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Low Smoke Point Olive Oil On High Heat–Is It Safe?
June 10, 2024

Low Smoke Point Olive Oil on High Heat–Is It Safe?

Olive Oil has a Low Smoke Point. Can you still cook with it? We’ve all heard a thousand times high smoke point oils like soy and canola are the oils of choice for cooking–especially high-heat cooking. This is a particular concern for professional chefs who typically cook with temperatures far higher than those used by a home cook. If the oils aren’t smoking that must mean, the thinking goes, that they are chemically stable. No smoke, no free radicals, no toxins. No problems. But I want you to set aside, for a moment, everything you’ve been told about smoke point…

Seed Oil Free Foods And Healthy Shopping List Items
July 28, 2020

Healthy Shopping List of Seed Oil-Free Foods

For help in understanding what to expect from your metabolic recovery and how to recover the fastest, please schedule a consultation.   Alphabetical List Of All Food Categories, Including Seed Oil Free Foods You will notice right away that many of these foods are naturally seed oil-free. However I have found that many people are uncertain about other foods, so I’ve included a lot of ordinary foods that are very healthy. Artichoke Hearts Great sliced in salads (with olive oil, garlic, olives and sundried tomatoes) Buy if sold in olive oil or water and sold in glass jars. Cans are ok…

Food Rules Dr Cate
July 6, 2020

Food Rules: A Doctor’s Guide to Healthy Eating

In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.

Deep Nutrition
July 6, 2020

Deep Nutrition

In this book, Dr. Cate shows how all calories are not created equal; food is information that directs our cellular growth. Our family history does not determine our destiny: what you eat and how you live can alter your DNA in ways that affect your health and the health of your future children.

The Fatburn Fix Featured
March 24, 2020

Dr. Cate Shanahan’s book: The FatBurn Fix

It’s not you that wants to overeat. It’s not you that doesn’t have the energy to exercise. It’s your metabolism. If you’ve gained and been unable to lose or lost and regained, it’s not lack of willpower. It’s lack of FATBURN.

Can You Really Cook With Olive Oil?
February 10, 2020

Can You Really Cook with Olive Oil?

The whole concept of smoke point may have been created by the edible oil industry to sell us their cheap, flavorless and (now we know) unfortunately quite toxic products.

Dr Cate Shanahan's List Of Good Fats And Bad Including The Hateful Eight
April 9, 2017

List of Good Fats and Oils versus Bad

This page was created to serve as a resource listing good fats and oils versus bad fats and oils. The goal is to serve as a clearinghouse for discussions around why a given fat or oil is good or bad for human health, and to include recommendations for the healthiest cooking practices.

American Heart Association Promotes Vegetable Oil
December 3, 2016

Cholesterol Is Good, The American Heart Association is Bad

Are you watching your cholesterol? Then you might be interested to read this story, describing the American Heart Association’s role in creating mass cholesterol-phobia, including evidence that they actively suppressed information that would have changed the course of medical history.

Deep Nutrition Made Simple: START HERE
June 23, 2013

Deep Nutrition Made Simple: START HERE

As a doctor, I’ve discovered that most chronic conditions occur because two thirds of our calories come either toxic seed oils or blood sugar elevating carbohydrates and sweets. These are themain ingredients in junk food. But many products containing these same unhealthy ingredients are disguised as health foods.

A Superficial Understanding Of The Paleo Diet Can Have You Running Into The Grip Of Powerfully Pro-inflammatory Main-ingredients
March 25, 2013

Are You Pop Paleo or Deep Paleo? Read this to find out.

A superficial understanding of the Paleo diet can have you running into the grip of powerfully pro-inflammatory toxic oils To be, or not to be, labeled Paleo: that is the question. Lately I’ve been given more opportunities to speak about the Paleo diet, which I take as a complement given that a) adapting a Paleo diet is a great alternative to the food pyramid and b) I mention the Paleo diet in my book Deep Nutrition exactly once. Nevertheless, when asked whether or not I’m a Paleo gal, I’ve always struggled to respond with full confidence. Am I Paleo? Turns…

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