Medscape Misleading Doctors About Statin Benefits for Breast Cancer
If you’re a health professional you should know that you can’t implicitly trust medical news outlets. They may be manipulating you!
If you’re a health professional you should know that you can’t implicitly trust medical news outlets. They may be manipulating you!
Did you know that the cut off for “high” cholesterol used to be nearly twice as high as it is today? The number considered low enough has had to shift downward multiple times. Cholesterol-lowering “targets” are lower today than ever before. And lately, heart attacks are increasing.
Library of videos on statin harms and how the industry continues to suppress the truth about these cholesterol-lowering pills.
Dr. Cate gives you the peer-reviewed research revealing cholesterol pills are much more dangerous to your brain than doctors have been led to believe.
In part 3 of this series exposing the truth about cholesterol I show you the documents the American Heart Association use to trick doctors into believing there is ample evidence linking cholesterol to heart disease.
In Part 2 of this series we learn about a large human clinical trial that the American Heart Association leadership buried. This trial disproves the cholesterol theory of heart disease, shows that lower cholesterol correlates with greater death, and offers solid evidence that vegetable oils increase your risk of dying.
Part 1 of my 3 article series explains that cholesterol is a nutrient and not the root cause of heart disease. The root cause is a chemical process called oxidation. After all, smoking doesn’t raise cholesterol. It causes oxidation.
The origin of the idea that cholesterol and saturated fat cause heart attacks is bizarre. It involves a US President and a former eel physiologist who put cigarettes in the US military K-rations and got millions of WWII soldiers addicted to tobacco.
90 percent of insurance plans pay doctors to prescribe drugs to manage your health according to guidelines. Is that a good idea?
An important study was stopped early, for reasons they don’t explain. What has me worried is that the study appears to have stopped just as the death rates rose
Cholesterol pills can disrupt the function of every cell in your body in different ways, as described in this post, impairing brain, kidney, and heart hearth.
You know cholesterol pills will lower your cholesterol. But do you know cholesterol pills don’t prevent heart attacks by lowering cholesterol? They work by what the pharmaceutical companies call “a pleitropic effect” meaning they have so many effects we can’t understand or predict them all. Isoprene: A Building Block for Cellular Health Cholesterol pills called statins lower cholesterol by blocking the enzyme that forms a chemical required for the earliest steps of cholesterol manufacture, the making of isoprene units. If you can’t make isoprene units, you can’t make cholesterol. But your body uses isoprene units for a whole bunch of…