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Best Milk Alternative
April 11, 2022

What is the Best Non Dairy Milk?

Comparing the nutritional value of almond, coconut, oat, rice and soy milk to cow’s milk reveals a clear winner in the plant-based milk-alternative category. But is milk really causing your problems?

Giving Thanks To Your Low-Carb Ancestors: A Recipe For Brain Health
November 21, 2011

Giving Thanks to Your Low-Carb Ancestors: A Recipe for Brain Health

A lot of folks keen on losing weight have been convinced that a diet low in fat and protein and high in carbohydrates is the way to go. Seems intuitive, doesn’t it?: Don’t eat fat and you won’t get fat. That’s why, odds are, this year someone at your Thanksgiving table will be giving thanks without giving your perfectly browned holiday turkey a second look. Instead they’ll be opting to load their plate with their favorite high-carb “health foods”—sweet potatoes, stuffing, and cranberry sauce. If you’re a regular reader of my blogs, you already know what I think of high-carb…

Consider The Male Chin
October 16, 2011

Consider the Male Chin

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

Why Vegans And Primal-Paleo Dietary Types Should All Just Get Along
October 16, 2011

Why Vegans and Primal-Paleo Dietary Types Should All Just Get Along

Luke reveals how his appearance has altered his life, and why Deep Nutrition highlights science showing that looks matter to more than just our ego, and why the ideal dietary program must be one that provides for ideal growth. When doctors (we get an average of 1 credit hour of nutrition training) advise pregnant women about a good diet for their baby’s future, if they get it wrong, not only will the pregnancy suffer, the child’s growth will suffer and he or she may not be as tall, as strong, as smart, or as attractive.

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