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Consider The Male Chin
October 16, 2011

Consider the Male Chin

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

Why Vegans And Primal-Paleo Dietary Types Should All Just Get Along
October 16, 2011

Why Vegans and Primal-Paleo Dietary Types Should All Just Get Along

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors (we get an average of 1 credit hour of nutrition training) advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

June 6, 2010

Dr. Cate and Luke Bid Farewell to Beloved Kauai

After relocating to New Hampshire I’m finally bidding farewell, officially, to beloved Kauai. It was a wonderful 10 years of living in paradise, enjoying beautiful scenery, weather, fresh local foods and of course the company of so many wonderful people that make up this very special island community. Thanks to Malama Kauai, Unity Church, Borders Books and Music, and to everyone I befriended during a decade of aloha—and especially to West Kauai Medical Centers who have been so good to me and to now (semi-) retired Drs. Robert and Linda Weiner who first hired me way back in Sept 2000!…

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