How Eliminating Vegetable Oil (AKA the Hateful 8 Seed Oil) Helps Weight Loss
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
Processed food can make us fat, but it may have effects that are more profound, including the disruption of facial geometry.
In part 3 of this series exposing the truth about cholesterol I show you the documents the American Heart Association use to trick doctors into believing there is ample evidence linking cholesterol to heart disease.
In Part 2 of this series we learn about a large human clinical trial that the American Heart Association leadership buried. This trial disproves the cholesterol theory of heart disease, shows that lower cholesterol correlates with greater death, and offers solid evidence that vegetable oils increase your risk of dying.
Part 1 of my 3 article series explains that cholesterol is a nutrient and not the root cause of heart disease. The root cause is a chemical process called oxidation. After all, smoking doesn’t raise cholesterol. It causes oxidation.
Mission: To promote consumer awareness of the evidence that PUFA overconsumption from seed oils that are wrongly promoted as healthy promote excessive oxidative stress, a root cause of most non-infectious diseases To increase health professionals’ awareness of the role of high-PUFA refined oils (The Hateful Eight) in driving non-infectious disease To support businesses that avoid seed oils and offer consumers healthy fats and oils (click here for products) To support global human nutrition and health by elevating culinary skills that wean us off seed oils Basic Principles: Refined, High-PUFA Oils Promote Oxiative Stress PUFA stands for polyunsaturated fatty acid.…
Are you watching your cholesterol? Then you might be interested to read this story, describing the American Heart Association’s role in creating mass cholesterol-phobia, including evidence that they actively suppressed information that would have changed the course of medical history.
90 percent of insurance plans pay doctors to prescribe drugs to manage your health according to guidelines. Is that a good idea?