How Eliminating Vegetable Oil (AKA the Hateful 8 Seed Oil) Helps Weight Loss
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.
In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.
It’s not you that wants to overeat. It’s not you that doesn’t have the energy to exercise. It’s your metabolism. If you’ve gained and been unable to lose or lost and regained, it’s not lack of willpower. It’s lack of FATBURN.
Today’s post will review two very interesting articles using very different sounding but actually similar strategies to improve migraine pain, low-fat vegan, versus targeted omega-3/omega-6 rebalancing
We often overlook the fact that simply overeating puts a stress on the system (and PUFA-rich seed oils are the worst). I think we should include a fourth macronutrient: time between meals. The longer you can go without a meal or a snack or a beverage other than water, the healthier your mitochondria will be.
The first ever diet trial to 100% resolution of pre-diabetes with diet is neither low fat nor low carb. It’s high protein.
My latest post on coconut oil can help you determine if you should add coconut to you diet for weight loss, thyroid health, or other metabolism-optimizing purposes.