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Can Arterial Disease Be Reversed?
August 6, 2011

Can Arterial Disease be Reversed?

The old model describes arteries as so many mechanical tubes that have no way to protect themselves from the inevitable clogging that comes from the consumption of cholesterol and saturated fat. The other, new model sees arteries as living dynamic tissue that, in the context of a healthy diet, is capable of growth, repair, and rising to the challenge of rigorous exercise.
May 18, 2009

Is Coffee Bad For Your Health?

Coffee: Friend or Foe? Coffee is one of the most popular breakfast items on the most popular diet (a Paleo Diet) menu. Indeed, I've read reports claiming that coffee has antioxidants that may prevent heart disease and other compounds that may help to prevent certain cancers. At the other end of the argument, many natural health newsletters treat coffee like it's worse than cocaine--blaming coffee for everything from "burning out" our adrenal glands and harming our kidneys, to mood swings, fatigue, and depression. So is starting your day with coffee really going to make you "Bulletproof"? Moderation is the key. …

June 23, 2008

Why Grass-Fed Beef Better for All

Opt for grass-fed beef for its triple advantage - it provides an exceptional taste experience, nurtures your health with nutrient-rich content, and promotes the well-being of the animals by aligning with their natural diets. Let's cherish every bite, knowing we're making ethical, healthier choices.
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