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August 1, 2010

Can Creepy People Make Good Doctors?

Have you ever had the experience of meeting the doctor who is going to perform your surgery only to discover that this surgeon had all the charm and charisma of a villain out of a Stephen King novel? Guys, have you ever, during an initial consultation for, say, a vasectomy, noticed something strange about the way a doctor was speaking to you? Maybe he refuses to look you in the eyes for the entirety of your visit, fixating on your Adam’s apple as if it were talking directly to him. Ladies, what if you were about to get a hysterectomy,…

No more free lunch for doctors

I don’t actually know anyone who sees drug reps anymore. The programming by we are influenced these days is much harder for our patients to see—even reporters seem not to know to write about it. It’s called “Pay for Performance,” or P4P.

Do you want your doctor to think for herself?

If you are the kind of person who wants to see an independently minded physician who treats you as an individual rather than a disease state to be fitted into a predetermined algorithm, you might not like the direction medicine will be headed if people like Dr. Pearson have their way.

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