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January 3, 2017

New Deep Nutrition – Available NOW!

If you’ve followed this website for any length of time, you probably noticed I don’t do a lot of posting. It’s not that I don’t like to help you stay up to date on the latest nutrition news. It’s that I always prefer to put diet information into its larger context to tell the whole story. When Luke and I set out to write the first edition of Deep Nutrition, that’s exactly what we hoped to do. When a major publisher expressed interest in re-releasing Deep Nutrition, that was very exciting because it gave me an opportunity to put all the…

Reverse T3 Hibernation Effect
February 20, 2012

How Your Diet Affects Hormones

The epidemic of obesity is also an epidemic of hormone malfunction, including thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone, cortisol, and more.
If you eat a Standard American Diet, not only are your fat-burn enzymes likely to be totally blocked, your hormonal systems fail to communicate properly and the effect is like a kind of accellerated aging.

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