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Person Holding Vitamin Pill As An Example Of A Supplement
August 26, 2020

Supplements Dr Cate Recommends

I recommend these 5 supplements to everyone. This includes omnivores, carnivores, keto dieters, and vegans. Scroll down to the “Supplements for specific needs” section to see if you might need more. Smart supplementation: Vitamins, minerals, and superfoods (see below). Most (but not all) other supplements are a waste of your good money at best and harmful at worst. Vitamins & Minerals EVERYONE Needs 1) Multivitamin How much? As close to 100% of the RDA of as many vitamins as possible, including C. Too much C can be harmful. Brand example: Mason One a Day has 100% of more vitamins than…

Paleo Diet Introduction
September 20, 2015

Paleo Diet Basics

I’ve written quite a bit about the Paleo diet over the years, but never a simple primer for people who are completely new. So this is long overdue!

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