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October 20, 2008

Perfect Health Is No Mystery

The healthiest diets all share four common food categories. And we call these categories the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. In the past, they were part of every successful human culture. This website explores the many benefits of those culinary traditions, and will help you learn to cook the same dishes and enjoy the same, delicious meals that the healthiest people on Earth all do.

June 23, 2008


Supplement companies want you to belive the antioxidants, flavinoids, and other compounds they provide can only come from their pills. Nonsense.

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere
June 13, 2008

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere

Look for vegetable oils on every label. They promote inflammation starting in the gut and extending into the arteries, nervous system, and everywhere else.

June 1, 2008

Bone Density…What’s It All About?

For years I’ve avoided putting my patients on fosamax and related drugs for “bone health,” because according to the package insert, these drugs don’t make bones healthy. They prevent part of the natural cycle of bone growth, called bone resorption, and by doing so make them denser looking on bone scans. Dense bones might sound like a good thing, but realize that a stick of chalk would look really dense on XRay, and it snaps in your fingers. Healthy bone that won’t break when you slip and fall is a matrix of protein and minerals, and just adding more minerals…

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