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Are Eggs Healthy Or Not?
December 10, 2016

Are eggs healthy or not?

There’s never been any credible evidence to support the idea that eating eggs is generally unhealthy. In fact, some evidence supports the opposite; that egg-eaters have lower cholesterol than non egg-eaters. I myself was surprised that it had been studied at all, because the results were not widely reported.

June 1, 2008

Bone Density…What’s It All About?

For years I’ve avoided putting my patients on fosamax and related drugs for “bone health,” because according to the package insert, these drugs don’t make bones healthy. They prevent part of the natural cycle of bone growth, called bone resorption, and by doing so make them denser looking on bone scans. Dense bones might sound like a good thing, but realize that a stick of chalk would look really dense on XRay, and it snaps in your fingers. Healthy bone that won’t break when you slip and fall is a matrix of protein and minerals, and just adding more minerals…

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