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PUFA Project
September 3, 2020

PUFA-Project: Scientific References on Seed Oil Toxicity

Mission: To promote consumer awareness of the evidence that PUFA overconsumption from seed oils that are wrongly promoted as healthy may be the underlying driver of most non-infectious diseases To increase health professionals’ awareness of the role of high-PUFA refined oils (The Hateful Eight) in driving non-infectious disease To support businesses that avoid seed oils and offer consumers healthy fats and oils (click here for products) To support global human nutrition and health by elevating culinary skills that wean us off seed oils   Basic Principles PUFA stands for polyunsaturated fatty acid. PUFAs react with oxygen and deteriorate into toxins.…

August 11, 2010

Early Puberty: What does it mean for tomorrow’s women?

Abnormal sexual development from unclear cause, environmental changes suspected. According to a new study published in the journal Pediatrics, 1 in 10 girls in second and third grade, of Caucasian descent, showed stage 2 breast development (small mounds of tissue under the nipple area), which is considered the first sign of sexual maturation. This is an increase of two hundred percent since the 1980s. For African American girls, the increase is even more alarming, with nearly one in four 7 and 8 year-olds showing the early breast signs. The causes are unclear, but suspects include: Pthallates, compounds that make their…

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