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If diabetes medications make you tired, read this:

If you have diabetes, fatigue may be a sign that your medication dosages may bee too high and you are at risk of dying from fatal arrhythmia. If your medications make you tired, schedule an urgent visit with your doctor and bring the reference I cite at the bottom of the article so they are up to date.

April 12, 2009

Breast Cancer: Is Early Detection A Good Thing?

When it comes to breast cancer, not all “cancer” is really cancer, study says. According to the ACS, something like one in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimes. That’s scary, not only for women but for the family and friends who love them. But a recent study from the well-respected Cochrane Commission says that there is reason for hope. According this meta-analysis (a meta-analysis is a study of many studies), many growths often presumed to be deadly cancers based on mammogram and biopsy results may not be as life threatening as we once thought. They…

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