How Eliminating Vegetable Oil (AKA the Hateful 8 Seed Oil) Helps Weight Loss
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
To lose weight we need to burn more body fat than we build. But the hateful 8 seed oils block fat burning. Find out how.
All the answers to your health questions about how seed oils are harmful to your health. And which vegetable oils and fats are good and which are bad.
Processed food can make us fat, but it may have effects that are more profound, including the disruption of facial geometry.
This page was created to serve as a resource listing good fats and oils versus bad fats and oils. The goal is to serve as a clearinghouse for discussions around why a given fat or oil is good or bad for human health, and to include recommendations for the healthiest cooking practices.
Today’s post will review two very interesting articles using very different sounding but actually similar strategies to improve migraine pain, low-fat vegan, versus targeted omega-3/omega-6 rebalancing
Today’s post is designed to air out some of the points of contention about Paleo, to best assure your Paleo plans result in you enjoying the success you are hoping for.
As a doctor, I’ve discovered that most chronic conditions occur because two thirds of our calories come either toxic seed oils or blood sugar elevating carbohydrates and sweets. These are themain ingredients in junk food. But many products containing these same unhealthy ingredients are disguised as health foods.
It seems counterintuitive that we need to eat (natural) fats to burn fat, but we do. You are what you eat, but that’s not the whole story! Many people on a low-fat diet lose their ability to burn fat, though they can still store it very effectively.