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What Is Lactose Intolerance And Can It Be Cured?
October 7, 2022

What is lactose intolerance and can it be cured?

People with lactose intolerance can actually enjoy many delicious types of dairy products. Find out what dairy products are naturally lactose free, what has the most lactose, and what strategies people are using to become more lactose tolerant.

If Dairy Is So Healthy, Then Why Do So Many People Have Trouble Digesting It?
July 9, 2021

If dairy is so healthy, then why do so many people have trouble digesting it?

Milk and cheese are two of the healthiest fast foods I know. But many people are lactose intolerant, have milk allergies, or other reasons that dairy gives them trouble.  A sad thing, because dairy is the ultimate healthy fast food. I recently composed a post (complete with video) explaining why we develop allergies to processed food proteins. If you are allergic to the protein in cow’s milk, you probably developed the allergy-inducing antibody due to ongoing intestinal inflammation from eating a pro-inflammatory diet. This is not to say that cow’s milk protein is uniquely bad, just that it is often included in…

July 12, 2012

Real Food Summit Controversies and Don’t-Miss Q&A

If you’re listening to Sean’s summit and are full of new questions, don’t miss your chance to quiz DrCate about anything real-food related, live on Sean’ s show Friday the 13th at 12 noon Pacific time. (Since it’s not safe to travel anyway, stay home and call in).

Dairy Pale?
January 10, 2012

Is dairy paleo? Revising history with new persectives on flocks of goats, femur bones and feckless nutritionism

A few decades ago, people of Paleo were universally against dairy. Today, the attitude towards dairy is undergoing a transformation. Still, the official word on dairy is a luke-warm maybe rather than the resounding yes I think it deserves to be. I believe many of us can add dairy into our diet not just for good health, but also to more accurately reproduce a true Paleolithic era diet.

What's For Breakfast?
August 8, 2011

What’s for Breakfast?

TRIM Program participants have voted these recipes as their favorites! Clicking on recipes will link you to an outside website called–a huge website with many recipes only a few of which are suitable for TRIM program participants. . Those are all included here at as either breakfast, lunch, or dinner selections. Breakfast Menu Selections Buttermilk Scrambled Egg Cheese Melt Creamy rich cheesy mixture that I recommend you also experiment with new variety by substituting your favorite cheeses and adding your favorite fresh or dried herbs and condiments (chopped olive with cream cheese instead of cheddar, or saute onion and mushroom in the…

Who Should Get Vitamin D Testing?
August 9, 2009

Who Should Get Vitamin D Testing?

We all know our skin makes vitamin D during sun exposure, so you’d think that most of us here in Hawaii would have plenty of vitamin D, right? Wrong. A study done on prototypical surfer-dudes in Honolulu, titled: Low Vitamin D Status Despite Abundant Sun Exposure (Binkely, 2007) found that, amazingly, more than half (51 percent) had less-than-optimal blood levels of vitamin D and were therefore putting their bodies at risk. At risk for what? Low vitamin D has been associated with overweight and obesity, as well as a variety of serious medical conditions, including cancer, heart failure, mental illness,…

What Do All The Healthiest Diets Have In Common?
November 16, 2008

What do all the healthiest diets have in common?

French Paradox, Mediterranean Diet, Okinawa Diet…Oh my! How do you chose? You don’t have to choose, you can enjoy them all. All authentic cuisines the world over include foods that belong to these four categories: Meat on the Bone Organ meats Fermented and sprouted foods Fresh, uncooked ingredients While most of my patients are aware of the importance of fresh foods, few people realize that we also need to include foods from the other three pillars. Here’s what you need to know about each: Meat on the Bone Cooking meat bone does two great things. 1) It enables the bone…

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere
June 13, 2008

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere

Look for vegetable oils on every label. They promote inflammation starting in the gut and extending into the arteries, nervous system, and everywhere else.

June 1, 2008

Bone Density…What’s It All About?

For years I’ve avoided putting my patients on fosamax and related drugs for “bone health,” because according to the package insert, these drugs don’t make bones healthy. They prevent part of the natural cycle of bone growth, called bone resorption, and by doing so make them denser looking on bone scans. Dense bones might sound like a good thing, but realize that a stick of chalk would look really dense on XRay, and it snaps in your fingers. Healthy bone that won’t break when you slip and fall is a matrix of protein and minerals, and just adding more minerals…

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