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Dr. Cate Shanahan is the leading authority on nutrition and human metabolism. A board-certified Family Physician with over 20 years of clinical experience, and NY Times bestselling author of The FatBurn Fix, Deep Nutrition and Food Rules, her expertise is fixing the underlying problems that cause metabolic damage and inflammation, leading to autoimmunity, weight gain, diabetes, cancer and accelerated aging processes. Her passion is helping people feel their best.

Metabolic Conditions Dr. Cate Helps to Prevent & Reverse

  • Overweight and obesity
  • Prediabetes and diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases (inflammatory bowel, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus)
  • Cholesterol and blood lipid issues
  • Hypertension
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Fatty liver
  • Neuropathy
  • Headache
  • Poor circulation
  • Macular degeneration
  • Asthma
  • Allergies

After getting her BS in biology from Rutgers University, she trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell University’s graduate school before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She practiced in Hawaii for ten years where she studied ethnobotany and her healthiest patient’s culinary habits. She applied her learning and experiences in all these scientific fields to write Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. Together with Dr. Tim DiFrancesco and NBA legend Gary Vitti, she created the PRO Nutrition program for the LA Lakers and helped forge a partnership between Whole Foods Market and numerous NBA teams. In May of 2018 she begin  Director of Metabolic Health for ABC Fine Wine and Spirits, a progressive, family-run company interested in saving money by the betterment of health.

She’s also the Medical & Scientific Advisor at CB Supplements, overseeing their premium-grade multi collagen protein, and for beliv, a forward-thinking Latin American beverage company. 

Dr Cate at the LA Lakers Wall of Fame
The Lakers are continuing the PRO Nutrition Program based on Deep Nutrition Principles. Go Lakers!


“…[W]e trust Dr. Cate implicitly. I’ve seen great results from it from when I started doing it last year.” 

          – Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers? (1)

” Everything they’re telling us, one, it makes sense, and two, [Shanahan] has science to back it up….I used to have stiffness in my knees, but not anymore. I’m sticking with it. I’ve noticed a change.” 

          – Steve Blake, LA Lakers (2,3)

“I like [PRO Nutrition] I think it’s good for everybody…because it prolongs our lives, and generations after us will be healthier because we eat healthy. It really helped me with endurance [and] I started to feel better as a player. I was able to run more, I was able to be more active because of my diet change, and I just decided to keep going with it to this day. I can tell once I’ve [cheated], my body feels different.” 

           – Dwight Howard, Houston Rockets (4,5)

“I’ve definitely noticed my joints aren’t as sore, aren’t as stiff when I wake up.” 

           – Chris Kaman (6)

“Dr. Cate celebrates the deep connection to nature that food provides, and beautifully illuminates the scientific realities of that connection.”

           – Jason Wachob Founder & Co-CEO, mindbodygreen 

“Working with Dr. Shanahan, I’ve radically changed my diet. I can’t tell you how much better I feel: tons more energy and a minor stomach pot is disappearing fast. I’m calmer and getting restful sleep, which I’d about resigned myself to doing without for the rest of my life. Incidentally, my high blood pressure is decent for a change and those annoying, stubborn skin rashes are next in line for full attention. Knee and neck pain from long ago injuries are gone; my joints are looser and more flexible. I’m happy as a clam. Health and longevity are vital interests of mine. “I’ve got to live a long time so I can write my books,” is what I say. Plus I’m addicted to feeling good, my blessedly lucky state for most of my life.”

           – JoAnne Lordahl, Kaui resident and Author Princess Ruth

WE CANNOT BELIEVE THE CHANGES! My parents call us to talk about buying grass-fed liver and to brag about their awesome food and lifestyle upgrades. I am SO HAPPY that you were able to help them transition. We got such a kick out of the phone calls) – “Did you know that sugar feeds cancer?” I am more than impressed by the depth and bredth of Dr. Shanahan’sknoweldge. More importantly, as the daughter of one of her patients – I am amazed by her effectiveness.  Dr. Shanahan listens carefully to my mother’s concerns and clearly shares and explains health-saving information. In a few short weeks, my mother transformed from a life-long junk food eater to a nutritional maven. She is losing excess weight, showing large improvements in her blood work and – most critically – strengthening the systems of her body to help her as she undergoes chemotherapy and surgery in her ongoing fight against cancer. As a family, we are fortunate beyond measure to have Dr. Cate in our corner!

           – Lizzie Harris McCormick, PhD. Long Island City, NY

I have suffered from plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis and a myriad of other sports injuries off and on for 30 years. I always attributed it to running too much, being active, getting older etc. etc. Not only did Dr Cate heal my ailing joint and tendons but my skin looks amazing! That coupled with the anti- inflammatory diet has cleared up my adult cystic acne as well and we are well into the dog days of summer in Atlanta. Usually by this time of year my skin is a mess as and I am happy to say it looks and feels great. My body feels happy!

           – Pattie Blohm, Milton, GA

In a matter of six weeks I lost six pounds, my blood sugars are in much better control, my blood pressure dropped from the 140/80 range to 112/72, I feel much less hungry and have a lot more energy. I’m not really eating a lot less, but rather a lot different.

           – M Davis, Manchester, NH

Articles about Dr. Cate and her professional athletes:
Dwight Howard:

Here’s part 2, about Paleo/Primal:


“Nearly every disease I see is the inevitable product of a deranged metabolism. When metabolism is imbalanced it allows accumulating life stress (emotional, toxic, infectious) to divert your health down a wrong turn. Our first order of business working together is to get your metabolism turned around and back onto the safe road.

“While technologic interventions and pharmaceuticals work well as a last resort of after injuries and accidents, rehabilitation of a distressed metabolism requires a holistic, natural approach using a host of natural modalities. I’m excited to join forces with Primal Blueprint because I believe Mark Sisson and his team present the most sensible and effective strategies to enjoy real-world success with eating strategy, exercise success, stress management, and overall optimal gene expression.”

– Dr. Cate Shanahan

Mark Sisson interviews Dr Cate at his home in Malibu

Mark Sisson interviews Dr Cate at his home in Malibu

Dr. Cate writes about the experiences that lead her to write Deep Nutrition and Food Rules:

In high school I competed in cross country and track at an international level and earned myself a four-year college athletic scholarship and an invitation to the Olympic trials for the 1500m race. But in college, my once-indestructible body started falling apart.

Sports Injuries I Suffered From

  • Shin splints
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Illeotibial band syndrome
  • Patello-femoral pain
  • Ankle impingement syndrome
  • Pulled muscles

I was almost as intrigued with trying to solve the mystery of why I was the team member who kept getting sidelined by shin splints, tendonitis, and other sports injuries as I was frustrated by the fact of being injured. To learn more, after graduating I enrolled in Cornell University’s Molecular Biology program in hopes of somehow getting to the root of recurring sports injuries and being able to help competitive athletes like myself.

That was in the 1980s, when biotechnology was in its adolescence. I soon learned that genes are every bit as dynamic and alive as you and I, responding on a minute to minute basis to the world around them, and it was obvious to me that technology would never evolve to the point where it could keep up with the complexity of our inner biology. So I left graduate school to attend medical school in hopes of getting to the root of illness from the clinical angle.

Medical School Does Not Get to the Root of Illness

I started med school knowing that malnutrition could change human DNA, but by the time I left I’d learned so little about nutrition that I pretty much forgot about my goal of getting to the root of illness. I did learn that the problems I had could all be attributed to weak collagen in my joints and muscles, but had no idea why this problem affected me and not any of my parents or grandparents.

Only when I relocated to Hawaii, the state with the longest lifespan in the US, did I realize that I was immersed in a culture of healthy people who could teach me the secrets of what I’ve come to call “genetic wealth.”

Common External Signs of Genetic Wealth (Men and Women)

  • Strong joints
  • Fertility
  • No grey hair by age 50
  • Strong nails
  • Limbs proportioned according to the Golden Ratio
  • Long nose, high cheekbones, full lips, and strong jaw

Many of my patients were employed at the Hawaiian resorts. These women, in their 50s and 60s, worked all day long lifting, scrubbing, bending, reaching, and then when they got home they kept on going, making dinner for their husbands or chasing after the grandchildren they cared for. These women typically had beautiful skin, supple joints, and few if any grey hairs. Every last one had grown up in a rural area where they were raised as their parents and grandparents had been on home-grown fresh foods prepared according to simple traditional culinary techniques.

Traditional food is not what we think it is.

Some of the poorest people in the world eat the best foods. We call them subsistence farmers and uneducated, but they are masters of self sufficiency and posses skills that few of of us educated in America can even understand.

Everything I learned about diet in medical journals was turned on its head by my experience in Hawaii. Animals are actually easier to raise than vegetables, requiring only pastureland and water, and so many of my patients also raised their own goats, pigs, and chickens, and caught fish. I realized I was seeing firsthand the kinds of practical food-gathering, storing, and cooking solutions that our ancestors used throughout history; I was learning the foods that made us human.

Over the years I spent in Hawaii, I studied culinary traditions practiced by my patients, and found a world of delicious food and incredible sources of nutrients that is hidden from most Americans. I wrote Deep Nutrition to describe the connections I’d discovered between food and beauty and genes and health.

I hope you find it useful.


This is the personal website of Dr. Cate Shanahan. 
Cate makes comments and reviews on her blog and social media regarding other products she personally uses. For some of these products, she may receive compensation from such companies in the form of affiliate income (cash) or advisory stock options (non-cash). Affiliate income generated is used to support expenses related to research.
Clicking on links to purchase books and select other products generates a small amount of affiliate income. Thank you for supporting Dr. Cate!
Cate occasionally receives speaking honorariums (that support her research) from industry and organizations when asked to speak about her research or personal experience.
Guest writers occasionally assist with content on the blog based on their expertise and topics of interest.

Please note: Please do not share personal medical information in a comment on our posts. It will be deleted due to HIPAA regulations.

This Post Has 135 Comments

  1. I read the 2012 version of her book Deep Nutrition. How is the 2017 version any different? Do I need to buy it?

  2. there is actually so much truth to eating well. All of the processed food Americans eat is detrimental our health. If you really look at what they put in food to preserve it is disgusting. However, because of convenience Americans are ruining their health, becoming overweight and eating way too much sugar. I am Type II diabetic; my father was type II then became type I as he grew older because he relied on medication and ate what he pleased. I am on no medication and watch my diet. Eating healthy works; it is a shame more doctors and the government do not support healthier diets. All the oils and additives in fast foods is killing Americans with disease like Cancer.

  3. Promotion of supplements? She provides what she takes. Not sure how she is promoting it. She’s not making money off of them. She doesn’t own them. And, she picked the less expensive supplements. Doesn’t make sense.

  4. How much weed oil are you consuming? When I first did keto I used a lot of seed oil (in salad dressing, margin, and healthy keto snacks). Once I switched it to red meat, eggs, and bacon cooked in butter. My blood results came back much better.

  5. I haven’t had seed oil in about a decade. I was tested for covid19 and was positive. I got a mild cold for a day. I don’t doubt her hypothesis.

  6. Then how come countries with less consumption of seed oils don’t have the same issues America has?

  7. The fact that she has 1000’s of patients that have lost weight and kept it off and have an abundance of energy have reversed issues like cancer and autoimmune issues. Yes, totally a shill.

  8. They didn’t have chronic illnesses. The died of acute issues like the flu, tuberculosis, and enteritis.Things that we have cures for and we also have refrigerators. We also have dramatically better living conditions than they did in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. Now, the top ten reasons people die are caused by what you put into your mouth over decades rather than something you catch or from eating spoiled food.

  9. I’m trying to wrap my head around the claim that we should get back to the way we used to eat in prior generations, when we were “healthier”, yet the life expectancy in 1900 in the United States was below 50 years old! How do you reconcile the two?

  10. I know I am so sorry it’s a totally different disease. They really should not be named so similarly as they have almost nothing in common!

  11. There is actually a LOT of science, which backs Dr. Cate’s message. Just google it and you will find it. I got rid of my hypertension by fixing my fatty acid balance. In three weeks. Furthermore, my skin condition (suffered from atopic skin type all my life) got much better and I also slept much better. It’s all about killing the chronic inflammation and making your cell membranes fluid again. That’s it. Everything Dr. Cate says in Bill Maher’s interview, is true and can be backed by science. This may be shocking to most people but then again, this is not about beliefs and opinions. If you’re looking for more scientific facts, please check this blog for starters. It’s written by another Doctor, Paul Clayton and he’s pretty much the father of pharmaco-nutrition and has been studuing these things for decades.

    And if you want more info, please get in touch with me and I am happy to provide you more 🙂

  12. This seems like another industry funded speaker who’s primary job is to push meat consumption and try to end the vegan surge. Gross and obvious promotion of supplements is always a good giveaway that her heart isn’t in helping people.

  13. I was told to begin a Keto diet plan in order to reduce visceral fat, Saw Dr Cate on Bill Mahr’s show and Im thinking, gee I sure would like to get her thumbs up on this diet plan before I start it. Would any of you commentators happen to know if Dr. Cate’s main points align with the Keto diet?

  14. I saw you on Bill Mahar and I am so disappointed that a medical doctor does not differentiate between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Those with Type 1 DO NOT get diabetes because they ate some sugar or oil. It is unfair to lump those with T1 with those with T2. It is not the same disease and those with T1 cannot control their disease with what they eat.

  15. I’ve lived in CA, NY and am now living in GA. Depending on what grocery store you go to then YES, most is 95% fat free. IF you buy your ground beef from Walmart then you are indeed right, there is very little 95% fat free. Unbelievable you are willing to be so vile to such a respected doctor based on your narrow grocery store shopping. Why not ask , what store chains sell mostly 95% ground beef?

  16. We all need to remember that the science of molecular biology, especially gene expression, is barely out of its infancy, just entering toddler-hood. The immune system is the most complex of all bodily systems. It is not one system but a system of systems, all of it molecular and difficult to study. Everything known will fill a thick textbook, but that book will be just the opening chapter in what we hope will come. We cannot expect medical miracles when we don’t understand what is going on in enough detail.

  17. She could have been thinking fast, trying to get a word in edgewise in between Maher’s incessant chatter.

  18. I saw Dr. Cate on Bill Maher and bought her shorter book on nutrition. I’ll give her advice (most if not all) a try. Her point about vegetable oils is very interesting. But I doubt her claim that in seemingly healthy younger people veg. oils alone account for severe cases of covid-19. Certainly, as in all health matters, genetics play a major role. Nonetheless, I think she has something to offer and look forward to reading her book.

  19. My BS sensor goes off any time someone connects immune system to just about anything. What is the measure, the metric you use to tell us what is the right “amount “ of inflammation?

  20. That is also nonsense. I shop at a local whole foods competitor. Their prices are a little higher but I’m not enriching Bezos and the produce is more locally sourced.

    I bought some 85/15 ground beef last week.

  21. Yes, she has wealthy clients and is wealthy so she shops at Whole Foods and other high end stores which don’t carry fatty meat like that. Not that complicated.

  22. Why does she have to spread false information to make that point?

    If that doesn’t concern you, I don’t know what to tell you friend.

  23. The ground beef comment was just another way of saying you need more animal fat in your diet. Is that all you have?

  24. Actually OP pointed to a very specific basis for his disagreement: Dr. Cate erroneously claimed only 95% ground beef is readily available. This is flat out false.

    Now, a thinking person can take this piece of false information and make one of two conclusions:

    1) Dr. Cate is knowingly lying to try to bolster her point. This doesn’t bode well for her credibility.
    2) Dr. Cate is wildly wrong on this very basic piece of information. This doesn’t bode well for her credibility.

    Do you have an alternate explanation to put forth? That seems like a pretty clear basis for disagreement.

  25. Because he listened to what she said and recognized it doesn’t reflect reality?

    What a strange comment.

  26. The ground beef line made me chuckle at it’s stupidity, but I wasn’t completely sure Dr. Cate is a dangerous quack until she claimed “I doubt anyone who hasn’t had seed oils in five years has fallen sick with corona” without any evidence to back up such a bold claim.

    Speaking of oils…snake oil anyone?

  27. Based on what? Because you say so? The ground beef comment was just another way of saying you need more animal fat in your diet. You should get your anger in check, dude….

  28. Wow dude get a brain. I find Trump to be lowlife scum. I just don’t like bull shitters trying sell books.

  29. Dear Cate,

    Saw you on Bill Maher tonight. You made the statement that diabetics are responsible for their own disease. As a doctor/nutritionist, I would think you’d know the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics, but let me explain as most of the general public don’t know either.

    Insulin is produced by the pancreas in the body. Insulin regulates blood sugar. If you think of cells in your body as having a trap door, insulin opens that door to allow nutrition into the cells. When insulin is absent, The door stays closed and glucose sugar (food that everyone eats is turned to glucose to nourish the cells in the body) spills into the bloodstream and causes damage to the small blood vessels in toes, eyes, fingers, kidneys etc.

    Type 2 diabetics become insulin resistant. It takes more and more insulin to open the trap doors to the cells. Type 2 is usually associated with being overweight, causing the resistance.

    Type 1 diabetics are genetically predisposed to a virus that destroys beta cells in the pancreas, where insulin is produced. It is not caused by eating incorrectly.

    Type 1 diabetics have enough problems with the general public (and uneducated doctors) thinking they developed diabetes because the ate too much candy when they were kids. Hopefully you will consider this before making generalizations on national TV.

  30. Saw you on Bill Maher tonight. You made the comment that those with diabetes were responsible for their own disease. Let me say that I took great issue with that and you need to understand the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes (as a doctor/nutritionist, I would think you would know). My daughter contracted type 1 diabetes when she was 8 years old. It wasn’t because she was eating incorrectly. It was because type 1 diabetics are genetically predisposed to a virus that attacks and destroys the beta cells (which produce insulin in the pancreas). Now type 1 diabetics get enough crap from people who think kids get diabetes from eating too much candy. They fight the disease their entire lives, and need support from the medical community…not scorn.

  31. Hi, I am 53 and obese with major back problems. Operated to fuse L4 and L5 and I am still inconstant pain and don’t workout and eat only three meals bcs my husband monitors my food intake. My work is stressful and I am raising 13yo.
    What do you suggest I do to get myself healthy again?
    Walk everyday
    Stop all sugars
    Lite salt
    Use only olive oil to cook
    Eat salads
    Lean Meat
    And once in awhile a fruit

  32. Wow I really hope this comment is a joke but I suspect it is not. Ultra lean ground beef is indeed the norm in many grocery stores, though if you look hard you can find the 85% fat free kind as well USUALLY. I have actually had the same problem as her, and her further point about fat free dairy products being nearly ubiquitous also stands. Also, fully discrediting this person over one statement that diverts from your own experience in a very different part of the country than the urban areas where Dr. Cate most usually shops is completely irrational.

  33. Dr Cate I saw you tonite on Bill Maher’s show. I was interested in what you had to say concerning diet and health. Unfortunately you lost all credibility when you made the statement that the ground meat that’s available at the supermarket is 95% fat free. You must be living on different planet from the rest of us. In fact after hearing that I rather doubt you have even been to a supermarket at all. Maybe because I live in the midwest we have a more varied selection than what’s available in Florida but I rather doubt that. The majority of markets here have a selection of ground meat with very little of it being 95% fat free. It’s unfortunate that you’re a bull shitter which makes me think that whatever you’re peddling is based on shoddy and inaccurate research.

  34. […] was transformed on to primal/ancesteral health and wellness. The tale focused on Dr. Cate Shanahan as well as her collaborate with the LA Lakers. The entire collection of write-ups led me to a […]

  35. Hello, MSII from UTH Houston. What is best evidence regarding DHA or omega-3 supplementation for pregnancy? Currently reading Deep Nutrition in between finals! Pg 168 talks about the oxidation potential of fish oil. I started on this chapter and apologize if I missed the recommendation, but any advice on where evidence is at currently with supplementation for pregnant women ?

    1. The evidence would be confounded by the fact that the designers of such studies don’t generally consider the oxidation of the fish oil. So really we’re dealing with a situation where our best ‘evidence’ comes from what people used to do. We used to get plenty of fat from grass fed animals and wild caught fish ! (as well as flax oil and other fresh cold pressed seed oils, but in much smaller amounts.) Butter and cheese and other dairy fat are some of the cheapest and tastiest ways to get not just omega-3 but also K2 and CLA. And much yummier than fish oil.

  36. Hello Dr. Cate, Getting closer to 40 I am beginning to think about prostate health. I was hoping to see your take on this.

  37. I read Food Rules in 2014 and it was incredible. I agreed with every rule and wanted to know why you thought that way. So I read Deep Nutrition. It was riveting. I was at the edge of my seat from beginning to end. This book changed my life, and now I own your beautiful new edition. Thank you.

    Two days ago I listened to and watched the slides in your recent webinar. But, did I hear you right? This fermented cod liver oil I have been taking because I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis is actually harming my mitochondria?

    The Weston Price folks highly recommend this supplement, the only supplement I use. Should I be eating salmon or something instead?

    1. HI Bunny! Great question. Yes you heard right: All liver oils have the POTENTIAL to degrade over time, like 30 days, because they contain so many of the most fragile fatty acids. But careful manufacturing can make a big difference. If manufacturers who take pains to create a higher quality product were willing to describe their procedure for preventing oxidative damage, which is different than enzymatic damage, then we consumers could get more clarity on which brands are worth buying. Until then, we’re just guessing. So that’s why I personally do not take the stuff. I get my omega-3 fats from grass fed dairy. AND a recent article suggests that simply cutting out vegetable oils without increasing omega-3 intake will prevent the destruction of the omega-3 fats already in your diet. This alone can make a huge difference to your body’s supply of omega-3, thus optimizing mitochondrial function and neurologic health.

  38. […] new Friday podcast: Fasting Talk with Jimmy Moore & Dr. Jason Fung Featuring Megan Ramos – Dr. Cate Shanahan bio – – Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional […]

  39. […] all month long to give you a taste of what this event was all about. Today’s lecture is from Denver family physician and author of “Deep Nutrition” Dr. Cate Shanahan who will be sharing her lecture entitled “Practical Lipid Management for […]

  40. We have seen similar results to those Lita discusses, so I look forward to your answers to her specifics.

  41. I Just got the following results. After 3 months on a ketogenic diet (5% carbs, 15 -20% ptotein, 75 – 80% fat) and fasting regime and 13 kg weight loss. Now i was expecting higher cholesterol but this shocked me. Even my triglycerides went up which very much surprised me and hdl went only slightly up. Everything is worse. All ratios are worse.

    Total – 7.7/298
    Hdl – 1.2/46
    Ldl – 5.9/228
    Trig – 1.4/124

    Feeling absolutely deflated after so much work. Could i be one of those this doesn’t work for?

    Previous results from 27 july are following 3 month on conventional low fat diet and 11 kg loss at that time. Everything was better with the exception of hdl which was 1.1.

    Total – 5.2

    Hdl – 1.1

    Trig – 0.9

    Ldl – 3.7

    What’s going on? What could explain these results. I’ve been so successful in terms of weight loss and how i feel but these numbers are scary.

    I have not had a HbA1c done but my fasting glucose was as follows

    27/7/16 – 4.9 nmol/L
    25/11/16 – 4.3 nmol/L
    I realise you cannot give personalised advise, but just looking for some general information on this phenomenon. I have had a few hints e.g. fat mobilisation due to weight loss and Ldl subfractions.

    I am most baffled by my trigs going up? Is it the saturated fat? Research had convinced me this was good for me.

    kind regards Lita

    1. Wondering how much you are exercising because we had similar numbers changes and I was wondering it if was because our exercise was insufficient (it was, and we just started seriously lifting and boxing again). Hope you get an answer! Say,I have read that high cholesterol in women, esp of a certain age, was considered healthy, but I don’t know…

  42. Hi. You said in one of your books that you shouldn’t worry about eating salt. I was wondering what your opinion on kidney stones are. My mother has had them and I’ve been lead to believe that one of the things that cause them is salt. What is your opinion on the cause and would you recommend staying away from salt or anything in particular.. any preventions?

    my second inquiry is simply that of being a skeptic. I read your books and I’m reasonably convinced of what your saying. however, saying that saturated fats and cholesterol are good for you is practically the opposite of what the average person seems to believe. I’m not the best at reviewing the sources in your books. I’ve done some research and it seems probable that at least some of what your saying has truth to it. Is there further reading you can recommend that would allow me to try and understand the process? Anything in particular that really stuck out at you and made you really firmly believe this? I currently eat a lot of eggs and I add a fair amount of pure butter with many things I cook. but.. I still feel skeptical and I really only believe you because it makes more sense to me then what a lot of people believe. but I’m still unsure at this point.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    1. I see more people running into trouble with low sodium than high. If something is too salty we tend to spit it out.

      As for what make me start thinking this way, it was really the simple connections I made between sugar being sticky and causing internal molecular bonds that end up disrupting everything that make me realize there was a wealth of health to be gained from avoiding blood sugar-elevating foods. Also when I checked references on medical literature, there was a lot of sloppy science.

      Beyond that, the real source of security that you have found the truth should come from asking yourself do you trust nature or do you trust the new and the technical. Everything that I say comes from and aligns with the trust of nature.

  43. Dr Cate,

    I couldn’t find a good way to get in contact with you but you’re active here so I’ll give it a shot.

    I would be very interested in interviewing you on the bFitandLive podcast which is currently in the New and Noteworthy in iTunes. I see you’ve recently given a talk on supplements and how people are tricked into buying them. I really like your approach and philosophies on health/wellness and would be honored to have you on as a featured guest on our podcast located here:

    You can reach me at phi at bFitandLive dot com

    1. Hi Phil

      I’ll reply via email but in case anyone has a similar contact question here’s the answer: Please call my office (anytime) with your message at 707 251 3690. During office hours my receptionist will answer or after hours the answering service will, either way someone will pass your name and contact information on to me!

  44. Hi Dr. Cate

    I am trying to read your book deep Nutrition since a year now, I borrowed it from my friend and I was not able to complete it due to personal reasons and now I do not have the book anymore. My parents don’t let me spend on books and I would be highly obliged if you could email me a copy of your book so that I can read it again, I am currently studying to become a RD and I love your book a lot. Thank you.

  45. Hi Dr. Cate. First let me say I was blown away by Deep Nutrition and can’t say enough about how it just makes sense. In a world full of people telling you what to do and what to eat, it was a LIFE CHANGER….

    ….I’m a 32 year old woman in excellent shape but who hasn’t ovulated in about 8 years…all the while being told there’s nothing wrong with me by my doctors (blood work was ok in their minds etc). I was on the pill for 10 years until about age 24 when I went off to start thinking about having a family…and then for the past 8 years (as the daughter of a pediatric heart surgeon) have avoided most fats (besides olive oil), all butter and most animal products and loaded up on fruit (five pieces a day!) whole grain carbs and vegetables, and exercised a lot. (I KNOW.) Needless to say the family hasn’t happened.

    The good news is, I am feeling a million times better since changing my way of eating and thinking (under the guidance of a great DC for the past 6 weeks). I am wondering given the longevity of my deprivation of deep nutritional needs, any thoughts on how long it will take my body to bounce back?

    1. That’s a complex question that depends on so many factors but I can tell you that most people say they really notice changes to how they feel and look after 6 months.

  46. Dr. Cate,

    I have read your books and i really love them. I am a huge Laker fan and i was made aware that the team was following your diet one day when i read an article about it. I started about two months ago and i will go for my annual physical soon. i was on a low dose of lipitor for the last 6 years but my HDL count was always high. my doctor put me on it because he said my LDL count was higher than what he wanted to see. prior to reading your books i had all but eliminated my red meat intake, ate litlle to no butter and never drank anything but nonfat milk. i ate only nonfat yogurts and most were filled with sugar. i have always had a healthy diet consisting of fatty fish. i eat salmon 2-4 times a week. now i am eating a good source of grass fed dairy (milk, yogurt and butter) and am slowly mixing in 2-4 pasture raised eggs a week. i had not had a yolk in over 7 years!!! i was so happy to see that you recommended the opposite. anyways, my question to you is should i eliminate taking a fish oil supplement and eat less fish in light of that recent study that said fish oils were likely to lead to aggressive forms of prostate cancer in men?

    1. At this point, I feel that most likely the finding is due to selection bias and there is no causative relationship.

      Early stage cancers are typically found after PSA testing. There’s really no other way to detect them… So those people who are into screening blood tests are also into supplements. Therefore, men taking omega-3 supplements are more likely to be diagnosed with early stage cancers.

      It could also be related to the fact that the supplement industry is entirely unregulated and their supplements contain contaminants and were actually causing the problem.

  47. Dr. Cate & Luke;
    I have just finished reading your books and I am sending them to my daughters/all married.
    I am a 58 year old grandfather – in good health – but what is the best way to get away from sugar and sugar cravings throughout the day?

  48. Cate! What an amazing book (deep nutrition I love it. And a great presentation for the Real Food Summit. Where is the best place to follow you? and do you (or will you) be offering a Nutritional course?
    Again, Fantastic Book Cate.

  49. Hi again Dr. Cate: This is a follow up to my email yesterday. In addition to Wahl’s MS Diet, I have seen Kim’s MS Diet for Women (apologies for not knowing her whole name, Kim). I am uncertain about whether to, for instance (there’s differences) – eat meat at all, eat chicken, eat grains like basmati rice and millet and quinoa….There are indeed some diffences, and are perhaps related to Dr. Roy Swank who decades ago designed a diet for MS after doing longitudinal studies.
    Thanks again, very much.

  50. Hello Dr. Cate,
    I am planning to adopt Dr. Terry Wahl’s diet for MS patients, and would love to hear your opinion of that philosophy of nutrition.

    Thanks so much

  51. Hi Dr. Cate,

    Unfortunately, I missed you in NH. I am 52 and have been quite sick for many years. Finally found paleo diet and have improved dramatically. Do you know of any other doctors in the New England area, Dr Sayess has also left. I still have a very difficult time with dairy, is there any method that will help get some dairy back in my diet? Like you, my inflammation sport injuries over the years have been absolutely ridiculous. One moment 100% the next moment totally incapacitated with joint pain, especially feet and knees. Over the last several years I have had pain in the solar plexus to the point where it feels like someone has gently been poking me in the solar plexus with a walking stick, over and over again. I have found no explanation for this yet, I was wondering if it was an inflamed liver?

  52. Hi Dr. Shanahan,

    I’m currently reading through Deep Nutrition and am really enjoying the book. It has confirmed many things for me, as well as the fact that I need to transition more into eating the things you advocate (meat on the bone and raw milk, to name a few). I already eat unprocessed foods and minimal sugars.

    I’m on chapter 8 where you introduce Ancel Keys. Just curious, is there any reason he chose butter and animal fats as a culprit of heart disease. Is it simply because they were an easy target?

    1. It was probably because people had so little understanding of the food they were eating he could say one thing and mean another and never, technically, tell a lie. He hid behind the term “saturated fat” and used margarine in his lab, not butter.

      1. Thanks! One follow up re: the same chapter. On page 170, you wrote, “In 1900 heart disease was rare. By 1950, heart problems were killing more men than any other disease.”

        However, just a few pages earlier (p.167), you introduced Ancel Keys as coming into play in 1958. Am I missing something here. I thought chronologically the shift would have come after Ancel Keyes misled the population. Can you please clarify?

        1. Good question. Here’s the issue: The food chain deterioration that began in earnest with the industrial era did not have a prominent, media-savvy scientist selling it to them as healthy until Keys came along. He did not create the bad food, just helped to sell it.

  53. Hi Dr. Shanahan,
    I have read through both of your books and I have really enjoyed them. You have confirmed for me that I am on the right path with fermenting, grass fed meats, sprouting grains, etc. I have been using butter and animal fats at home in my cooking for years, and there is not a bottle of bad oil to be found in my house. There is one source, though, that snuck in the back door.
    I had been buying Organic tortilla chips from Costco, the only “snack” food I buy, but immediately stopped buying them when I read about danger of bad oils. We eat tortilla chips regularly since I make a great fermented green and red salsas. My question is this:
    I found a brand “Food Should Taste Good” that carries GMO free tortilla chips that are fried in
    High Oleic safflower oil. Is “High Oleic” oil ok? Have you studied about it? I read about it and it seems to be more stable when cooking, equal to that of olive oil, but you never know.


    1. Canola tries to sell itself based on “high oleic” acid as well, but there is a great deal more PUFA than olive oil so I avoid it. I have seen olive oil and avocado oil used in chips. How about using corn tortillas that are made of corn masa and (usually) no fat added, melting cheese over them and topping with your salsa to eat with a fork and knife? That’s how we enjoy Luke’s delicious salsa.

  54. Dr. Cate,

    I’ve read both of your books and love them… my husband was raised in a small town in Europe and followed all the dietary principles outlined in your book. His father is 85 years old is on no meds and has more energy that people 1/2 his age. My husband is 50 and has never had antibiotics in his life and has no cavities… I used to think it was just good genes, your book helped me understand why.

    My daughter has unfortunately inherited my genetic heritage which is quite different.
    She has allergies to eggs, dairy and gluten. I can’t get her to eat any organ meats or fermented foods… so I’m concerned about her getting enough nutrients. I recently started her on a Lecithin supplement Now I realized this supplement is made from soy. I’ve also been told that there is a Lecithin supplement made from sunflower… would love your suggestion on how to get this important supplement into her diet in a healthy way.

  55. Hi Dr. Cate! I am currently a college student in New York studying Nutrition. I have read your books and have been following your principles, but some of them go against what I learn in school. For example, my professors encourage choosing skim milk over whole, and cooking with canola oil (because it is a monounsaturated fat). I do not agree with this as well as with various other things I learn in my study- do you have any suggestions on how I can steer away from mainstream nutrition studies and steer more toward a field that practices the ideas in Deep Nutrition?

  56. I am a best-selling author of a series of health books that center around vitamin D. Would you care to have me on your show? In one of my books I conducted an experiment on myself, ingesting mass doses of vitamin D. Lots of good things happened that added to my theory about the miraculous effects of the vitamin. Here are some of my links:

  57. I simply have to comment here. My wife is a patient of yours as we live in Napa. She started this way of eating about four to five months ago and we were already eating unprocessed foods for the most part as she cooks a fresh meal from scratch every night. We have a nice small organic garden that seasonally we pull food from. We shop primarily at Whole Foods for fresh produce. I started eating this way with her as I am her “sous chef, prep cook” and eat what is put in front of me. Neither one of us was overweight by more than 10-20 pounds but could be more comfortable with less weight. So, long story short we did not think we were eating that much out of line. One of the things that always bugged me was that I have always had cholesterol levels that have been totally out of whack, even the very first times they were ever measured. I am 57 years old and a doctor previous to the one I work with now prescribed statins for my cholesterol and high blood pressure meds just kind of a catch-all. I really didn’t like them as I was dizzy and my muscles and joints ached. The doctor said it was temporary or in my imagination and to just live with it. I changed doctors. The doctor I am working with presently said “why don’t we get off of the meds just to see where you are and step back a little before you get on the med train. Once you are on, it is tough to get off. I got off the statins about a year ago and had blood work done six months ago to get a base line for how my cholesterol was and to see what we could do to improve them. I just had my blood work redone last week to see if any exercise or anything had changed the numbers. Unbeknownst to the doctor, I had also started eating as noted by Dr. Kate – meat on the bone (had always been boneless, skinless chicken breasts before, for example), fermented foods, fresh veges (which we had been doing), and raw milk. We are working on the organ meat. I changed nothing else and the doctor says that it is hereditary and probably nothing can be done to change the numbers. So, I went to the doctor to see results that I expected to be the same as they have for the last 20 years. Oh, I also travel for my job 2-3 weeks a month from like a Tuesday-Thursday so I wasn’t able to always eat this way but did my best. My blood work in February of this year was total cholesterol – 326, Triglycerides – 574 (yes, 574), HDL – 42 for a ratio of 7.8. Just last week: Total cholesterol – 282, Triglycerides – 243 (they have never been that low in 25 years, HDL – 50, for a ratio of 5.6. No lowfat, no non-fat, but very, very mimimal carbs, very little sugar (some from red wine – that hasn’t changed. I do live in Napa and I think it is a law here that you have to drink wine. Yes, that is a joke). I know I have work to do but am absolutely blown away. I am not tired in the afternoons after eating anymore. Sandwiches with bread would just make me go out 20 minutes after eating. No rice, no pasta, no potatoes. Now I simply look at food as fuel and it needs to make me feel energized not fatigued. Oh, and without even trying, I have lost 10 pounds. I am having more fun eating some outrageous foods like ox-tail stew that are incredibly satiating and satisfying. In the back of my mind for the last 5 months while eating this way, part of me that has grown up with the fat-free mentality of everything advertised was thinking that my cholesterol was going to be really crazy in a bad way and that my arteries were probably becoming solid tubes of gunk. After getting this blood work back, I will never go back to eating the way I did before. This has been an absolute life changer and I have never been more satisfied eating this way. I am also starting a list of restaurants I find through my travels that cook with the right oils, etc. I am finding that places are pretty accommodating to my requests to eat this way while on the road. For all of you doubters out there, trust your gut literally, not your advertising saturated, fat-free saturated brains. Try it and see how you feel. Thank you Dr. Kate. We are really enjoying this way of eating and living.

  58. The book CARBS Carbohydrate Addiction Recovery Battalion System is now available on The book provide the AA blueprint to start a support group for people with diabetes, obesity, etc. to abstain from eating carbohydrate rich foods.

  59. Dear Dr. Cate,

    I’ve been reading Deep Nutrition and was wondering what you think about all this new (for me at least) theory that actually milk draws calcium from our bones because of its acidic nature that our body tries to compensate to maintain a neutral PH.

    By coincidence I’m also drinking (because my doc prescribed it) a natural mineral water available where I live and rich in magnesium plus drink water with lemon juice at least once a day that, besides supplying with Vitamin C, once metabolized transforms the citric acid in an alkaline substance.

    Could you please confirm or deny these claims?

    Many thanks

  60. Hi Dr. Cate,
    I am reading Deep Nutrition and you write about research of the effects of mom’s smoking down the generational line. Do you have any comments or results from research about how father’s smoking affects genes and the generational line?

  61. Hi Dr. Cate,
    I’ve been primal for a little over three years and pretty healthy (knock on wood!) I’d love to put my health care in line with the rest of my beliefs and I’m looking for a paleo/primal/functional medicine physician in the Manchester, NH area. Now that you’re gone, can you recommend anyone in the area? I haven’t had much luck with Jimmy Moore’s low carb doctor list, or Robb Wolf’s for that matter…

  62. Soy lecithin is found in many products including Dagoba chocolate. Is this a product that should be avoided? If I am avoiding soybean products, will the amount in the chocolate be detrimental? I would like to know more about soy lecithin. Thank you for writing the two books. I have had to buy several copies of each because I have to share them with anyone who wants to know more!

  63. dr. cate,

    i got your name from jimmy moore’s website where he lists you as an “atkins friendly” physician. i would really like to be able to contact you about some of the struggles i’m having. i’m sticking to atkins to the letter and not losing weight. i’m really frustrated and don’t know where to turn, and would be most grateful for your help. is there any way you can email me or let me know where i can contact you? i live in oakland, i can come for an appointment if necessary.

  64. As I am the opposite of my boys – overweight how can I find resources to teach me to carb count when whole foods don’t have nutrition labels? What are foods that kids will like for holidays and birthdays and still stick with the diet?

    1. Catherine
      Our next book is a cookbook/programatic guide that will help with these kinds of questions. Until then you can always keep reading on line or schedule a consultation with me. May is booked but we’ll have more availability in June.

  65. I am not sure where to post my questions , so I will try them here.
    I have children with food allergies – 20 or more each, so I know they have inflammation. The problem is that they look emancipated, the weight is fine on the charts but with their shirts off they look like they have been in a famine. How do I do deep nutrition but also help them to gain weight healthily? My hubbie wants my boys to carb load for games how do I help young bodies prepare for athletic events?

  66. Dr Cate I just finished Deep Nutrition and found the link between food and gene expression as pertains to physical beauty fascinating! I am a 28 year old male and had mild anorexia throughout my teenage years avoiding all fat in every form. I now realize this malnutrition is probably why I now have a babyface, a small chin and a weak jawline. Is there any chance that with proper nutrition as advocated by your book I can develop a more masculine imposing face? Or is my face now set in stone

    1. Chisled in stone. Almost. There may be some potential for growth at suture lines but honestly not a whole lot because bone itself is mostly non-cellular matrix material. Still, bone density can improve along with all the other described tissue changes at the highly mutable, cellular level.

  67. Hello Dr. Cate, Thank you so much for your article in the Napa Register on “The Canola Blob”. I’m happy to say that I follow an ayurvedic program of nutrition, lifestyle and supplements and cook primarily with ghee and olive oil. However, I am shocked, shocked to learn how much canola oil is used in restaurants and prepared foods. I will be reading labels and asking in restaurants much more from now on. I’d love to win a copy of your book “Food Rules”. Take care.

  68. Dear Dr. Cate, thank you so much for writing this superb book “Deep Nutrition”. I have read many books on health related subject for many years. And I have successfully cleared up my digestive issues through educating myself. I have one question for you. In the book, you assert that fruit juice manufacturers get away with adding HFCS and not putting it on the label. Where can I find out more about this? I rarely have juice now, but my husband likes his morning OJ and finds this hard to believe.

    1. I got the info from “Observations on the Economic Adulteration of High Value Food Products” listed in reference 257 in the back of the book. Fresh squeezed is so much better anyway, but unless you live in the south that’s not really cost effective.

  69. Dr. Cate,
    I’m working my way through Deep Nutrition and Food Rules, and I am very impressed. I’ve just finished Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s book eat to live, and I guess like many people I’m confused. While Dr. Fuhrman and you agree on many points, he believes animal protein is dangerous, and states that there is no biological requirement for saturated fat in the human diet. You both seem to cite solid science, and he has a lot of very impressive success stories, as do you. Your thoughts, please.

      1. I just saw the headlines touting the latest study condemning red meat. I researched the actual study, and saw that it was pure junk science that wouldn’t pass a junior high science class. The well-known doctors screaming that it was the final nail in the coffin for red meat are just ignorant or dishonest, and can’t be trusted. This has more to do with a kind of anti-meat religious dogma than science. They have completely discredited their position.

        So thanks so much for your work, Dr. Cate!

  70. Is the content of your talk “Bone Broths: The Missing Link in the Evolution of the Modern Superathlete” in writing or on video anywhere. I can’t seem to find it. For some time now I have been giving a friend of mind who competes in swim competitions (he qualified for the Olympic trials when young and was a competitive swimmer) and he has found that the broth has propelled him through his workouts as well as competitions. He said his personal trainer can always tell when he isn’t having broth.

  71. Beautifully written, perceptive and so true! Will definitely buy your book, as what you claim resonates well with my own experience. Greetings from a fellow Foodie, Sonja

  72. Hello Dr. Cate, You responded to an e-mail question last week on Jimmy Moore’s podcast on 2/23, It was mine and was wondering if you could give me some more info, I have been on Atkins for 3 years and I lost 80LBS, I am at my goal weight of 155LBS and I am 6″tall, I have been at my goal weight for about 18 months. It seems like over the past year or so about every 6-8 weeks I have a day or two where I eat off program and its mainly because of vacation, holiday, ect…I usually gain between 5-10LBS depending how many days I am off program, I know its mainly water retention because most of it comes off within the first 3 days after I get back on track. You said it would not really do damage to my metabolism but it could feed cancer cells if there were any, the thing I really wanted more info on was on the comment about proinflammatory food binge could cause a stroke…I have tried to find info on it with no luck, I was wondering what the details on that because it is scary and I know a few people that do low carb that do cheat days and would like more info about it, I dont have high blood pressure or sugar, I did have boderline high cholestrol at 209 but it has been in normal range since doing Atkins. Thanks.

  73. Dr. Cate,

    I’m reading “Deep Nutrition” now. I’ve always been the person to show up at potlucks with the best dessert. I’ve never been a fan of vegetables or meat. I recently had foie gras, and was somewhat disgusted by the subtle, intense meatiness of it.

    I’ve had aches and pains most of my life. I follow gluten free blogs, and have gluten and casein sensitivities. Looking at some of the symptom lists for immune disorders, my guess is that I have Sjogren’s. I’m finding though that I can get rid of a lot of symptoms by avoiding sugar, gluten, and dairy. So I’m pretty certain I can get rid of all my symptoms if I get serious about my eating habits.

    I thought going gluten/dairy free was somewhat of a challenge. I’ve done poorly on the sugar free front. And my ND has given me pep talk lectures on the importance of eating meat–something about amino acids being necessary for neurotransmitters, which in turn regulate my hormones, which do other things.

    So as I read your book and realize that here’s my food cure, I’m trying to see what steps I can take to make a switch. I’ve been cooking a lot with herbs and spices. It looks like the combinations I like best are French. Sauces and red meat sound like an easier place to start than offal and fish eyes. And maybe later, after eating bone sauces and stock and fermented vegetables, I’ll be able to eat lots of raw feta without swelling.

    My main question is this: Do you (or your husband) think that James Peterson’s book on Sauces would be a good place to start based on the 4 Pillars? Being able to turn part of this into a fancy, French cooking adventure might help me overcome some of my meat aversion. Also, I looked up a recipe for demi glace, and it talked about roasting bones at 500 degrees for a long time. Does that fuse all the proteins? Or is protein fusion generally reflected in poor taste?

    And, there’s some kombucha-mushroom looking thing in my white wine vinegar. It’s sprouted two more of it’s kind. Do you think it’s actually a kombucha that I can use to ferment tea or juice? I apologize if these are inappropriate questions.

    I also wanted to say, thank you so much for persevering and getting your book published. Alternative medicine and nutrition have pointed me towards health, and I’m relieved to finally find a book that I can share without being embarrassed.


  74. Marie-Pier
    K2 is light but not heat sensitive. Pasture (grass-fed) butter and full-fat cheeses (ie not ricotta) from cows fed on pasture not grain, as well as fermented foods, will be great sources of K2. Keep in mind that nutrients work together, and all are required in balance to grow a healthy baby so it’s important not to focus on just one. I wish you good luck finding good foods and for a healthy child!

  75. Hi Dr Shanahan,

    I want to let you know that I really enjoyed your book Deep Nutrition. I apply mostly all the things you suggest and I understand why I need to do them. I have an important question for you, we are now trying to have our first child. I’m 34 years old and I am now taking every day vitamin K2 for strong bones and teeth. I’m taking also K2 to help prevent for a baby to come with a cleft labial and palate (both sides) that I have. I don’t worry much about raw food, mostly medical doctor suggest when you are pregnant to not take raw cheese, that are full of K2 (raw milk is not available in Canada). For raw meat and fish I understand why it is better not to consume them, but for raw cheese, our ancestors drank raw milk with no apparent problem. What is the best means for the security of a baby to come and to make sure K2 will not be the missing ingredient?

    Thank for your answer!


  76. Megan
    I’m so glad a young mom is doing the necessary nutrition research.
    Kombucha can have alchohol! And this is more likely the older it is and the longer it has been able to ferment. So its a little tricky. If you can be sure your batch has no alcohol, it would be a great bubbly fruity alternaitve to soda. I’d say until you can be sure there’s no alcohol, hold off till she’s a little older, maybe like 3-5 (or if you have any European relatives, ask them at what age they start giving kids table wine and go with that) You can gauge if it’s got enough alcohol to affect a child by drinking some on a very empty stomach and seeing if you feel it. If you don’t, probably the kid won’t…. but keep an eye on them and keep in mind that every batch is different.
    Mayo made with raw egg can of course carry Salmonella, so you’ll have to use your judgement on doing it at all, and clean everything well. Dressings w/o egg or other perishables like buttermilk stay good for a very long time. Feel free to rely on your nose and sense of taste; these tools have been our faithful guides for a long, long time and the more you use them the better they serve you.
    for GI issues, chicken broth and yoghurt are good bets.
    And for timeing, I’d say longer is better, like 4 years. There should be a saying for babies like there is with Earnest and Gallo Wine (no wine till its time). You’re better off fortifying your body and your genes than rushing through things.

  77. Hi Dr. Cate,

    I’m currently working my way through Deep Nutrition and Food Rules simultaneously. I’m loving all the information and the great research that backs it all up. But I do have some questions, mostly regarding kiddos.

    My babe is 18 months old, is it safe or okay for her to drink Kombucha, or at what age would this start?
    For the mayonnaise and dressing recipes, are these safe for little ones or should I wait till she’s older?
    Again for the dressing recipes, is there a guideline on how long they are good for after you make them?

    And my little one is fighting some stomach bug and typically I’ve gone to the BRAT diet for that, but as carbs are a no no and I have limited her carbs from the start, what other foods would be good for her during recovery from vomiting and diarrhea?

    Last one, since my little one if 18 months, but I have not been eating an entirely traditional duet and she is still nursing, is there a time line you would recommend for having baby number two. I would say 50% of my diet is traditional, and the meats I eat are from grass fed sources, but there’s still a lot of carbs and sugars too.

    Thanks again for all your great work, I look forward to getting through both books and beginning our journey back into traditional foods!

    Megan 🙂

  78. Sorry to see you go from NH, but very happy for your patients! There are numerous conflicting bits of information in the “Paleo” world, but your illustrations of the enzyme issue with carb burning is very helpful. Have read Deep Nutrition, but I may need to read Food Rules now…..does it have recipes? I am finding it challenging to keep my proteins down and feel good. What do you suggest for satiety issues? I am almost 52 and newly diabetic this past year. Thank you for keeping onward with your mission here, and with book writing. Wishing you the best New Year ever!

  79. Dear Dr Catherine,
    I have read both your books, deep nutrition and food rules, multiple times.
    I just had my blood work done as per your recommendations in your book. hdl-156, ldl-147, trig- 46, cholesterol total- 232, blood sugar- 94, vit D- 66, I’m 61 , 5′ 10″, 140 lbs, celiac diet as of 2005.
    The problem is my dr wants to put me on statins.
    I live in Hilo, HI.

  80. Hi, am really enjoying your Deep Nutrition book and haven’t been able to put it down! It really lines up to all that I have researched and come to believe in my nutrition practice and what I’ve been sharing with my clients over the last 10 years or so. My question to you is this…we have Stickler’s syndrome (connective tissue disorder – defective collagen chromosome) in our family with my siblings and my generation of children having the most profound symptoms – I have two children with strong characteristics of the syndrome including cleft palate, pierre robin (sp?), retina & ear issues, legg perthes, and loose joints. What I have come to see is that as long as we eat only those foods we tolerate well (staying off all starches & sugars and fast foods and eating foods rich in protein like range fed meats, lots of veggies and some fruits) we can reduce symptoms substantially. This is interesting because due to science explanation of this syndrome, it is a degenerative issue and they claim there is nothing that can be done to halt the progression of degeneration. I have seen something very different due to eating healthy foods and cutting all those that create inflammation and add’l stress on body and genes (??) What are your thoughts on this? Would love to hear!!

    Thank you for your great research and getting this info out into our world – people need to wake up and see that when our health suffers, it’s not some “mysterious” issue that only a “qualified MD” can figure out! It’s all down to what we are putting into the hole in our mouths and how our bodies are digesting, assimilating and eliminating it. THe GUT is the ROOT of all disharmony and thereby symptoms = disease. I have found no one wants to look too closely at food because they don’t want to have to give up their “comfort, addictive” foods! So much easier to stay ignorant…so sad! We live here in Oahu HI (just moved here 6 weeks ago) and cannot believe the amount of obesity here and extremely unhealthy individuals! But yet, unlike what you experienced in Kauai – there are fast food restaurants on every corner (just in our little town there are probably 12!! And bakeries everywhere! Unfortunately due to the HIGH cost of living and the low wages, most people can only afford these HIGH carb/fat fast foods! Very sad. God sent us here and I am praying that there is something I can do to help…
    Blessings over you and your work!
    The Healing Path

  81. Kay
    Most of your answers boil down to source and tradition. If you know that the source was healthy soil and there is a tradition of using the food, then the only issue is one of balance. Food Rules actually addresses this sort of thing, and you can read the whole thing in an afternoon. I have one happy tale about a woman who read it on the beach, changed her diet, lost 30 lbs and got off her bp and diabetes meds. You can do it, just take the time to learn your local resources.

  82. deep Nutrition answers most of the questions that I Have on diet and the WHY. I need more help with the specifics of what is OK to include in the diet.

  83. I have Deep Nutrition Need a list of foods that are easily available in this area. What kind of bread ?? What are the BEST VEGGIES? What calorie rich foods are best ? Rice?
    Wheat? other? Are there any sweetners that are acceptable?? Truvia??
    Great Ricipe for cooking Liver—-Saute 2 hr in whole milk. bake with onion one hr and add bacon on top last. milk eases livers strong harsh flavor.

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