. Bottom line is there’s no reason to avoid dairy unless you are lactose intolerant or have an allergy–including an autoimmune related allergy (but this needs to be assessed properly, not flippantly by misusing the IgG testing, as I see happening too often). BTW, in the new edition of Deep Nutrition (released Jan 2017) I cover these and other concerns commonly raised regarding dairy.

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