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Diet Increases IQ
April 2, 2017

Can a low-PUFA Diet Really Increase Your IQ?

Learn how your diet may be affecting your IQ. We used to think that our IQ was fixed based on our genetics. But now we know that just as our genes can change during our lives, so can our neurons.

August 16, 2009

Does Caloric Restriction Prolong Life?

You may have heard Oprah’s Dr. Oz talking about an amazing new diet that, he claims, might allow us to live 150 years. I noticed that Dr. Oz seemed to be doing his best to highlight the benefits of this diet and downplay any risks, though he wasn’t following the diet himself – and I think I know why. The diet he’s referring to is called “the calorie restriction diet,” a diet that requires you to limit your calories to 20 or 40 percent fewer than what’s currently recommended as a healthy amount, often as low as 1200 calories per…

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