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Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere

Vegetable Oil Is Everywhere

Look for vegetable oils on every label. They promote inflammation starting in the gut and extending into the arteries, nervous system, and everywhere else.
In Spite Of Constant Nagging, American’s Don’t Eat Greens

In Spite of Constant Nagging, American’s Don’t Eat Greens

Little wonder people eat fewer veggies than starches and sweets. Even though we all know they're great for us, they're more expensive and making them taste their best requires time and the use of natural fats, which we keep hearing over and over are bad for us.

Menopause Shift Summit

Menopause Shift Summit Attendees Thanks so much for participating in the Menopause Shift Summit! Your ebook is ready for you. But first, I hope you can read the following introduction…

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