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Shelf Of Heart Healthy Mazola With The Words Is This Worse Than Sugar

Attention Keto Dieters: Seed Oil is Worse than Sugar

Fellow members of the keto community, keto dieters everywhere, we need to talk.

I want to convince you that any amount of seed oils is way worse than small amounts of sugar. Ketones are not the miracle cure for all that ails us. A healthy metabolism is. The only reason we can’t see this is because we’ve been lied to about fats. 

Seed oils destroy our metabolism. Sugar doesn’t. AFTER seed oils make us sick and insulin resistant THEN sugar can potentially become toxic to us. But because of HOW seed oils harm our body fat and mitochondria, cutting carbs too far too fast while we’re metabolically damaged may actually make us burn muscle. Figure 2 C of this study shows a slightly negative protein balance.

This is why the focus on carb restriction and ketone production is potentially dangerous. We need to shift to a safer strategy: strict seed oil avoidance and acceptance of what I call slow-digesting carbs.

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Kobe Bryant

It helped. I feel great.

"It’s helped. I feel great."

Kobe Bryant
NBA baskeball player


That’s why I’m so excited for the opportunity to partner with the Metabolic Health Initiative

Please join me this Thursday, Oct 17 at 1 PM EST for a webinar where I expose the toxic truth about these oils that I hope will shake up the metabolic community. This one-hour presentation covers the history and the science behind seed oil’s supposed controversy. It’s today’s most controversial topic. But it shouldn’t be.

I know the keto community is full of compassionate people. So I hope they are ready to hear the truth even if it goes against everything they’ve heard before.

Don’t get me wrong.  The keto diet is great for people with seizures. It’s great for cancer, where it’s extending lives and shrinking tumors. But when it comes to most other conditions, there’s no clear advantage. What’s more, I’ve seen that folks with severely damaged metabolisms are better off eating small amounts of slow-digesting carbs. You don’t need to go to zero carbs. But you don’t want to eat plates of pasta, either. That is why, in all my books, I’ve advised getting at least 30 grams of carbs per day, even when following a “keto-like” diet, which I do recommend for some people in my book The FATBURN Fix. The max you’d want is around 70–100 grams per day although people can go higher as long as they’re feeling good and getting plenty of protein and all their micronutrients

Fellow keto leaders: we must align our health advice with the science.

I’ve been watching the keto world slowly start to understand that not all fats are equally good, but it’s too slow. Our metabolic house is on fire & we need to be sounding the alarm. If we want to move the needle on metabolic disease, now is the time to change the metabolic health conversation.

After the 1 hour lecture, there will be a live Q and A where anyone can ask me questions.

This is a free lecture but you do need to register for a one-week trial of the Metabolic Health Initiative.

Register for free here:

I hope to see you there!

(If you want to learn more about how seed oils harm our metabolism and why slow-digesting carbs can help your health recovery, I cover that in my latest book Dark Calories)

But Wait…Why Does Atkins-Style Keto Work?

Atkiins didn’t know about seed oils. In fact, the first keto book to discuss seed oils was the one I helped to write, called The Keto Reset, by Mark Sisson and Brad Kearns. You’ll see they interviewed me for the section on seed oils.

So why did Aktins have any success at all?

I believe it all comes down to oxidative stress. Any diet/lifestyle that improves OS should improve IR. And many things can improve OS, particularly better nutrition and reduction in calorie overload.

Atkins removes the greatest source of excess and EMPTY calories from people’s diets—breads, rice, pasta, sweets, etc. And because Atkins allowed steaks eggs cheese regular dairy and encouraged tons of veggies, it simultaneously increases nutrients required to control oxidative stress.

Common False Claim about KETO:

Claim: We have no metabolic need for sugar.

Reality: Our connective tissue must contain sugar molecules (hyaluronic acid, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans). Our cells are studded with sugar molecules so that our white blood cells know self from not self.  We metabolize 30 -70 grams of sugar per day for energy.

Point of confusion: Our liver can make sugar from certain amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. This is called gluconeogenesis. However, being able to make sugar from protein does not mean this is an ideal way to meet our body’s need for sugar.  For one thing, to do this wastes protein, and can create a nitrogen load on the kidneys.

Have you heard of something that keto does that you’re worried you might miss out on?

Share your concern in a comment below!


With over two decades of clinical experience and expertise in genetic and biochemical research, Dr. Cate can help you to reverse metabolic disease and reshape your body.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Hi Dr. Cate, I have a question– does taking grassfed desiccated/freeze dried liver or multi-organs have any benefits worth the price?
    Also, as a coffee drinker, I was happy that your book encouraged it. But aren’t there studies showing that caffeine destroys collagen?
    Thank you kindly!

  2. Is it not the case that due to metabolic damage, there is useful and usable energy available for the brain from ketones, whilst it recovers from systemic metabolic damage caused by seed oils and excess sugar?

    As a secondary point, once metabolically healthy, can a ketogenic diet not be a useful (due to the ketone suppression of hunger) weight-loss tool?

  3. Hi Dr. Cate – Just want to mention this post says the webinar is at 10 am ET, but when you click on the link, it’s at 10am PT / 1pm ET.
    Wish I could attend – but I’ll be at work.

      1. No problem. 🙂
        And thanks! I’ve signed up – and maybe I’ll be able to take an early lunch and actually attend the zoom call.

        1. Apparently they already released the lecture recording and today’s meeting is JUST the Q and A. So sorry for the confusion. So with your free membership trial you can view the lecture at any time. Given all this confusion, I will also be releasing it later on my YouTube channel where you can view it for free!

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