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April 18, 2020

The Fats Making Us Sugar Addicts

If you want to get off sugar you need to know if your metabolism depends on it as a cellular fuel. Learn 11 common signs of metabolic sugar dependence, and why fixing your metabolism is the first step to controlling a sweet tooth.

Diet Increases IQ
April 2, 2017

Can a low-PUFA Diet Really Increase Your IQ?

Learn how your diet may be affecting your IQ. We used to think that our IQ was fixed based on our genetics. But now we know that just as our genes can change during our lives, so can our neurons.

The Miracle Moment: How To Help An Autistic Child Step Into The World
April 28, 2012

The Miracle Moment: How to help an autistic child step into the world

Twenty years ago diabetes was assumed to be a genetic disorder. Now we understand that diabetes is a consequence of unhealthy diet and other lifestyle factors. Just as those of us physicians in the low-carb community currently use diet to prevent and even reverse diabetes and its complications, I believe we will soon see similar progress in treating and preventing autism.

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