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Collagen Supplements
June 21, 2021

Do Collagen Supplements Work?

One of the unintended consequences of the low-fat era has been to deprive us of the nutrients that support our collagen-rich tissues. Collagen supplementation is therefore not a fad, but rather a way to provide nutrients from this missing food group.

Paleo Diet Introduction
September 20, 2015

Paleo Diet Basics

I’ve written quite a bit about the Paleo diet over the years, but never a simple primer for people who are completely new. So this is long overdue!

What Do All The Healthiest Diets Have In Common?
November 16, 2008

What do all the healthiest diets have in common?

French Paradox, Mediterranean Diet, Okinawa Diet…Oh my! How do you chose? You don’t have to choose, you can enjoy them all. All authentic cuisines the world over include foods that belong to these four categories: Meat on the Bone Organ meats Fermented and sprouted foods Fresh, uncooked ingredients While most of my patients are aware of the importance of fresh foods, few people realize that we also need to include foods from the other three pillars. Here’s what you need to know about each: Meat on the Bone Cooking meat bone does two great things. 1) It enables the bone…

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