Does Every Diabetic Really Need A Cholesterol Pill?
An important study was stopped early, for reasons they don’t explain. What has me worried is that the study appears to have stopped just as the death rates rose
An important study was stopped early, for reasons they don’t explain. What has me worried is that the study appears to have stopped just as the death rates rose
I went for a job interview and was told that if I failed to get my patients LDL levels down to 100 (with drugs) “someone will sit down and talk with you.”
If you were told your “bad” cholesterol is high, before you change your diet, it’s useful to know that in reality cholesterol particles are neither “good” nor “bad.”
Opt for grass-fed beef for its triple advantage – it provides an exceptional taste experience, nurtures your health with nutrient-rich content, and promotes the well-being of the animals by aligning with their natural diets. Let’s cherish every bite, knowing we’re making ethical, healthier choices.
Supplement companies want you to belive the antioxidants, flavinoids, and other compounds they provide can only come from their pills. Nonsense.
Look for vegetable oils on every label. They promote inflammation starting in the gut and extending into the arteries, nervous system, and everywhere else.
How you cook your steak makes the difference between having a healthy meal and you-may-as-well-be-eating-pink-slime.
Which is better for you, beef or chicken?
The answer depends on what the animals eat and how healthy they are
Cholesterol pills can disrupt the function of every cell in your body in different ways, as described in this post, impairing brain, kidney, and heart hearth.
Buying (and marinating) dry aged steak is the ultimate secret weapon to creating unforgettable steak dinners!
If your switch from fries to salads hasn’t helped you, it’s because you are pouring deadly trans fat onto those crispy, vitamin-rich greens.
You know cholesterol pills will lower your cholesterol. But do you know cholesterol pills don’t prevent heart attacks by lowering cholesterol? They work by what the pharmaceutical companies call “a pleitropic effect” meaning they have so many effects we can’t understand or predict them all. Isoprene: A Building Block for Cellular Health Cholesterol pills called statins lower cholesterol by blocking the enzyme that forms a chemical required for the earliest steps of cholesterol manufacture, the making of isoprene units. If you can’t make isoprene units, you can’t make cholesterol. But your body uses isoprene units for a whole bunch of…
Here’s the story about what led me to first to question and then to condemn the theory that cholesterol causes heart disease.
For years I’ve avoided putting my patients on fosamax and related drugs for “bone health,” because according to the package insert, these drugs don’t make bones healthy. They prevent part of the natural cycle of bone growth, called bone resorption, and by doing so make them denser looking on bone scans. Dense bones might sound like a good thing, but realize that a stick of chalk would look really dense on XRay, and it snaps in your fingers. Healthy bone that won’t break when you slip and fall is a matrix of protein and minerals, and just adding more minerals…